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Brumbies night live

ACT v lions

Hi dudes and welcome to gio stadium
Where the mighty brumbies will be trying to win after some terrible performances they have had and mate it is going to be a great match
No matter who wins and the brumbies who are number 4 in the Australiasian conference and we have to hope that they have the power to best the lions this evening on brumbies night live
With the last win from the brumbies being on March 15, and they are bound to win tonight and mate it should be cool, our first entertainer is George from red hill
Take it away George

Coming out tonight
With a lot of power
The mighty mighty brumbies
The team of the hour
They will beat the odds
Never giving up
Come on brumbies
You must win yes please be the best
Brumbies team brumbies team
They must fight hard tonight
Knock the lions completely out
And pile on the tries
Brumbies team brumbies team
Will we win tonight
Come on brumbies players
Please put on a fight right

Thank you George and tonight brumbies night live will be great
If brumbies win and not lose and now here is Peter from cook

Go brumbies we will fight them
Go brumbies we will never lose
Never, brumbies will win tonight
Go brumbies this is footy
The big game they play in heaven yeah
Brumbies we must win tonight
Go brumbies beat the lions
On our home we need to win
Yeah mate we must win oh yeah
With our players playing average
In other games
Our last win was March 15
Come on brumbies we must win
Come on brumbies we will win
If we put our mind to it
Get our mindset right yeah
Come on brumbies
We must beat the lions
Yeah we will win if we play well enough yeah we will win hope-ful-ly
Yes we are the team of the week
If we win tonight
Go brumbies we must win yeah
Go brumbies we will beat South Africa
Yeah dude we will be triumphant yeah
Go brumbies

Thank you Peter and lets hope brumbies win tonight and if our mindset as you put it is right we will win and win well

And now here is John from Casey

Come on the brumbies
We need to be triumphant
We need to show South Africa
Who is boss
Come on the brumbies
Hopefully we won’t lose this
Cause if we do our adrenaline
Will be pushed right down oh yeah
Come on the brumbies
The lions will be waiting
But we must win
Never ever give in
Because it must be our turn
Dance goes the cheer girls
And cheering goes brumby jack
As the brumbies are superb
Yes we will win oh yeah
And the team to win tonight
Will be the mighty brumbies

Thank you John and I hope the brumbies are listening because mate
They are due for a win and if they are good enough they will win battle and conquer and now here is rick from kaleen with a brumby rap

Yo hey brumby team
The best team at the GIO yeah
We will fight we will say
That we will beat the lions hands down
Come on hey brumbies team
Everyone will cheer you as you take the field
With the crowd going brumbies Clap clap clap brumbies clap clap clap
Brumbies clap clap clap right from start to finish
You see brumbies we beat the tahs
At their own game yeah we are cool
We haven’t won since then
But the lions tonight will be our feast
We will trample all over them
And say brumbies clap clap clap
Brumbies clap clap clap
Right till the very end
Go brumbies yo from start to finish

Thank you rick and that was a cool rap beat for the mighty brumby team
And I hope they win against the lions tonight and now here is harriett from

Brumbies team show the crowd a good time
Brumbies team show us how you win
Pile on the the tries
Make sure you never look like losing
Never lose go the brumbies team
Brumbies team fight till the final
Siren mate show us your style
Come on brumbies we must win this evening come on mate we must win oh yeah
You see the brumbies and lions meet this evening who will win
Who will ****** win
Everyone cheers for the brumbies this evening at 9-30 we will know the result
Brumbies team we will win this evening
Brumbies team we will win this game
We must fight we will conquer to be the best overall you see we are the best

Thank you harriett and that was a great song about the brumbies hopefully winning well let’s hope the beat the lions and very soon we will be watching the kickoff between the brumbies and the lions
Go brumbies

And welcome back and we are about to start this brumbies night live match
Against the lions from South Africa
Go brumbies go brumbies win this match
Come on brumbies we need to win this yeah we do and we will
Well, I hope anyway go brumbies

