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  Apr 2014 Steven Fortune
Fade to faded photographs
You know the ones
A battlefield from long ago
Broken horses
Broken cannon
Broken men
Faded broken men.

Fade to faded photographs
You know the kind
A desert scene from long ago
Wild ponies
Feathered lances
Proud warriors
Faded broken lifeways.

Fade to faded photographs
You know the places
The ones so hard to find
Clear waters
Untamed wilderness
All God's creatures
Faded fading landscapes.

Fade to faded photographs
You know their names
Seats of power then and now
Wooden desks
Feather pens
Prideful men
Faded broken promises.  

r ~ 4/27/14
  / \
Please wait 'til I get home
Wait 'til I no longer see
state lines and skylines
because I swear things will be
and we will be
and I'll sing you to sleep
and touch your face
and love you until
the end of time.
Things could last.
  Apr 2014 Steven Fortune
Poetic T
Happy time as it floats up
high, connected as one balloon
to string to me as it follows
me up high.

Its like my friend, I take it
everywhere I go, its blue and
red with green shapes and
the thread is orange its my own
rainbow floating above every
where I go.

I run around, I stand still and
stare, but in my happiness I
loosen my grip, and off it floats
in to the air.I try to grab it my
father too, but my friend is lost
to the sky, away it floats in to the blue.

My tears do flow, I have lost my
rainbow, its now a rainbow for
everyone who looks up to see.
Maybe it will make others have
a happy smile, my friend is gone
by my dad is here, he pulls a funny
face and once again a smile can be seen.
About my little man and his Birthday balloon
Suddenly, you came into my life,
When all stars are sparkling in the sky.
There my heart ached,
it's your eyes, my everything.
Suddenly, you walked away,
What you left is a shadow in the rain.
Here my heart aches,
it's a memory, my everything.

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