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shekhar suman Dec 2015
What more is being lost,
than not knowing where to go
for the fingers that hover over
the lettered keys have nothing to say*

And the half empty ink-***
with a dried stuck cap,
is dancing to the cries of
the un-tuned borrowed guitar
mocking the silence of a silent heart
as the shadow of a flame mocks the dark

So long have I whistled this tune,
or is it just my forte?
the feeling of not knowing left to right
shekhar suman Nov 2015
The windspan,

of your open arms,

incalculably magnifies

On,the simplicity of

hiding wind in your pockets,

and the stars in your eyes
shekhar suman Nov 2014
Its distant that shines so bright
with light and hides
in the birth of every morrow,

Splatter some white in the sky of the night
for a dream that flies so high,
can fetch only sorrow
shekhar suman Oct 2014
That perhaps an eon hence,
When time and distance
Will finally set us apart,
And million new stars
Will adorn our skies
Some teeny ticks of time
Would still be when
A strange smile would come,
And curve your fruity lips
For no reason,
That reason, my love
Would be me.
when two souls cant be togather for some unfathomable reason
shekhar suman Sep 2014
Not that it comes not so oft,
Lifting my spirits in process aloft,
And takes me for a whirl, awhile
O’ thou lovely, shy, smile.

And then comes the ice,
In your stare so vice.
I shudder for a while, recoil
my spirits, as always, get mixed with soil.

-Shekhar Suman
shekhar suman Sep 2014
I wish
A million years hence
basking in the pre-afternoon sun
when i sit,
i smile at how,
my life turned out to be.
#inebrieted poetry
shekhar suman Sep 2014
This coquettish smile,
I splay every time,
Is cold fire
Born out of
Rubbing thoughts.
Frozen I am,
Was, will be.
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