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 Nov 2013 Spelz
Daniela gitto
There is a lunatic running around in my brain
He camouflages in my thoughts which makes him impossible to maintain
No matter the lengths I go to eliminate him, he will always come back
The times I doubt the truth is his favourite attack
He continuously tells me story's to convince me of the worst
My stupidity on handling the situation is the feedback he thirsts
Even worse feeling comes as I realize he's done it again
But the situation has gone to far for it to mend
So I let him do it, let him eat away at my trust
Ruining any potential relationship with just a fragile touch
But I let him stay, told him to make himself at home
Because as insane as it sounds, it's better than being alone
trust issues in a different form
 Nov 2013 Spelz
Mike Hauser
In my ruby red shoes I click my heels
Take out my golden pen
Through transcendental meditation, raise my heart rate up
Putting my head in a cosmic spin

Conjure up a darkened mood
Then brighten it a bit
Oh I almost forgot for luck
I go outside and spit

With a touch of genius (I don't mind saying)
I lay down my first amazing line
Pour over it stroke by brilliant stroke
Then erase it half a dozen times

I go back and rearrange the first line I wrote
Knowing the cosmos would be safer that way
I know because the universe stands on edge
With every word that I display

As I analyze my finished work
Dissecting it line by wonderful line
This time I'm sure like every time before
Another "Masterpiece" is mine

Then I notice the one misplaced word
That changes the entire meaning of what I had to say
I think to myself...Ahhh, "What The Hey!"
Then I go and post it anyway
All in jest my friends...
 Nov 2013 Spelz
Miranda Renea
There's a homeless man,
Just by the first escalators 
Down on the way to the metro. 

I don't think I've seen
Just such a light in men's eyes
As when I told him "Good night!"

Like the light of a lover 
Just before a kiss, huddled 
In mock cold, hold her tight-

He is wrapped by a glove
Of lone nights, averted stares
As cold as dark as reality's plight.
 Nov 2013 Spelz
Elizabeth Squires
he speaks
out of both sides of his mouth  
devious is he
 Nov 2013 Spelz
 Nov 2013 Spelz
Be careful when your fingers graze my
Skin .

Im made entirely of shattered pieces.

I yearn for someone who could fill in the spaces between those cracks and make me whole .
 Nov 2013 Spelz
soul in torment
My love for you

is kept


leather case
For leather is only tanned skin and within my chest beats a heart full of love
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