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Dec 2015 · 1.0k
Star Girl Dec 2015
Three days ago I started a journey of self help.
I started a journey of discovery
And, I'm not ready.

Three days ago I began taking anti-depressants.
Three days ago I stopped sleeping through the night.
Three days ago I got migraines that made me want to empty my stomach.
Three days ago I started a journey.

Because I can't deal with myself.
I can't deal with rejection and the pressures of day to day life.
I can't deal with the ideals and standards of other people.
I can't deal with the judgment.
I can't deal with the ***** looks.

I scrub my skin raw when I think of the look she gave me.
The mother of the man I love.
The man I adore.
Her eyes pierced through me.
And no matter what, a wound will be there.

Zoloft is not a quick fix.
It is a gateway to a way that I might be sane.
Maybe it will work.
Just maybe.

I can wish on a hundred thousand stars of things I need.
But this world only gives me the things I don't need.

I don't need the constant reminder that I am failing my body.
I don't need to be told I am mean.
I don't need to be told that I cause misery.
I don't need to be told that I'm making the wrong the choices in my relationship.
I don't need to be reminded that I am unwelcome, because you are close minded.

When I feel all those things I remember a younger me.
A me that was searching for something.
I tried everything.
Even God

But there are some things that even He can't fix.

I was told growing up that depression wasn't real.
Well honey, it's

I am blamed by something I can't control.
How would that make you feel?

Three days ago I started a journey that I should have never stopped.
Three days ago I decided to do this for me.
Three days ago I started the search for a little girl who hoped and dreamed.
Three days ago I started the journey to regain my joy.
My hope.

Three days ago I started something.
Just for me.
Nov 2014 · 3.8k
Star Girl Nov 2014
For the first time,

I hate freaking out.
But, I love you.
I hate not feeling good enough.
But, you make me feel whole.
I hate thinking one day you'll leave.
But, for now I'm safe in your arms.
I hate crying.
But, I don't want to worry you.
I hate not letting you help me.
But, I love when you don't listen.
I hate letting you down.
But, you told me I make you proud.
I hate what my mind does.
But, I trust that you're the one.

That's it, I trust you.
Sep 2014 · 799
Star Girl Sep 2014
I keep wanting to write about my dad.
I keep wanting to write about how he lied.
How he took the identity of a 20-year old.
How he did this to lie.
How he did this cheat.
How he did this to steal.
But I just can't.

Deep down, I sadly know I 'm his daughter.
Dazed and Confused.  

Even though I'm mad,
And you can't look me in the eyes,
Because you've seen all my lies,
I forgive you.
Sep 2014 · 982
Star Girl Sep 2014
My best friend told me, she understood why I drank.
My mother is sad.
My father is a liar.
One sister can't live,
The other wants to live like me.

I always knew drinking just took the place of cutting.
Drinking took the place of thinking.
Drinking took the place of reality.

I'm no alcoholic,
I'm... an alcohol enthusiast.
Sep 2014 · 583
Star Girl Sep 2014
Very what?
Just, very.
Aug 2014 · 725
Stuck in Love.
Star Girl Aug 2014
One day, I'll miss love.
One day.
Because, I'm stuck in love.
From one to the next one.
Blushing bride,
Schoolgirl crush,
Artist inspiration...

One day, I'll miss it all.
I'm stuck in love.
Aug 2014 · 601
Star Girl Aug 2014
I act as though you can fix me.

I act as though, I'm fine.
I act as though there is a simple cure.
I act as though, if I refuse to say no you'll say.
If I don't say no, I will be fixed.

I erased no from my vocabulary.
Don't call me baby.
Don't touch me like that.
Don't treat me like that.
Don't tell me to drink this.
Don't tell me who I am.
Don't tell me how to act.
Don't tell me how to be.
Don't pull my hair.
Don't smack me.
Don't you hit me.
Don't leave bruises on me.
Mar 2014 · 755
In the End.
Star Girl Mar 2014
In the end.
It's all summed it to the short of it.
In the end.
We are the tag lines.
Thinking if we achieve greatness, the negative will be forgotten.
The intoxicated stumbling words and the sober wishful days will disappear.
Those tag lines stay.  