Welcome to half time and the mighty brumbies are leading at the half time break by 19 points to 8 and this is a crackerjack game of rugby mate and now for our half time entertainment and first of all is Gordon from Macgregor

Yes mate we were down and
I felt bad when the lions started well
And scored the first try
But the conversion was missed
And the brumbies got in
And with their successful conversion
We lead 7-5 but the lions were given
A penalty to the lions mate made the lions retake the lead but
We stuck at our guns at 8-7 down
And we pushed ourselves to the limit
Then we scored a great try
And again we converted it 14-8 was the score the lions tried to put pressure on us but we stuck at our guns and scored a unconverted try
It was 19 points to 8 at half time
And what do you reckon brumbies fans are we going to give up I say
No fear
Thank you for the summary Gordon
And now here is olly from Fraser
Go the brumbies win win win
Go the brumbies win every time
When we play so late at night
We have to see whether we can put up a fight
Go the brumbies win oh win
Go the brumbies make sure
You don’t give up this lead
Thank you olly and now it is time to
Start the second half
Go brumbies
Kick some ***
Go brumbies
Show some class
Come on brumbies win against the lions

Welcome back and it is full time at gio stadium and the brumbies beat the lions by 31 points to 20 after a very good second half of 12 - all the deadlock couldn’t be broken and here is Patrick from wanniassa

Here comes the brumbies
Here comes the brumbies
The ACT brumbies
Beating the lions 31 points to 20
What a picnic
Here comes the brumbies
Here comes the brumbies
The ACT brumbies
It was a very good win indeed mate
Those mighty brumbies won and the crowd is happy
Like a real smart happy Chappy
Here comes the brumbies
Here comes the brumbies
The ACT brumbies
We provided the best entertainment
You have a ever seen
Yes we had a picnic
Go the brumbies
Go the brumbies
We are the champions
Of the territory of the ACT
Especially tonight yeah
Go the mighty brumbies
Go the mighty brumbies
We will provide some of the best
Performances of the super rugby
Oh yeah what a picnic
Go brumbies you are the best

Thank you Patrick and now we cross to the brumbies cheer squad
Brad and Thomas and Daniel to cheer like they have never cheered before

Hi everyone at the brumbies game
I hope you enjoyed us win 31-20 mate
We put the pressure on the lions
Keeping above them anyway we want
They scored the first try converted it to trail by 4 but we piled on tries and
Won by 11 and the second half was 12 all dude, what a match this turned out to be and the lions tried and tried and tried but we were better tonight oh yeah, thank god I nearly died
As the crowd yelled so loud
The brumbies supporters stood up
Nice and proud and we had a good mindset tonight better than the lions
But the lions still played well
But we were better really really cool better mate yeah mate yeah
Go the brumbies on brumbies night live kick ***, go brumbies

Thank you brad and Thomas and Daniel and yes it was a great win by the brumbies and it was a 12-all second half and thank Christ brumbies lead the first half and now here is Pete from Melba

Go the brumbies go the brumbies
We won yeseree
Come on brumbies
Come on brumbies
This night was ours oh yeah
It was an even second half
But the brumbies still was leading
Yes and we cut the lions in two
And their hearts were a bleeding
But lions played well
But not well enough
Go the brumbies go the brumbies
We’re the best in the super rugby
Well on our good day, mate
Go the mighty brumbies
We are the champs of gio
But hopefully we can win more
To show today was no fluke

Thank you Pete and now it is time to go, so here is our final curtain song

As we draw the final curtain
And it is the brumbies on top oh yeah
Time to head out to go to our houses
While the wild ones have their beer
It was a very good match
The lions were displaying pressure yeah but the 12-all second half meant
The brumbies are the best
Oh yeah bow bow
Yes, the brumbies are the best
See you next time we have brumbies night live
Let us win over our Greatest Sin!
The most important journey, let’s begin 
This will be life’s biggest win
Realizing we are not this body, this skin 
Then, the sinner will be free from sin 
Let us win over our Greatest Sin!

