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  Apr 2017 Emma
Winter Sparrow
Look at all of you.
Drunk, out of your senses.
Running along with impulse,
Drowning in tears of sorrow.

But from all of them, you repell me.
You tease for a kiss, in such state.
You triggered something in me.
Not love; thats fake; this isnt!

The rage, the anger, the thirst.
Thirst for your suffering.
You pushed my boundaries.
Boundaries I never knew I could break.

But I am guilty?
You contradict yourself!
You want a future, yet want to die.
Saying that others must deal with their ****.
Why dont you?
Youre as sad and foolish as them.

You wanted to be someones muse.
There you go.
My writing is for you.
My rage is for you.

Things have changed,
Perspectives altered.
The tide has turned;
But not in your favour.
  Apr 2017 Emma
Facy Meemster
Electronic Zombies
Everywhere you look.

Down we look. Down-
Loading a book.

Down we scroll. Down
With no control.

Down the dark web. Down
into our head.

Down battery percent. Down
and discontent.
2017 spin on "We real cool"
Emma Feb 2017
A small clearing surrounded by trees,
Everything is bright and vibrant.
A crisp breeze blowing,
Swaying the grass.

The ground is covered by rocks
Of various shapes, colors, and sizes.
Bladed grass and ivy-like plants
Growing in the cracks of the stones.

A small white butterfly fluttering about,
So full of beauty and life:
Like the sweet-smelling flowers,
So simple with a fragrance of purity.

A soft breeze blows rustling the leaves,
Seeming to shush the world.
All is still, obeying the command,
And all around is at peace.
Written June 2016
Emma Feb 2017
"He won't touch you ever again."
Written February 2017
Emma Feb 2017
She said  goodbye, he broke inside.
Written June 2016
Emma Feb 2017
Midday smilies?
Midnight tears.
Accepted lies.
Written 2016
Emma Feb 2017
Metallic glint.
Relaxing Sting.
Good night...
Written June 2016
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