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 Apr 2015 Sommer Wickham
Bassam A
I want to be politically correct
  But the husband spoke and said
Why baby you said what you said

  She replied because you are
using your mouth
instead of your hands
If you know what I mean

Start to clean .. Do the carpet
Do the bathroom ..
Good man .. You are my hero

Nice ... how did u do that fast !!
Bravo.. Oh baby .. You are ****!!
 Apr 2015 Sommer Wickham
''You can still look **** without potraying *** in pictures''
The most **** thing about a guy has nothing to do with his clothes, hair or eye colour.

It's in the way he looks at you with longing, when you finally find out he wants you just as badly as you want him.

When he pulls you so close to him that there is literally no space between you, because he can't stand the thought of there being any.      

When he kisses you, so that it feels as if he is stealing the air from your lungs, and for those few seconds you forget what air even is.
When all thoughts go out the window and its just him, with you,in the most simple way possible.

Now that is the definition of ****.
Pure passion is ecstacy...
These black raspberries
do not understand
the intent
of my caresses.
When I reach
to prune them,
they scratch;
when I try
to **** them,
they clutch;
when I lean in
to mulch them,
they slash.
They are like
angry lovers
who want
to make love,
but want
to draw blood,
Perhaps a poem
will soothe them;
it often works
on women.
- mce
Another TN poem
I think I saw you
I think I loved you
I think I miss you.

I know I saw you
I know I loved you
I know I miss you.

I think I see you
I think I love you
I think you're here.

I know I see you
I know I love you
But you're not here.

You don't see me
You don't love me
You were never here.

You're a dark shadow
You're my dark angel
You're my undying love.

You're my Utopian dream
You're rising into the stars
You're climbing into my heart

You never existed
You're dead.
It seems like I've lost them
Since the year started.
I hate summer.
If you ever did something new and really enjoyed,
If you ever met someone for the first time
And felt like you were going to fall in love,
If you ever heard a song for the first time
And actually knew the lyrics

You should just smile.

If you ever did something old and enjoyed
Like you haven't before,
If you ever met someone after so much time
And felt like you were falling in love again,
If you ever heard an old song from your childhood
And remembered all the lyrics

You should just laugh and smile.

If you ever just threw away all the weight in your back
And kept walking like you were a new person,
If you ever regreted for something bad you did
And cried for so long before leaving it behind,
If you ever remind your mistakes once in a while
But are still able to keep smiling

You should just dry your tears and smile.

If you ever did anything that can make you
Or feel something,

You should just smile.
Because you're strong
And you're living
And just because you can.

Smile everyday,
Smile as much times as you can.
Until the day you realize
There is so much things to smile about
And no reasons enough not to do it.


I'm not always so positive, but I drank too much coffee. And I'm sorry if there is some writing mistakes.

— The End —