Who doesn’t Sin? We all do sin
We live with greed and pride within 
Lust and envy drive our engine 
Anger burns us from within
It is yet another deadly sin
Let us win over our Greatest Sin!

What causes us to repeatedly sin?
It is desire, it is passion
Thoughts of the mind cause aggression 
Then there is sinful action 
Ultimately, we are in depression
Let us win over our Greatest Sin!

Who desires, who commits sin?
Is it the body, the mind or the ego within? 
Are these the three that will suffer sin? 
Yes, everything unfolds as per our sin
In fact, that’s how a new life will begin 
Let us win over our Greatest Sin!

Whatever we do, good or bad
It’s our Karma that makes us glad or sad 
Every deed of ours, every action
Becomes a seed that into our Karma goes in 
This seed must sprout, the fruits will spin 
Let us win over our Greatest Sin!

But what is the cause of all our sin?
Where does all our sin begin?
It is ignorance that is caused by the mind
We sin because the mind makes us blind
Let us overcome the ignorance that we are bone and skin 
Let us win over our Greatest Sin!

We grow up believing so many lies
We believe that God lives in the skies
We are scared of hell, we want heaven
But still, we all continue to sin
Because we don’t know what is our Greatest Sin 
Let us win over our Greatest Sin!

Let us get to the bottom of the root
Start a quest to realize the truth
Otherwise, we will suffer the triple suffering on earth 
Our sin will cause us to return in a rebirth
Because of our sin, we’ll return in a new skin
Let us win over our Greatest Sin!

What is the cause of our Greatest Sin?
Where does all our sin begin?
Because we think we are the body, ego and mind 
We can’t escape sin, this we find
Realizing we are the Soul, frees us from sin
Let us win over our Greatest Sin!

What stops us from being free from sin? 
What causes our sinful action? 
Sometimes religion causes confusion 
Ignorance stops us from the conclusion 
So, the body and mind continue to sin 
Let us win over our Greatest Sin!

Not this, not this, the truth is we are That 
Not body and mind, the Soul we are, in fact 
But because we all don’t realize this
We continue to sin, causing unhappiness 
Enlightenment will free us from sin
Let us win over our Greatest Sin!

The body will die, but we are reborn 
This cycle will go on and on
Every human being is bound to sin 
There is sin packaged with every skin 
The only way is to be free from this skin 
Let us win over our Greatest Sin!

If we sin, we may return as a dog 
A cat or a rat, or even a frog
For sure, we will suffer if we commit sin 
How to be free from sinful action?
The answer is realization, it is liberation 
Let us win over our Greatest Sin!

The Soul is God, this we don’t know
So, we return to this earthly show
When we overcome ignorance, there is purification 
We realize the truth, there is illumination
Then, realization leads to liberation
Let us win over our Greatest Sin!

If only we realize the truth, we can win 
Then we can be free from all sin
We are not the sinner, how can we sin? 
We are the Soul that doesn’t sin
This realization will free us from sin 
Let us win over our Greatest Sin!

What is the secret to be free from sin?
It is that the Divine is within
God lives in the temple of our heart
With this realization, our freedom will start 
We will not sin, for we are not the body and skin 
Let us win over our Greatest Sin!

Then, we realize this world is a drama 
We are free from sin, free from trauma 
We become free from all our Karma
We are free from sin if we know it’s Maya 
Realization can free us from all our sin 
Let us win over our Greatest Sin!

Realization is just the start of this win 
Realization leads to the right action 
A realized Soul will never sin
For he realizes it’s all an illusion
He is nothing but a Divine manifestation 
Let us win over our Greatest Sin!

