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maria Jun 2020
it's just my body releasing too much dopamine
I can't sleep after seeing you
I can't think straight
but love isn't one sided
or it shouldn't be
it's an active choice
and this doesn't feel like that
it feels like losing control
maria Jun 2020
you live there now
taken up real estate
built a home there
  Jun 2020 maria
Misadventures of Crow
A solid center presages
two generous edges
to shoulder the weight
of the curve: the bow
relinquishes tension
to the anchors of the
taut bow-string.

The wayfaring archer
tends to the curve,
notches the arrow,
selects the target,
gauges the wind,
surrenders --

Riding like an arrow on the wind,      
sure to find its mark in Breath,      
and the end of Breath it portends.

A reveler
abiding the flirt
of angle and arc,
finite and eternal,
arbiter of the holy
moment, the dance
linking death with life;

So unbearably
near the horizons,
desire yields its grip
to the coaxing
womb of the curve: tension
sighs into the space
between arrow-head
and its mark.

And in the transmission of feeling      
is the spirit of Life,      
clinging - so gently - to free itself      
of its own burdens.

A sudden violence
voids archer and stag:
Continuity rushes forth
to meet the sacrifice.
The heart of the bow
resumes its tension.

And the curve
all but a trick
of Timing.
Mathematically inspired.

Italicized portions are from "Memory Is A Prison" (, a work of automatic writing the meaning of which is further illustrated here.
maria Jun 2020
Thinking someday I will cease to exist
A part of me wants to live forever
In the cloud
In your synapses
In your arms
maria Jun 2020
You have me off-kilter
I can’t wait to see you
I long to be alone with you
I know I’m playing with fire
I want to burn
maria Jun 2020
an ocean exists between us
vast, deep and full of life
dangerous, thrilling and beautiful
am I willing to risk it all to cross it?
  Jun 2020 maria
I look at the moon and think of you.
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