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 Mar 2015 Anonymous
Haydn Swan
I see the darkness form,
cloaking everything from within its fold,  
shapeless forms appearing within the void,
unlocked only by dancing moonbeams,
fleeting through an unveiled window,
I hear the blackness call,
luring me into its calm serenity,
soothing my spirit with its words,
draping me with its veil
within it's sanctuary,  
we shall elevate our souls
and rise up from the dead.
I was a solid man.
A solid man with broken pieces
Pieces astrewn on the dusty floor of life,
thrown away with my own guilty verdict

No glue or wires to hold me together,
just a small tangent of sanity and veins.
Structurally not sound,
my moral compass has taken the wrong course

A course of insurmountable ill wills,
wills that would make a grown man, cry and beg.
A beggar that I see before me,
seeing myself in the mirror of near death.

That death bounds to me,
like the leather restraints of a sadomasochist
No more control over thoughts or person,
fearing what lies ahead in waiting

I waited for life to come to me,
but only saw the emptiness.
My empty mind,
trying to put the puzzle back together
Pieces of life's puzzle thrown all about, do we really know how to put it back together?
 Mar 2015 Anonymous
I dont remember
Feeling my skin
So much

It used
To just
Be there

It just


It never used to do

Tingling spine

All appear
When you say
"Youre mine."

Innocent corners
Boring nooks

Nothing happens
Unless you look

My way
I dont even know. Just pouring my thoughts onto the screen.
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