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 Feb 2018 yellow-thoughts
This is not a love poem
this is an I love you do you love me like
I love you poem
do you know me like
you think you do poem
this is a would you be disappointed
if you did poem
an I have been feeling the chilling of the air
and I cant tell if it is just the fault of the season
or if you, too, are cooling
whatever heat you had for me
browning and falling and
crumbling between my fingers
like the leaves of these oak trees
in november poem
a what would I need to do to keep us warm poem
and this is also
an I may be completely mistaken poem
an it was seventy degrees today poem
this is a show me I am completely mistaken poem
I write poems to let go all the pain,
To show the things that I didn't want to say.
To express the feelings deep down inside,
The deepest of them all that tends to hide.

Writing poems help me see my gift,
With the lyrics of words that makes a twist.
Basically a way to find some hope,
That's why I write poems really tho.
 Feb 2018 yellow-thoughts
What could've been
What should've been
What we were.

You were something
Yet I was nothing
At least, to you.
 Feb 2018 yellow-thoughts
 Feb 2018 yellow-thoughts
you were my sun
the center of my universe
but i was not yours

you had different stars in your galaxy
a whole world that was completely foreign to me

see the name
that slipped past your lips
while our limbs were tangled together
was not mine

it was then that i realized
you wanted me to be her

but the thing is
i am not her
& i will never be her
 Feb 2018 yellow-thoughts
we are
cursed to walk
divergent paths--
yet we linger at
a crossroads,
fingers threaded
together like
fate's strings,
hoping (in vain)
that hell
would be
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