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 Jan 2015 DustBall
I'm on one side of a wall and you're on the other
How do things end up like this
You're disappearing
And I'm taking cover
So much for perfect bliss
We're pushing and pulling
And plaster is falling
Leaving dusty footprints on the scene
But there's nothing but empty space anymore
Maybe I've left or maybe I've gone missing
It's all the same
Because with no one around I'm going insane
I just want things to be like they way they were
Where instead of a wall it was just an unlocked door
And my clothes smelled like you after an hour or so
And no one told us what to do because no one really knows
I've left the walls behind and I'm floating in space
My eyes are going dark and I'm running in place
So I'll write on the walls because it makes me think of you
And it's not like there's anything else I can do.
 Jan 2015 DustBall
There comes a point where you have to convince people that you're alright
Even if they ask if you're okay time after time
Because you can only say no for so long
Before people start to consider you obsessed or forlorn
When really you just have a hard time letting go
Of something that seemed to be all you've ever known
Because all scars do is fade
They never really go away
 Jan 2015 DustBall
If ever love is real
I'm too young to feel
A heart with nothing to conceal
**what would feelings reveal?
 Jan 2015 DustBall
Ceida Uilyc
So less to live,
And, so much to,
be lived.
A Pleasant New Year~
 Jan 2015 DustBall
I love all beginnings, despite their anxiousness and their uncertainty, which belong to every commencement. If I have earned a pleasure or a reward, or if I wish that something had not happened; if I doubt the worth of an experience and remain in my past--then I choose to begin at this very second.
     Begin what? I begin. I have already thus begun a thousand lives.

Rainer Maria Rilke  (Early Journals)
Happy New Year, everyone...!!!
 Jan 2015 DustBall
The Jolteon
Amused with his own actions
Holding on to each of his own words
He foolishly conducts the circus
With ignorant precision
As the crowd looks on
And laughs
 Jan 2015 DustBall
Rachel Olivia
Burst of hope
In my soul
Like a lightening strike
Short and sweet
Leaving a lingering taste
Of memories past and
Promise of more
Memories to cherish
Burst of hope
I can see
Through the storm
Through these battles
I keep fighting
I'm tired
I still keep fighting
But I hope
These bursts of hope
Never leave
These small pieces of light
 Jan 2015 DustBall
I'm a     d  a  n  g  e  r     to myself.
Someone help.
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