Realizing I am the Soul, frees me from sin 
The Soul in me is the Lord within
Then we realize God is in every skin 
Every man and beast has God within 
This makes us overcome all sin
Let us win over our Greatest Sin!

If God is in all, how can we sin?
How can we **** and hurt to win? 
Realization stops us from the wrong action 
It will dissolve passion and obsession
We will live as the Soul within
Let us win over our Greatest Sin!

We foolishly worry about every petty sin 
But we don’t know how to stop this action 
If only of the truth, there is realization 
Then, we will never ever commit a sin 
We will live as the Divine that is within 
Let us win over our Greatest Sin!

This all must know is our Greatest Sin 
We don’t know that there is God within
​​​​​​​Because of ignorance, we continue to sin 
We foolishly live without realization 
Realizing we are God, will stop all sin 
Let us win over our Greatest Sin!
PK Wakefield Jan 2012
         1st ******
        gown WIN
       in your
    pale ****
     unbroken whiter
   lips WIN
       in your
   innocent ivory
    lips WIN
-ter is
    an ugly flower
       is a homely
       ruby petaled
      rose WIN
   -ter breaking
  into colorful
   heaps of sticky
  callous profusions
        in your
       cheeks WIN
      -ter is
    a hot blushing
     gush WIN
     lovely ugly
    when they
     break your
     vilely neat
    walls WIN
      hot running
     lips WIN
    -ter do
      you like
      sharp flowers
     painful thorned
  ?between the
  untouched lips
of your
   snowed lips
  i will
   plant so
    deep a little
   naked keen
  rose WIN
  i will bury
   it in
  you WIN
      and its
     bloom WIN
   -ter will
     set you
   fiercely on
  edge WIN
-ter it
    will set
Hi everyone and welcome to brumbies night live for the brumbies home match against the Auckland blues and what a match this will turn out to be and here is Fred with a jingle
Run brumbies run
Playing at GIO stadium oh yeah
Run brumbies run
Fighting fit fighting strong
Come on brumbies
You must win this Saturday
The night of all nights
Go brumbies go brumbies
We are the best
We will triumph over the blues
We are the best
Go brumbies go brumbies
We must win
If we wanna win in the finals
We have to win tonight

Thank you Fred and now here is Peter with his jingle

Out on the field of super rugby today
Are the mighty brumbies
Ready for a win
Our opponent today is the Auckland blues
We need to win we will triumph over
Everyone here’s hoping dude
Then the team provided a try
Scoring good here’s hoping mate
Everyone will cheer as they come on the field we get to our feet abs from our mouths we yell
Go the brumbies go go go
We need to beat the blues at their game
Go the brumbies go go go
Fight for our place in the finals
Here’s hoping well if we are good enough
Thank you Peter and now time to start the match go brumbies

Welcome to half time of brumbies night live and the blues got an early lead but then the brumbies caught up a bit to make it Auckland 15 brumbies 12, it will be an interesting second half
Here is Tim
Go brumbies go brumbies go brumbies go
We are the best team in Australia yeah
We are kicking *** good
And we are showing the blues who is boss
Let’s hope we don’t end up with a loss
Go the mighty brumbies mate
Carn them good and strong
Up the brumbies down the blues
Well I hope so anyway
It is great to shoe the kids of this town
Just how great the brumbies are
Come on brumbies win this match
Yeah oh yeah come on dudes

