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I watch you everyday

From random videos to watching YouTube's

You give people hobbies and jobs

You give the a chance to creative and show the world who they are

Sometimes to question runs though my mind
Do I have what it takes to be a youtuber to

I just push it aside and continue watching
 Apr 2016 stéphane noir
I heard him,
Telling stories about her..
How much he loves her,
How much he misses her,
How he cried for her,
How he stared at her..

I smiled,
I hope someday, I will find that one.

The one who will love me that much,
The one who will miss me, as much as he do.
The one who will cry for me,
The one who will stare at me, like the way he stares at her.

I hope I will find someone who will make me think that
"he is the one",
And make me feel that
"I am the one".
I failed.
I failed
I failed
I could have stopped it
you guessed it
I failed.
I failed at keeping myself okay,
I was worried on keeping everyone else happy.
I failed at knowing how to love.
I failed at remembering how to be happy.
After what feels like a lifetime being shrouded in darkness,
I have failed to bring lightness to the world.
I bring darkness,
like a storm brings destruction.
I failed to gather the joy
I left it to die.
I failed
its okay.
 Apr 2016 stéphane noir
Speaking up
For myself,
And you
Speaking up for the Universe

No need to sit back in fear
No need to be anyone's victim
You're stronger than you think
You're passionate about a cause
And it doesn't matter if they don't care

Burn the record of how many times you've been knocked down
Stand up, stand up
Don't ever ever give up
Cause you're too strong to surrender
So we got to stop pretending

Our minds are on fire
In our hearts: an insatiable desire
So why are we wasting our lives away
In our own figurative caves
Do you hear your call to change?
It's time to get up and change yourself
So we can change the world.
I stared down at my foe
Lying on the dense forest floor
Bloodied and broken
Harsh shallow breaths,
from both parties are the only thing that break the silence
The calm after our bout of champions
I reach down, with my knuckles wounded and wet
And pull his face close to mine
"You want to remember, boy, that I play to win" I say
"Like the scorpion said to the girl as she lay dying
'You knew I was poison when you picked me up'".
Sat in the Pub Zoo, I can nestle
And lie, in the hustle and bustle
Of this merciless crowd of brick.

My thoughts are my own for me
To lay down on a bed of broken
Bones, and weary, weeping eyes.

I look up to see a skeleton of black
And of piercings. I will never know
What it thinks, for which I am grateful.

For sometimes, I don’t wish to seek
Another ruin. My neurological debris
Is enough, it tortures me until tomorrow.

I do not hope, or wish, or think
Or willingly believe. I just sit and
Exist and critique the sobbing leaves.
You don't need a reason to show me your love. You can let me know it anytime you like. What I feel for you cannot be killed. No one can come between us, no matter how they try. I love when you do special things to show me you care, but just having your love is special to me. So if you want to shower me with gifts then it's all right with me. You do not need a special occasion to let me see your love. Give me flowers if you like, I like Roses any day.
Mistake Not Thee
A Lovers
Given True

For an advertisers Game
And a Springtime Circle Of Twelve
Blue Flowers Secret Lovers
Forget Me Nots
Voice Annointing Earth

Soft Still Voice of Remembrance
Once Upon A Time
Your Love
Was Everything
No Prize
Between You
Came a Thought
Pure Faith
Given Over

No Reason
Just Love

To One who has Faith
All Life shall be Given
To One Who Loves
Eternity IS
Remembered Happiness
All else is Meaningless
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