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 May 2016 sucheta
 May 2016 sucheta
I just don’t want to participate today,
I’d rather disappear
So pull me into a storybook
With sad and worn lyrics soothing my lonely ears.
I am numb,
And that’s okay.

*This girl lies under sky-blue covers,
Eyes closed, ears full of her favorite song
Her face is scarred, but not on the skin

For just a moment, dreaming of her love,
Peace touches her lips

But even then, she is still numb,
No longer participating;
She would rather disappear.
 Apr 2016 sucheta
Joel M Frye
The angels that you can and cannot see
float in and out of life so gracefully;
enfold in winged embraces one by one,
celestial comforters when day is done.
Some angels take the shapes of passers-by
so you might see the Spirit in their eyes.
A smile that lifts the day from the mundane;
a kind hand up, a loving act conveyed.
The unseen angels hover in the realm
where power manifested overwhelms
our common senses. There behind the scenes
they battle fears and reinforce our dreams.
Take counsel from a humbled man, once proud;
they only enter lives when they're allowed.
 Apr 2016 sucheta
Kurt Carman
On this hillside where the homeless rest
The Song Sparrow bursts into psalm,
Reciting beautiful exclamations to the heavens above
For the forgotten souls that are concealed below.

In this place called Potters Field lay one million souls
Unknowns from 200 years ago....more & more arriving everyday.
Nestled thickets of wild trees hold these memories past and
Shadow the headstones with prayers inscribed.

How could one small place hold so many forgotten souls?
How could we have forgotten those less fortunate than us?
Saint Benedict's tear filled eyes scan the field
As he try's to to make sense of what has happened.

Lift up your eyes New York and make your voices heard.
Don't let their memory fade away.
God holds a special place for these children because....
In the Kingdom of God....
                                 The last shall be first.

K.E Carman 2016
Hope you'll read this NY Times article.........

I must tell you that I had to stop often through out the article to wipe the tears from my eyes. I write this poem in memory of little Anthony DeJesus. God has taken your broken body and made you whole again sweet boy!
 Apr 2016 sucheta
Haylen A Wills
This could be my last sunny sky,
No light through the window dancing on by.
This could be the last day I have to shine,
feel that freedom can all be mine.
This could be my last day outside,
No more cages and bars.
This this could be the last joy tear I cry.
This last day happiness is mine.
This could be the last sunny day,
Cloud cover moon,
Goodbye Mr.Sun,never see you soon.
This could be my last sunny day,
No more freedom,locked in chains.
And when tomorrow comes,
Forever may I still be happy.
Foggy grumpy clouds blocking the sun's veiw.
Everyone needs foggy clouds,stars with no lights.
That's why in this new tomorrow,
I'll charise every single night.
This could be my last sunny day,
Truly now I don't mind,
I'll be placed we with the clouds,
Happy to be alive.
If it rains I shall dance,
If it hails,I catch the hail,
If there's starless skies I'll make them,
Slumber in my mind.
Today could be my last sunny day,
but I truly do not mind.
Might as well close the window early,
say Mr.Sun Goodbye
+&- I was depressed
 Apr 2016 sucheta
Kathryn Heim
Take the good
on your way
in what you do
and what you say.

Take the good
along life's road
it will lighten
any load.

Take the good
and pass it on
it takes the weak
and makes
them strong.

Take the good
take joy and hope
the tools from God
to help us cope.

Take the good
God said to me
for in the good
is where I will be.

— The End —