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skyler Nov 2017
"they say if you love someone
set them free
and if they are truly yours
they will come back"

she paused to take him in watching his chest lay still as he held his breath waiting for her words

"i tried that
i let you go
and nothing hurt more than that
but you're still here
and i'm not sure if that's good or bad
because i think i'm still holding you back"

her voice started to crack but his expression never did

"i love you
but i'm setting you free
and i want you
but you don't have to come back to me"

skyler Nov 2017
he was the best thing
to ever happen to her

but that never meant
they would last

for just like bouquets of roses
even the best things wilt

skyler Nov 2017
i wonder
if you still think about her
if you wish she was here
if you want what you were

if in the early hours of the morning
it's her in your head
her name on your lips
wanting her in your bed

as you silently look her
in your dreams
i know it must happen
it can't always be me

skyler Nov 2017
you will suddenly understand why home is not where you are, it's who you're with because their arms will feel safe like the home you never had and they will give you comfort like you've never felt

you will melt your bodies together like the way a million colors blend as the sun sets and the combination of your skin will be so stunning it won't seem real

it won't matter what the others say because every time you hear them laugh it is a reminder that they are your world and the other opinions are irrelevant

they will make the future seem bright and for the first time you won't be afraid to wake up in the morning because the thought of them is a driving force to keep trying

together you will find yourself learning about life and how to fight through it and side by side you will be invincible because just their hand in yours will be enough armor to protect you from the world

you will find yourself staring at them in ordinary moments wondering how you got so lucky as to call this perfect human yours and you will thank the universe every night before you sleep for bringing them into your life

you will realise that "i love you" is so much more than three little words and that small sentence will never be enough to express how you feel about them

good news or bad they will be the first person you want to run too because they aren't just a lover they are your best friend and your day doesn't feel right without hearing about theirs

the world around you will always remind you of them and you will find pieces of them where ever you go because they are always in the back of your mind and any moment you are without them you will wish they were there

you will finally understand why so many people would die for love because
you would do anything to keep them happy, to keep the light in their eyes, and to keep the smile on their face

  Nov 2017 skyler
Quinn Torres
"You should really stop that.”
I look over at her, quizzical.

She points to the cigarette dangling from my mouth and gives me the basic line that everyone says to a smoker. 

“It’s not healthy.”

“I could stop smoking at any given moment, yknow.” As I crush the supposed  cancer stick to the dirt, resisting the urge of an eye-roll. 
She’s watching me, obviously waiting for an explanation. 

God, why does she care? No one ever has before.
“It wouldn’t be hard, I mean, I’m not addicted or anything. ”

She laughs and suddenly I’m trying to ignore how good it sounds.
“Isn’t that what all addicts say?”

“I’m serious.” Judging by the look on her face, I know that wasn’t the answer she wanted. So I stopped sugar coating it.

“I just don’t quit because I’d rather **** myself in a way that’s more..socially accepted. People don’t notice as much- they call me a smoker, not suicidal. I like it that way. ”
"Cigarette Daydreams"
skyler Nov 2017
sing lullabies
in between her things
and she will moan hymns
from pleasure within

skyler Nov 2017
muscles sore
from the day before
an ache you adore
wanting more

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