Thank you Tim and now here is William with his jingle
You know it is the brumbies
We are coming back on the blues
And at precisely midnight
Our victory will fit right
Into the night
We must win tonight mate
If we think we are good
What have the crowd
Eating pretty good food
Oh yeah we must win
Oh yeah we must
Thank you William and this match is going to be great in the second half
Here is Yvonne
The mighty brumbies are going to win today
1 2 3 4 5 olay
Then we will score and score
The opposition doesn’t know what hit em
Hit em hit em hit em
Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
We must win tonight cause if we don’t
I will meet you in the club
And pour beer over you, yeah
We fight we win
Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
Go the mighty brumbies
Thank you Yvonne and now onto the second half go brumbies
And now it is full time and what a win for the ACT brumbies by 26-21 and I can tell you that was a great win
Here is Tom
Oh yeah it was a great win for the brumbies, the brumbies oh yeah
We proved too good for them oh yeah
The mighty brumbies
The brumbies played so ****** well
Auckland don’t know what hit em
Just when we thought they were down in the game
They scored some great points
Oh yeah the brumbies won it oh yeseree 3 cheers for the mighty brumbies come on oh yeah
Well done the mighty brumbies
Well ****** done

Thank you Tom and now here is Brian with a jingle
Go brumbies
We fought we conquered and we won
It was a great win we deserved to win
And the mighty brumbies
Are the best team around
Are we going to win from this match on
Or is it going to be a hay ride for us all
But the brumbies the mighty brumbies
Will put up a fight
Try and put that in your pipe and smoke it critics just smoke it now
All up
Go the brumbies go the brumbies
We are the best team around
Go the brumbies go the brumbies
Yes we beat the blues oh yeah
We are back kicking ***
Like we used to do fellas
Go the mighty brumbies
We are the mighty brumbies
We are The best
Thank you Brian and now that is it
There ain’t no more the brumbies have won, 26-21 is the score
Goodbye from brumbies night live
And now we draw the final curtain
Yes it is the brumbies are totally rad
The performance for them in this game was far from ****** bad
So as we wait for next weeks opponent
We will try and show them what we are made of yeah
But now it is time to celebrate
With a nice cold beer
Go brumbies
The Raiders show raiders v st george at GIO Stadium

    with johnny brown and Sue Longways

johnny’   welcome dudes to GIO stadium to this match between the dragons and the raiders and this is going to be a

great match, the raiders are 11th and the dragons are at 14, and whoever wins, I can guarantee it will be a spectacle

and i have Pete from Hawker with us now with a poem for us, hoping to get the Raiders into top swing

Pete”    ok dudes let’s swing it

you see the bad and mean green machine, big and strong and fast and mean

you see you shouldn’t try and stop these men in green, cause we are 3 positions higher than the opposition

Johnny’  well, short but sweet, and have you been worried about form in some matches

Pete’   well, yes, but that makes no difference, the raiders are going to win dudes, i will sing it again

you see we are the bad and mean green machine, big and strong and fast and mean

you see you shouldn’t try and stop these men in green, cause we are 3 positions higher than the opposition

Johnny’   well thanks Pete and now here is Sue Longways with another fine poem from the crowd

Sue’   thanks Johnny and what a great atmosphere here at GIO Stadium today, a great twilight match, and everyone

is in fine voice to cheer the raiders to beat the dragons tonight, and here is John Barten from Queanbeyan and he hates

how the Raiders went to Canberra all those years ago, so he sings a dragons tune

John’   go the dragons go the dragons

go the mighty dragons team

you see it’s only early in the season

go the mighty dragons cause the raiders moved here

I know we shouldn’t hold a grudge, mate, but i am and there is nothing you can do oh no

go the mighty dragons and i will go for them till the Raiders go back to Seiffert Oval, dudes

Sue”   thanks John and now here is Harold from Lyneham

Harold’   i am the bad and mean raiders fan

we supply the best coming out of the can

you see i go to the footy with mates george and dan

you see we’ll hit ya hit ya hit ya the mighty green machine

Sue’  thanks Harold and now here is the Raiders team, bring on the team

Jordan Rapana and Sisa Waqa and Jarrod Croker and Jarrad kennedy and edrick lee and blake austin and Mitchell Cornish

and Shannon Boyd and Josh Hodgson and Dane Tilse and Josh Papali and Sia Solicia and Shaun Fensom

and the 4 interchange players  Josh McRone and Frank-Paul Nuuausala and Paul Vaughan and Luke Bateman