In the end.
You're funeral will be filled with people you have grown apart from.
In the end.
You're forgotten.

In the end...
It doesn't matter who you kissed that one lonely night.
In the end...
It doesn't matter how much you hated your self when you were young.
In the end...
You're alone.

And at the **** of it all,
only the tag lines stay.
Mar 2014 · 618
Undoubtable Truth
Star Girl Mar 2014
It's sad really.
How your name still pulls at my heart strings.
The thought of you upsets and excites me.
I never mattered to you, but you became special to me.
You became a man who entranced me.
You became a man who earned my trust.
I wanted to share things with you.
I wanted to be me around you...
That wasn't in our cards.

You wanted me for far different reasons than I wanted you.
You used me for far more dangerous acts, than I did you.
You affected me so much more than I could ever affect you...

That's the sad thing.
I'm left with "what if?"
A few confusing questions...
And the undoubtable truth, that you touched my life...
Mar 2014 · 1.1k
What Happened?
Star Girl Mar 2014
What is happening to you?*

I'm stuck in this limbo of a world between child and adult.
A limbo between my choices and yours.

I'm stuck between childish way and adult relations.
I'm stuck between the condescending tones and looks; and the reality of freedom.
I'm at a halfway house between sanity and insanity.
Frankly, it's such a thin line I teeter it.

I'm stuck in between the micromanaging stares of my family and my own personal distain.
I'm stuck between crying myself to sleep, and waking up with dreams of these new days.
I'm stuck between being a tattered rag and rich velvet.
I'm stuck in this Limbo.

You don't seem to help with your condemnation.
You're not helping.
You tell me to stop talking.
You can't see I'm afraid.
You can't see I'm pulling away...
All because I'm afraid.

You only want me to talk about things you want to hear.
You only want me to do things you want me to do.
You want me here, but you want me gone.
Leaving me in Purgatory.
Feb 2014 · 500
Star Girl Feb 2014
One of my favorite lines of poetry is,
That there are enough gallons of blood to make you an ocean. Do not settle for letting these waves settle and the dust to collect in your veins.
I've let everything in my life settle.
I settled into the depression.
I settled into my bed I made, and I almost stayed there.
I almost stayed in the forgotten nights and days.
I almost stayed in the feigned affection.
I almost

You see,
I've been taught against that my entire life.
Be in the world, but not of it.
I failed.
I settled.
And, I always thought I would be this rushing wave.
I would take everyone by surprise.

I did alright.
I fooled them all.
I fooled them with words and excitement.
I fooled them with the influx of every word.
I even feigned my own happiness.
No one knew I was drowning in my own life.
Gasping for life.

The sleepless nights,
The sickening nights,
The thieves and witnesses,
All of it.

I wish I could say it wasn't true.
That I am whole.


I am done lying.
I am done.
Finished with everything that pulled me to the bottom,
Drowning me.

I'm ready to be an ocean.
Jan 2014 · 496
Star Girl Jan 2014
One day,
My body will be nothing but...

One day,
My skin will fade only leaving...

One day,
It won't matter who broke whose heart and who was homecoming queen.
Only words.

One day...
Our words will disappear.
Jan 2014 · 625
Star Girl Jan 2014
Too young,
Too weird,

Say someone's name,
It's slander,
Say your own opinion,
You're childish.

Here's the thing...
No one is ever truly grown up.
That's life.

Call me...childish,
A contradiction...

But in the end, you're the same.
Dec 2013 · 1.5k
It's Been A While
Star Girl Dec 2013
It's been a while,
since I've thought about killing myself.
Almost a year probably...
Today though,
I was awoken to my mother yelling at me for taking off a ring,
and leaving it at my grandmothers.
This ring may or may not be lost now.
And now I am sure I have lost another ring for the exact same reason.
Because of the shower and a dislike for wearing jewelry in the shower.
I also don't like cleaning my room.
It's a pain.
It's my space.
Let it be a wreck.
I did do the few things in college I said I would never do.
I slacked off. I goofed off. I messed up.
So my mother took her anger and just spewed everything she thought of me.
I'm not saying she's not a fit mother.
It changes things when you know how people see you.
Most everything else, implied.
Those words, are quotes.

