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Seven Socrates Jun 2014
I search for better days while I reminisce of my past. It seems like happiness is temporary the pain forever lasts. Forget our laughs yet remember our tears. Logic the only solution to our fears. Days turn to years. Weeks turn to months. Forget our hardships after inhales from a blunt. Never rush greatness, move at the right paces, don’t think about yesterday tomorrow it leads to a life wasted.
Seven Socrates Jun 2014
Look at what we value and praise. We a seek better days yet refuse to mend our ways.
If you avoid conflict and treat others kindly you’re a *****, but if you act savagely you’ll have a hard time keeping people off your ****, now anit that some ****?
This isn’t a rap. Look at what’s happening in the world and look at your actions. Why does a “good life” have to include detrimental acts? I’d rather have the hippes back then the **** yall on.
You gonna wish u listened when u see the good guys all gone.”
Seven Socrates Jun 2014
When I go to hell, it’ll probally be no music to listen too
That alone is punishment enough, I’ll spend eternity miserable
I’ll probally feel how I’d feel if they ever put me in an institute.
Just talking to myself all day without **** to do.
Thinking about people that don’t do the same, don’t I mean **** to you?
But **** is cool. When it comes to sins, I prolly committed a few
Any good deeds I have, consider them my gift to you.
I hate being optimistic like **** gonna get better.
**** my ******* ****, don’t you tell me to keep my head up
Cause after I die my soul gonna be punished for ever.
The ones that talk behind my back, in my face speak so kindly.
Don’t allow me to move forward, and put my mistakes behind me
I wish I could find peace, even if it was temporarily.
When I say **** everybody I’m only pushin away the few that care for me.
It’s clear to see, drugs is better then therapy.
No problems, I’m fine.
No I’m not lying.
Putting my life into rhymes in lines.
I’m sorry for wasting your time.
Seven Socrates Jun 2014
Wish I could just say ******* and move on
cause it seems like everything I do, I do wrong,
so I push forward and try to put you behind me
for some reason, you pop up and remind me
of all the good moments, like the bad aint exist
we get cool and it all just happens again
you normal, but i’m going through all this sad **** again,
you treat me like an enemy but leave our status as friends
how about I do my thing, and you just do yours
we both put up a white flag and call off the war
cause at the end of the day what is all for?
We get nothin less, we don’t get nothin more
I hope you can find happiness cause you truly deserve it.
One day you’ll find your match and you two will be perfect
you’ll mature with him and I’ll get older too
and maybe with time i’ll get over you.
i feel like this conversation is long over due
my apologizes for all the tension placed on our friendship
i’ll see you in the future but for now i’ll end this.
Seven Socrates Jun 2014
Are you an illusion or do you really exist?
Enemy or ally? Friend or foe?
Do I take you for granted or you use as a gift?
Uncertain of your loyalty in the end we’ll know.
Legacies you create often become forgotten
I’ve seen when you’ve ignored those asking for help
Leaving them helpless buried beneath the bottom
They would have been better off asking someone else
Why do you slow down our sorrows, speed through our joys
I’ve seen you be cruel to those that abuse you
When you’re at war for peace what weapon do you deploy?
It’s confusing who rules who, do you rule us or do we rule you?
You have to appreciate what you get, lonely or loved people will forget
But  you aren’t responsible for humanities regrets.
Seven Socrates Jun 2014
Don’t plant no seeds if you anit ready to garden yet, cause too many uncared for plants leaves the farm in debt, the “rotten”seeds always seem to harm the rest, we can point out the issue why we anit fix the problem yet? Cause anything healthy in nature always get harvested.

— The End —