and now here is Ken from Symonston with his poem

Ken”   i have been coming out to the GIO stadium every time we play

you see it’s fun when we win, but when we lose, we certainly do ****** pay

and the main thing about it is, we beat the easy teams and beat the hard teams but never at the best time

come on Raiders, it’s surely the time to win, oh ****** yeah

sue”   thanks Ken and now here is Rob with his jingle

Rob”     Run Raiders run

as we charge onto the GIO stadium yeah

run raiders run you see we have the team, we’ll win oh yeah

yeah we will come a running, and score a hundred tries

yeah that will be so cool,

run raiders run, oh yeah the Raiders are the team to beat i hope

run raiders run

they are the team that will thrash the opposition yeah

you see we won one and lost one

run raiders run

yeah the mighty raiders, will be our son of a gun

Sue”    thanks Rob for that and now here is the dragons team

first is Peter Mata’utia and Etonia Nabuli and Dan Nielson and Dylan Farrell and Jason Nightingale

and gareth Widdop and Benji Marshall and Leeson Ah Mau and Mitch Rein and George Rose

and Tyson Frizell and Joel Thompson and Jack de Belin

and the interchange men are trent Merrin and Heath L”Estrange and Rory O’Brien and Mike Cooper and Jake Marketo

and here is Mike from Jerrabomberra with his jingle

oh yeah those dragons yeah, they win more than the raiders yeah

they supply all the tries, in fact more tries than the locals, why don’t they win the grand

well i think i know, it’s because we lose our playing ability after thrashing the raiders here and anywhere

so go the dragons, go the mighty dragons, the right team to win the match

sue’   ok thanks Mike and now here is Keith from Latham with his song

carn the carn the carn the mighty raiders team, please dudes don’t make us say **** mate

make our raiders team win, carn the raiders carn the raiders, watch our team win well

on our home ground see, go the mighty raiders for a great victory

ya see i live in Latham and in my lounge room i have raiders cushions and raiders tables and heaps

of videos too including the great grand final victories in ’89 and “91 and the great ‘94

they haven’t won a grand final since in the first grade oh no

but if they win a few games where they don’t drop the ball too much

they will play so ****** hard, GO THE RAIDERS, DUDES

Sue’   ok that is it for me, and now back to Johnny

Johnny”  thanks Sue for telling us the teams and letting us hear some great home truths, let’s hope the

Raiders can win tonight, and now here is ?Bob from Cook with a jingle

Bob’   go the raiders go the raiders, do ya reckon we have the stamminer to win today

go the raiders go the raiders, should we win, should we win

twinkle twinkle raiders pack, how i wonder whether you’ll win

up above the GIO park tonight, make sure we clean this game free of fights

twinkle twinkle raiders pack, go the raiders through and through

Johnny’ thanks Bob and now here is Ernie from Higgins with his rhyme

hey ****** ****** the dragons are ready, are they going to win

all have the raiders put all their dropping the ball crap in the flaming bin

Shaun Fensom laughed at this little rhyme, as hopefully the raiders grab the 2 points

Johnny’  thanks Ernie and first my tip, well to the ladder, i say Raiders, on current form, well raiders be 6, could be more

and who do you support Sue

Sue’    well to the ladder, the Raiders, but on current form, dragons by 2, but i could change

Johnny”   ok, we’ll be back at half time, ok, here on the Raiders show

The raiders show v manly April 28 2019

Hi everyone and welcome to the raiders show on a year where we have won 5 out of 6 wins with their only loss was against the Melbourne storm
And today should be a great test to see if Canberra raiders are good enough to go further this year I personally think raiders have the guts to win it, but only time will tell ok let’s start the jingles and poems and cheers here is the first from Oliver