Though at the end, I woke up searching for lost items.
Realizing found attributes, that I would have never put together.
My messy room is a direct relationship to my own self worth.
"Slobbish" attributes mean that you think low of yourself, and are selfish.
So all you teenage boys, sorry to think you're self worth is low as well.
Forgetting a ring and not rushing to get it because you just felt it would be safe.
That one I still don't understand.
She kept asking, why I took it off.
And I always take it off when I get ready.
So if you ever take off an important ring for any reason, and leave it somewhere,
thinking it will be safe.

And because I'm a dramatic one,
once my mother left for the day.
I thought
If I'm so selfish, I'll just **** myself
If I'm so selfish, I can just die.
Because at the end of the day, suicided is the most selfish act you can commit.

I'm not saying I'm going to do it.
I'm to lazy.
That takes effort.
It would mean I cared about what was said.

Obviously I can't.
Self Centered,
No Self Worth,

So yes,
It's been a while since I thought about suicide.
But since I'm selfish...
Should I think of it more?
Since it's been a while...
Dec 2013 · 1.3k
Star Girl Dec 2013
I'm lost.
Loosing myself every second that I breathe in this life.
Self worth,
Self identity.

I am a coward,
I hide secrets from even myself,
I act a role,
Master the performance,
And then...

I've lost myself.
I've lost me.
Dec 2013 · 844
Star Girl Dec 2013
to leave the sheets that invite me in to protect me from this world.
from the concept of right and wrong and stop and go.
by this cruel world that continues to throw curve ***** in all directions.
because of these odd quirks and habits.
is all you will ever be around me.
Dec 2013 · 1.2k
Star Girl Dec 2013
You are my drug
No I'm not your drug.
A drug is...
A drug is...
an escape.

I am no ones escape,
I am not a savior nor a queen.
I am not intoxicating.
Nor a

So take your sorrows and throw them to someone else.
Someone who can stand.

I may be fire,
but I shan't burn you.
I may be independent,
but I'll never be strong.

So please,
don't take me like you would a drug.
I am not one to be a substance,
used in your self medicated life.


Nov 2013 · 689
That's the Thing
Star Girl Nov 2013
Here it all is.
Laid out all on this table.
This metaphorical table.
I'm clingy,
but somedays I'm no where to be found.
I'm emotional,
but somedays you'll think I absolutely have no soul.
I'm real,
but somedays my head is so far in the heavens even God can't push me down.
I love,
but I hold back so much.
I smile,
but my eyes can always cry.

That's the thing.
You haven't even met me yet,
and I know you'll turn and run away.

That's the thing.
It's the little things.
The little,
I'm full of them.

That's the thing.
The little things,
are the big things.

So in the end,
you won't even give me a chance.
That's the thing.
Nov 2013 · 578
A Moment of Silence.
Star Girl Nov 2013
I want to take a moment.
Just one.
To sit in silence for those we've lost.
For those we've lost and now let down.

Today, is not a holiday.
But a reminder.
My year is almost up,
And what have I done to make you proud?

I've became the shiny new toy for many.

Let me think about this.
If I'm all of these things,
Why have I done nothing magical?
Why have I not created beauty?
Why have I not been on an adventure?
Why have I not kept interest?
Why have I not faced my fears?
Why am I not bold?

So let us take a moment of silence.
To apologize.
Frankly because,
I have not been living my life.
If my world is growing larger,
Why do I imagine it getting so much smaller?

So this is for you Paw.
This ones for you.
This next year,
In honor of you.

A moment of life, for you.
Nov 2013 · 1.4k
Gun Shots.
Star Girl Nov 2013
I'm tired of the gun shots.
You heard me.
I'm tired of the...
Gun shots.

I'm tired of finding someone,
Whose pleasant and kind,
Gun shot.

I'm tired of a friend whose always there,
But then you turn around,
Gun shot.

