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They shaved my head
and cut me open
took my skull
and my way of coping
My life had changed
in just a moment
I can't decide
but I might wish I hadn't done it.
I can't play
or practice
I have to be careful.
If I'm not cautious
with my head
I could instantly wind up dead.
My headaches aren't gone
and I'm still dizzy
all you really took
was half my aspirations.
I hadn't much warning
just a surprise.
And when I could easily die
every day is a compromise.
More just had to be taken away
because the last 13 surgeries
hadn't changed my day to day.
It's a brand new world I'm living in
where all my dreams are limited
and they're starting to run thin.
so here you have me
and I'm crying mercy.
six months ago I had a Chiari decompression on my skull. I finally have finished recovery. technically. But sill, my life is limited, and it always will be now. I can't get past that I'm 19 and I feel like I can't do anything. I know it will pass and I will get used to this and accept this with gratitude, but that day hasn't come yet /:
 Dec 2014 searching
 Dec 2014 searching
I know the best plan is to go to bed,
but waking up tomorrow just fills me with dread.
Time is an illusion, and now never ends,
but with indulgences, I can pretend
that tonight could end with some kind of punctuation.

Sum it all up within a single sentence.
Exclamations and question marks the X of the equation.
Narrated in a literary sense.
Life imitates art animating life inspired by metaphorical interpretations of unexplained phenomena.
I felt it all in a single wave of interconnected particles.

Pulled apart, but each piece responding to the other with common stimuli.
All of my atoms are secretly whispering to each other:
One day,
he is going to die.
 Dec 2014 searching
 Dec 2014 searching
Bloodied noses.
Smeared makeup.
Reckless abandon.
Don't care where I wake up.

I danced.
I think I lost my ****.
I'm sorry you had to see that.
I'm over it.

Where'd I leave my shirt?
When did I get so harried?
Why am I covered in dirt?
Who did we bury?

panic attack.
Panic Attack!

Foamed at the mouth.
Spat out several teeth.
Are we humans,
or animal beings?!

Swallowed it . . .
came back.

I ate all the prettiest flowers in your garden.
Sorry about that.
I wanted to digest beauty.
Turn it to ****.
How's my breath?

***** fingernails.
Tobacco stains.
Coughs and gasps.
Phantom pains.

Who did I what?
How am I where?
Did I just now ******* . . .
fall up the stairs?
Why did you go?
I'm still wrong here.
"We should let this dead guy sleep"
 Jan 2014 searching
The wind howls
outside my bedroom window
shaking me
my heart; my soul

it screams
while you sit there
drinking sweet-smelling coffee
a baby boy in Africa
cries of hunger
and aching ribs.

while you are curled up
under warm and soft blankets
an old and lonely man
wanders the darkest streets
looking for warmth;
a home

while you hide there
surrounded by light and family
with an aura of ungratefulness
you are lost in the rays of your technologies
with a frown on your angelic face
when a weeping woman
shakes and prays
for her gone children to reach Heaven happily
but you dare forget God to a screen?

my house shakes
from Wind's agonizing words
and a streak of cold
trickles into my haven
along with the words
"what am I doing?"

my stiff legs reach
a window
and the arms in front of me
pull it open
to reveal no sound at all

where is the wind?
did he leave just as
he touched
my heart; my soul
making me waver?
or does a gust not howl ,
and isn't heard?

the wind was here
for how else did the once-twinkling snowflakes
suddenly freeze
and lose all of their beauty?

no one but Wind
would take the innocence
of such young and beautiful white specks
just as they landed
in this cold,
dark world

no one but Wind
would flare you with reality
enough to make you cry with obliviousness
for this wind; my Wind
he is the voice off all those
who have faced
life's stinging brutality;
instead of
hiding under covers
and whispering morbid lies
everything is okay
 Jan 2014 searching
Pen Lux
my heart is a joke
laugh with me

let me know
when you go
if it hurts to smile

what it is
you think about

hesitant benevolence
I'm on the fence
from where we went
I feel I'm spent
over digging
I'm living

the bend
maybe spend
less time

in aching
I'm taken
been taking
can't fake it
won't take it
can't hide
don't want to fight
everything's alright
didn't I tell you you're amazing?

can I just take a second right now
to tell you you're amazing?

it's nice to meet someone so nice
it's nice
to meet
so nice
it's nice to meet
someone so nice
it's nice
to meet
 Jan 2014 searching
 Jan 2014 searching
I've got the drinks, and I've got the will
I've got the time
And expired pills

I'll use them all
To get what I want
Wait, that's not right
I mean to deal with not getting what they want

A selfish brat, maybe
Tantrums like crazy
Pouting over nothing
Poor little baby

I'm good at self-loathing
I don't need your help
I've got plenty of sedatives;
One-way tickets to hell

It's where all my friends live
I'll fit right in
We perspire and make toasts to the worst of our sins

And laugh at the people
Who spent lives longing for choirs
Up there in white-walled mansions
Built of unfulfilled desires
Memories aren't made in heaven
 Jan 2014 searching
Danielle Rose
I rest my head on your chest
Feeling blessed
Mellow and at peace
Your arms reminding me
There was never a need to worry
Your heart beat lulling
A sound of pure beauty
If I could have stayed for the rest of my days
I surely would have
Enraptured in that moment so far from the world
and the burdens of should have
 Jan 2014 searching
Asi Zamane
I wasn't the type
to write everyday,
or even to get inspired easily.
but I was the type to fall
in love each day.

Not necessarily with people,

but with the most simple &
common of things. The
Smile of a stranger reminded
me that the hearts of man
were still kind.

The warmth of the sun, on my face
Each day, quietly whispered
that things would be okay

and finally, the shapes the
clouds took on an overcast day
insisted that there was
beauty in sadness, in solitude.

I honestly believe that I'll die
In awe of this un appreciated
world and that breaks my
 Jan 2014 searching
 Jan 2014 searching
People, you know, are like never-ending rainbows.
Nauseating colors and no pots of gold.

People, it seems, are like toxic streams.
Flowing endlessly with waters that you can't drink.

Like piles of so many strands of straw,
hiding golden pins underneath.
If I could find one I'd ***** my fingers and bleed
all over these troublesome docile stacks.
Light it on fire and turn them to ash.

People are like so many cigarettes in a pack -
always craving another even as your insides turn black.

And people, I swear,
they act like they care,
but when push comes to shove they all cower in fear.

So people, beware!
For I am not scared.
My strength comes from inside.
I'm self-aware!

And people (me too) know not what we do.
Spend our whole lives pursuing beliefs so untrue.

That's okay, people.
I forgive you.
And through your existential struggles,
I find you beautiful.
It's a love/hate relationship
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