We are the mighty raiders
We will fight for what is right
Pushing for a premiership
In 2 0 1 9
Are we good enough
Well I think we are
But today we must pass manly
Because they seem the best
As they play the green machine song
To start the match
Everyone will cheer the raiders name
Saying we will win hands down
But at the stroke of 4-00
The question of whether the raiders are good enough will be answered
Go raiders go

Thank you Oliver and now here is Andy billims with a festive footy song

It is the football season oh yeah
And the raiders team will enter the field ready to show manly who if boss
And they want manly to have a loss
At brookvale oval today
The crowd is getting ready to
Wave their flags saying go raiders
We must win but to those manly
Supporters out there
We will win this mighty match
Go raiders go for us
As the supporters and players
Are riding the bus
Yes we are going to win we will never
Give in to those manly sea eagles
It is the football season
And the green machine
Is looking fast and mean
Never lean, we are mighty keen
To best the sea eagles yeah
And at the chime of 4-00
Raiders will see the truth
Of whether they win or lose

Thank you Andy and let’s hope raiders do win this afternoon against manly and now here is our next jingle poem or cheer from Patrick

G’day dudes my name is pat
Ready to cheer the raiders on
To beat manly and that is that
You see we have strong players
Who play very well
And Ricky Stuart will push us to the limit yeah
We have beaten teams who were once pretty good
And if we lose, guess who will be in a bad mood
I will yell at friends and family
C’mon raiders for this victory
We have in the past been
Known as the faders
But this year is different
We are the mighty raiders
We will raid your park as
We raise the roof
I know the raiders can excite us
I just want proof
Go raiders go raiders go raiders go

Thank you Patrick and here’s hoping we can all get together this afternoon to cheer hard for the Canberra raiders
Here is Jarred with his poem

Go raiders we are the best
We will put the eagles to the test
Coming up to provide the best
But the manly side will never rest
You see Canberra need to work ****** hard
Burning off the extra lard
From all the times the raiders have lost
C’mon raiders beat the hosts
Go raiders go

Thank you jarred and now off to the first half go the mighty raiders beat the eagles

Welcome back to the raiders show for the half time entertainment and what a match we have with the raiders leading manly by just 2 points, 14-12
And now here is ken with a jingle

Wighton wighton
You are the best mate
Two tries for the green machine
You are the one who is bad and mean
Wighton wighton
Everybody says your awesome dude
You need to score more though
If a win against manly is on the cards
Wighton wighton
Congratulations and celebrations
As the manly side scored their second try right at the last minute through former raiders Lachlan croker
Go the raiders we can’t give up
If we drop the ball we will choke choke choke come on raiders we must win today the mighty green machine
Will hopefully make manly pay
Thank you ken and now here is joe with his input

Fighting strong the green machine
We are the pride of the ACT
We are up by just 2 points
We need to provide more pressure
Yes we do
Don’t want no red or even blue
No orange or maroon too
We will see if the green machine
Will knock manly out in this game
But the pressure is coming over Canberra yeah
We fight we rise and we conquer
All over the place
We need to win c’mon raiders to win
Send manly off the field licking their wounds go raiders go

Thank you joe and now the second half between the raiders and sea eagles
Go raiders go
We will fight and we will win
Go raiders go
We will send manly to the sin bin
Go raiders go
Will wighton score his third
C’mon raiders win this match
Right now

Welcome back to the raiders show
And what a pretty ordinary performance from the raiders with manly winning 24 points to 20 and despite all the talk of the commentators saying they won from their last try, they made a mistake which ran down the clock for manly
Here is Tom

Go manly go manly go the mighty sea eagles
Winning is the way we do it
Go the eagles yeseree
I can answer the question mate
What is wrong with the raiders now
The second half of Canberra was crap and manly made the most of it
By becoming no sap
Go manly go manly
Go the mighty eagles yeah
We win only by 4 but a win none the less

Thank you Tom and congratulations to your team and I hope the raiders can bounce back next week, well hope so anyway and now here is Lyle with his jingle