I'm tired of going through life,
Wishing I had something more,
Because I don't want it to end in a...
Gun shot.

I just want to be free,
From all these bullets.
I want to be free,
From all these words.
I want to be free from the fear,
From the hurt,

I want to be free,
From the gunshots.
Nov 2013 · 706
Star Girl Nov 2013
Look at me.
So popular.
Everyone loves me now.
People stop to listen.
My voice travels the room to  everyone's ears.

They were right.
Get out of high school.
Move on to real life.
They will notice you.
The girls will be nicer,
The guys will like you more.
Just make it out alive,
And the world opens up.

Oh I'm so popular.
I'm alone.

Without you.
All these people mean nothing.
I'm tired of being the loud one.
At the end of the day.
I just want to sit in silence,
With you.

I don't want to be popular.
I want to be alone...
With you.
Nov 2013 · 712
Written Words From You
Star Girl Nov 2013
I want words written on me.
I want your words.
Our words.
My words.
Sure words.

I want to be like a book.
Open for you or read.
I want to have my story written down my back.
I want you to know me.

I want bed time stories.
I want anticipation.
I want weekends.
I want to hear you smile.
I want us to try something new.
I want to try...
That's all that matters.
And these words.

That I want written on my back.
All over me.
Describing me.
These words.
Your words.
Our words.
My words.
Nov 2013 · 1.5k
Greatness at 7 AM
Star Girl Nov 2013
7 am.
For once I'm early.
For once I woke up, happy.
For once I woke up remember that it does get better.
For once my fathers text aren't true.
For once, I can easily wake up  
For once, I can start my day off right.
For once, I'm actually happy.
Not that cheap liquor induced happiness.
A small warm hug of happiness.
Maybe they won't leave, I haven't.
Maybe I won't shun them, they seem to like me.
Maybe mom was right,
I just had to get through high school.

Art school was the best decision of my life.
Wanna know why?
I'm doing what I love.
I'm surrounded by people who are like me.
There will be the posers and phonies.
The ones with all the mask caked on and truly don't know who they are.
Then there is us.
The wallflowers.
Take us however you wish.

I'm broken.
Helpless at times too...
I'm happy.
Because I have this life,
I have this family,
And now...
I have these friends.

So today,
At 7 am,
I write to all you that I love to say,
Today I'm not just fine or okay,
I'm great.
Nov 2013 · 613
I'm Sorry.
Star Girl Nov 2013
I'm sorry.
That I'm bruised,
and not like the rest.
I'm sorry.
I'm loud,
yet never confident.
I'm sorry.
I try to take control,
yet I'm only a child.

But you know...
We don't have a whole lot.
We don't think of it though...
who wants too.

So I'm sorry if I'm not...
Not pretty enough,
or smart enough,
or even cool enough.

I'm sorry.
Nov 2013 · 549
Working Title...
Star Girl Nov 2013
I have this art teacher,
Who is so very passionate about the idea of an...
"Untitled" piece.
He hates it,
Despises even.
He says that it's like having  a kid,
But not naming it.
Be proud,
give it a name.

My life is my best piece,
But I can't name it yet,
Because it has a
Working Title.
Oct 2013 · 981
Star Girl Oct 2013
Yes you.
I love you.
And you lie.
You say you care.
You use you're smooth words to coax me.
To coax your way back into my heart.
You there.
You've stolen me.
Stolen all of me.
All the goodness.
You don't even know.
You say you want to stay.
You say you won't hurt me.
You're going to be a liar.
You can't help it.
Because I'll either be,
Too much,
Too little.
You scare me.
You walked right in through the front gate.
You didn't see the warning sign.
Delicate heart.
Easily loves.
Easy to hurt.
You just walked in.
Now we wait and see.
Oct 2013 · 518
Answer A, B, C, or D
Star Girl Oct 2013
We used to be friends,
You were so talented, especially with your words.
You pulled me one way and another.
I was your puppet.
You cut my strings, until now.
You poke and pull for my attention, even though it kills me.
But, I still see that you are good...

