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  Mar 2016 Shades31
Is there love for another?
Much like this?
One's that unconditional,
One so free...
That skeptical eyes would miss.

The beauty in such a commitment,
can't be quantified in greens or gold.
Unbound by petty materialism...
That jingles and folds.

It's invaluable...
Only to the ones who would see
and acknowledge it.
It's coveted only by those
who fearlessly dare
to embrace it.


Strive for unconditional love.
For it is the greatest gift,
anyone could receive
and bestow.
For it will be the sun
that fires
the beats in your heart.
For it is the abundant glow
From the moon's
limitless flow.
Shades31 Mar 2016
As I gazed up at the clear night sky,
And listened to her lullaby
To calm the kid, before he'll cry.
As soft, she is, as a butterfly.

And the moon is round, and bright, and full
Which makes her look, oh more beautiful
As she paints his dreams so colourful.
Her voice echoes, so wonderful.

And the stars just stare - they do no *****'.
I know this for sure - I did not blink.
But you see, I did not ever think
That I'd get to, of this sweet water drink.

And when she looked at me, I could but smile
As we sat like that for quite a while.
She's been there for me through every trial
And can read me like I'm an open file.

As she lay her son into his bed,
She kissed him gently on his head.
"Sweet dreams, my child", is what she said,
Then she set aside the book she read.

Then she walked to me, embraced me so,
And allowed herself to against me flow
Like the soft, warm sun to melt the snow
Of my frozen heart - she did not let go.

But she held me tight, and I her, too.
"My dear, sweet husband, I love you"
Something for sure, that I definitely I knew
As she fell into me, like a drop of dew...
Shades31 Mar 2016
It *****
to love
and be
of whether
it is
or not
Shades31 Mar 2016
Apology to all whom I had hurt
Apology to all whom I offended
It was wrong for me to take sides
My mistake for taking part

My apologies especially
To r.
You were right, I was wrong.
And this is the result

I do not feel worthy of your forgiveness
Nor any of your friends'
But still, I would like to publicly apologies
For anything I said
Especially to you.
r, this is for you.
My apology
I actually wrote this as my submission to re-enter HP after deleting my account. I had no idea it went to drafts.
Again. I'm sorry
Shades31 Mar 2016
I never got to meet you
You lived way before my time
To think of you - refreshed, anew
Become colourful from lime

You taught much in your life
That we still use today
Taught man how to treat his wife
To respect her in every way

You spread the Word God sent
For all mankind, it came
The words acted like a tent
Covering all from Flame

You acted in the best of manners
The perfect example to mankind
And still today, we raise the banners
Of Islam's goodness, we must remind
Well, for Christians, I suppose this could apply for Jesus (pbuh) and Christianity as well.
Because I'm Muslim, though, I wrote this from my perspective
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