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  Apr 2014 Steven Fortune
yeah, you're beautiful
you're a dying star
you're just burning up

doesn't make you
doesn't make you
what makes
the man
are the things
he'll never quite

yeah, you're beautiful
you're a dying star
you're just burning up

doesn't make you
doesn't make you
what would've
made the difference
are the things
you'd never

yeah, you're beautiful
that's all you are
it's all you are.
I wrote this little bit this morning while watching BBC. :)
  Apr 2014 Steven Fortune
Those moments in your arms,
that birthed eternity,
of our fragile love.
Oh! how i want to niche myself ,
deeper into your chest.

As we laid beneath the moonlit skies,
soaking the descending silver stardust,
your hands woven into mine , faithfully,
come then let me spin my life into yours.

As your chestnut eyes gaze the infinite heavens,
let me tell you then,
i want to carry the galaxies over,
all of them , aligning in your eyes.

All those rains we shared,
my soul drenched ,
my wounds cleansed.
You became my flawless sanity.

Now that you breathe,
life on my lips.
"What am i to you ?" you riddled me ,
Let me tell you then,
you're my ink , pure and absolute,
you are  closer to me than my jugular vein.
Falling in love is the ring of fire your into , its self ignited.
"In love people enshrine into each others hearts
to dwell as one soul...."  - Atharva Veda 7.36
  Apr 2014 Steven Fortune

And my smile grows…of you

When clouded days appear
yet still I find sunshine is brightly filling each corner of my heart
glowing with every thought that illumines me… of you

“Your light finds me through a the dense charcoal mist”

When winds blow a’ gusty scattering of dust,
as I find the air sweet as magnolia petals saved in my pocket,
brings me the unforgettable fragrance… of you

“The sweet breath of your nature flows over me”

When soaring heat batters my crimson skin,
but the cool breeze of love soothes my sunburned shoulders
in affections softly flowing from the fingertips...of you

“Cool spring zephyrs wrap your love about my body”

When I sit in a darkened space, alone with only my dreams
and a teardrop finds my cheek in a glistened falling line
happily, as I relive each eternal memory…of you

*“And my smile grows…of you”
  Apr 2014 Steven Fortune

Picture Perfect

It is within this channeled dream,
along a corridor of white washed hope
that simmering shadows form an outline
captured of a view beyond the eastern fence

I breathe in the mist now lingering
of sunrise wishes, sweet to the taste,
tempting to every desire which amounts to only one
when photographs found are of us

Small pieces of a longed for past,
squares of colored sequences collected in a box
Blue and gold ribbons concealing
each heartfelt moment of what was supposed to be

I hold this celluloid memory close to my face,
your smile leaps from the glossy film
reaching for my heart with lilac fingers
and I open myself…wishing it were so

If only your eyes could see mine,
gazing affectionately at what I hold in my hand,
wanting only to be like this photograph once again
the two of us…picture perfect…in love
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