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 Aug 2014 Spelz
Irate Watcher
Today, people remind me
that I'm only 23,
which means,

but getting old.

Still living in my
parents' home.
Doing what I want,
not what I'm told.

Wishing a salary
and cocktails at five
didn't sublime
the rest of my kind:

who UNITE drunk
and dissatisfied.

Happy Birthday to me

Tell my boss
that his work
is no longer
for me.

Because I am not
a salesman to artists' dreams.
I am not
a collector of rappers,
displaying them
as one of many.
I am not
a puppeteer
tangling human beings
into commercial machines.

I am a poet.
I untangle strings,
and out of the mess,
create beautiful things.

Happy Birthday to me

Spoon honey
into coffee,
sweeten the daze
of a disturbed sleep.
I write the day
after my cousin
texts me to ask
what I'm doing,

I'm planning a party maybe
starving myself into
a tight dress to
peacock my
How can I explain
that writing poems and
eating cake are better presents for me?

Happy Birthday to me

Thank my parents
for supporting me.
Tell them I am happy
to veer from what
I was expected to be.
Ask them to defend
my insane belief that
people would ever pay
to read poetry.
Promise them,
I will make my passion
a career opportunity.

Or I will try,
until I don't breathe.

half-*** attempts
at 23,
sow regrets
at 40.
And 23 years ago,
they bore me —
an infant
meant to be free.

I am still breathing.

I have friends
who support me. 

I have a day
and a night
to live my dream.

And that's all I need.

Happy Birthday to me

I am 23.

And after nearly,
a quarter of a century,
I have finally found
my therapy;
My reason:
To be.
To breathe
the world,
I see not,


Today I turned 23. This is my birthday present to myself. :)
 Aug 2014 Spelz
Irate Watcher
s u n
e a r t h

d                                c
e                        ­                    l
s                                 i

tired of fighting
over the

m o o n.
The first night I stayed under the stars at your house,
I tossed and turned until finally I woke you with
Soft kisses over your bare shoulders and on your chest
Just above your heart.
After stirring out of your slumber, your lips brushed mine
And the crook of your arm fit perfectly around
My body as you held me close.
One of us just barely awake, the other wide.

Learning to sleep with someone new takes time;
Discovering the way their chest rises and falls
Like the tide comes up to kiss the sand
Before receding back and pushing forward again.
Listening to their deep breaths as they lay
Almost lifeless on their back,
Matching their breaths to heartbeats beneath your cheek.
The way they stir in the sleep and reposition
Themselves so their arm holds you safe and secure
Even when they’re dreaming.
 May 2014 Spelz
Spring Thaw
 May 2014 Spelz
Its been years since your fingertips
Have lived on my skin.
Months and days since my taste
Has been on your tongue.
It feels like a lifetime since ive woken up
To your smiling face , or fallen asleep to you
Whispering quietly in the dark.

Why does it feel then, like only yesturday that i lost you?
I swear time has slowed to a crawl since that day,
I watched your mom cry as we both said our goodbyes to you, grasping each other ,
Clinging to the only person who loved you as much as I did.

I had packed your things away ,
And as hard as i tried ; the smell of you
And your clothes wouldnt leave our closet .
For a while i masked it as much as possible ,
Till standing breathing you in brought
Me comfort.

I went to visit you today , it bothered me
To see Your life narrowed simply down to
Chiseled cursive in stone reading
"A beloved son and brother " .

It made me want to tell everyone who you were
About the things you did that mattered;
The time i knew you ,
The dash between the dates .

And on the first warm day ; every spring ,ill feel you;  with brand new flowers budding ,
I have peace of mind knowing
There is always a new start , even after the harshest of winters.
 May 2014 Spelz
Mike Hauser
sister sleep come visit me

and bring along your book of dreams

we'll stay up late as we turn each page

and dream of our forgotten days
 Jan 2014 Spelz
Brielle O'Brien
He told me everyday
that what we had
Was far more special
and different than
What Anyone else had.
He said our love
Is the strongest thing to be put on
This earth
Amongst mere mortals.
So why did he decide
The best thing was to
Wait to be together
Because of distance?
I thought our love was strong enough to
Spark fires?
But he told me
We will be side by side
Until the day we die
But I guess distance got the best of us
And now deep within these bones
I feel some explosion of emptiness.
He will wake up in the morning with new
And soon see another girl who makes
His heart flutter
Even if only for a short time
And ill be here
Left behind
And forgotten
Because he won't come back
He's already too far gone
I guess distance got the best of us.
 Jan 2014 Spelz
First Light
 Jan 2014 Spelz
Can i keep you?

Can i wake up to your hands

Running slowly down my side pulling me closer ?

Can i feel your lips on my skin ,

Teeth biting my neck , i swear it cripples me .

Can i hear how you say " more" as your hands

Make a mess of my hair ?

Can i smile in my groggy state ,

An Arched back , silent pleading .

Can i run my fingers through your hair,

And match your breathing as we slowly drift back

to sleep ?

...let me keep you.
 Jan 2014 Spelz
" As you grow older, your Christmas list gets smaller; the things you really want for the holidays can’t be bought "

The older i got and the more years that have passed , the true meaning of this holiday has become clear. In your final days , as were all taking our final breath will you ask the doctor to bring you your new xbox one ? Or bring you out to your new car so you can sit in it ? How about grabbing that new coach purse so you can clutch it ? Dont be silly.

In your final moments , you ask to be surrounded by your family , to hold the hands of the people who have been there with you , supported you. Loved you. If these people matter SO much then; shouldnt they matter just as much now ?

Christmas isnt about buying , or rushing around to get gifts; its about gathering with family and enjoying that really precious time you do have. Right here. Right now.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday's all my friends here , stay blessed <3
 Jan 2014 Spelz
30 minute shower
20 minutes to do my hair,
Endless time at the mirror
To try and catch your stare.

You see me every morning
And you always say hello
I try to hide that nervousness
So my real feelings do not show.

You ask me simple questions
And i fumble to answer back,
Close my eyes , count to ten
Try to get on track.

My friends all think its crazy
How ive never clued you in
They say if i dont speak up
"How will anything begin? "

Im so much more content
Keeping this inside,
What if it went sour ?
I have too much pride.

So ill stand here every morning
And mutter " light and sweet "
And hope that in another life
You and i could meet .
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