Too tall,
So sad.
I know your sad voice and it makes me cry.
A year, I've known you a year.
You call out when your lonely,
and I heal you for the day.
So sad.
Now I'm sad,
because I keep trying when you keep reaching,
and I get no where.
I'm sorry I try.
But, I still the good in you...

You're a new face,
and I could like you.
You make me laugh,
You keep me an arms length away because I remind you of her.
You don't want to hurt me,
Because you see I'm hurt.
So you'll hold my hand,
Kiss my head,
and tell me I'm Wonderful.
You're hurt too,
But I see the good in you...

Is where I am.
Just me.
Waiting to be called on.
Not knowing when it will end.
But there is still good in me...
Oct 2013 · 875
Star Girl Oct 2013
Tonight was better than most,
You were honest,
And so was I.

Weird thing is...
I'm happy.
Even though I don't know if you'll be there in the morning.
I was happy.

You saw through me.
You told me who I was, and who I am.
It was odd.
But odd.

You held my hand and tried to talk sense to me.
I wanted to say yes.
But I'm not a liar.
I won't be okay.
But in the end... neither will you.

My confidence mask how I have none,
I don't enjoy my laugh,
I love tea,
I want to trust you'll catch me when you fall,
I want to write you a letter..........
Oct 2013 · 838
I'm Sad
Star Girl Oct 2013
Because I care...
I care when I shouldn't.
I care when it kills me.
I care when you don't care about me...
That's it... don't care.
You never have, nor shall you ever.
Whose the you?
This cruel world.
Who restricts our passion,
restricts the truth...
so in the end,
wouldn't you be sad too?
Oct 2013 · 853
Star Girl Oct 2013
I listen to your words.
You're confused words.
I look at your sad face...
And I don't see a man, but a child.
Trying to find exactly what I'm looking for.
And... we can't decide.
What to do?
What do you think?
How do you feel?

It's just complicated...

At the end...
You want me around, but you don't want me.
You want bits and pieces,
so you don't fully,

And at the end of the day...
I'm left in the dark...
And quite frankly,
It's killing me.

but one day, because you can't decide...
I won't be there...
because I'm not that strong...
Even though I've wanted you from the first day...
You'll apparently never want me...
Oct 2013 · 1.0k
Star Girl Oct 2013
In all my goodness, I am broken.
I find caring.
I find attached.
I find myself to involved with trying to bring a little bit of star shine into your life.
And in the end...
I'm left with this mess.
A bag full of insecurities and flaws.
Thrown to side...
Though made of china... it doesn't matter.
Because we view people, as objects
And that's the problem...
We aren't,
We are all stars from the sky,
And though some may fall...
We are all beautiful, unique...
Oct 2013 · 445
Because of a Friend
Star Girl Oct 2013
There is this conceptual idea of the I and Me.
The I is the pure, unadulterated impulse that we all contain.
The me is how we learn to see ourself through the other.
... The other
That buries away the little bit of magic in our life.
That magic...that some of us just can't hide.
And the other...
Well they just can't handle the magic...
They shut us down,
Kick us out,
And then we wither...
We think we are alone,
But in the end... I don't need your looking glass,
Because I have a little bit of...
Oct 2013 · 836
Self Searching
Star Girl Oct 2013
So the past few days,

I wondered,

And searched…

Who am I?

What do I embody?

And I’ve been told before…

That I’m as sweet as honey.

That’s the thing though,

I don’t want to be honey,

I’ld rather be a cup of coffee,

A little sugar,

Alot of milk..

Sweet. Warm. Earthy.

I want to be a sunflower.

I want to shine and make people smile…

But still wilt…

You have to wilt…

You have to admit defeat.

You can’t just forget everything…

When you forget, it crashes into you…

Like today…

I was driving,

Windows down, music up, no cares…

But I noticed the warmth on my hand,

And it reminded me of all of your hands,

All of them.

How I won’t see some of them again,

How some still torment me,

And how some I can’t trust to touch me…

All the memories,

All the “maybes”

Hit like a bullet,

And that’s why we wilt…

Creating a new us…

New me.

— The End —