Poor raiders lost their second match
Poor raiders having problems with their performance
It isn’t that good
Manly too strong
And raiders fell into a hole
The first half was good for raiders
But the second half went down
It is a 80 minute game not 40
The raiders faded away
What was wrong what was wrong
Raiders have been beaten for the second time
If we are to make the finals mate
We have to play a 80 minute game

Thank you Lyle and now here is Keith

The raiders played such **** in
The second half
Their performance in the second half was as woeful as can be
What happened to the side that has been winning in the last few weeks
Will we see them again
Well I hope so
I ****** well hope so
They need to win again
Just when you think the raiders
Were finals bound
They play a woeful match
In the second half
And to make a good position in the finals
They need to play better than that
Well done manly
I am a great sport
I hope the raiders can bounce back
And no more fade away

Thank you Keith and now it is time to go, it is beer o’clock there is no more

And now we draw the final curtain
What happened to the raiders mate
Normally this year we sing their praises now we have to lick our wounds
Join us next week for our mcdonalds park match with Penrith the mighty mountain men
I hope we could win that
It will be a great great match
But after our woeful second half
We need to bounce right on back to
Keep on track

Manly. 24
Raiders 20
The raiders show against the 2018 premiers at Suncorp in Brisbane

Hi and welcome to the raiders show
Which is coming to you live from Suncorp stadium where all games this week is, where the raiders are playing the great roosters line up, it will be a great game that the raiders must win
If they want to get their names on the board they only lost 2 games against Melbourne storm and manly Warringah, so far this year and here is hoping we can beat the roosters this afternoon, here is our first jingle from George
Hey Canberra
You must win
Just ignore the
Games that we lost yeah
Don’t fade away like you
Used to do yeah
Just don’t fade away
Hey Canberra
It would be great
If we get a win from
Last years champions
Yes, it will make me very a very happy man yeah mate yeah dude
Canberra to win
Hey Canberra
The mighty green machine
Are they good enough to beat the roosters yeah
Are they good enough to really show
Them who is boss in this game yeah
Go raiders we must win
Hey Canberra
Be like supermen
And fly all over Suncorp
This afternoon you have to win mate
Go raiders knock the roosters out
Thank you George and now here is Harry with a jingle
Canberra Canberra Canberra
We are going to win
Everything is going down well with us please god makes us win
Canberra Canberra Canberra
Win in Brisbane
It is going to be cool mate
The best performance of our lives
Oi oi oi raiders must win
At Suncorp stadium
Against a side not from Brisbane
Really pretty hard
Go raiders go raiders go raiders go raiders go please win
Pretty please with sugar on top
And now over to the match against the roosters go raiders
Yes, it has been a dismal match where the roosters have a 24-6 lead over the raiders today and it is bad
And we have a roosters supporter named pill popper with his jingle

Yes we won last years premiership
What a game it was
And we are playing well this year
Include this week at Suncorp
The raiders are pushed right down
Yes go the roosters oh yeah
Yes afterwards we will hit the roosters bar
And have a nice cold beer
24 points to 6 we have them right
Where we want them
Come on roosters knock the raiders
Back to Canberra saying we are
Kings of suncorp dudes
Thank you pill popper and now here is ken with a reply
Carn the raiders
Go the raiders
Get us out of this mess
Yes we need to win we still have hope
For our sweet caress
We need to Ricky Stuart
To say the right things today
To put some fire in our bellies
To make us force the roosters to fade
But the raiders have to play well
And I can’t see it happening
I just want my team to win
Go raiders go
Thank you ken and here is terry with his jingle
And as we draw the final curtain
On the first half I hope we catch up
It will be a hard match mate
Because the roosters are playing well
I hope pill popper eats his words mate
But the roosters are playing well
We need to see our players in the spotlight
Ready for a pretty good fight
I sure hope we play well in the second half
Carn the raiders oh yeah
Thank you terry and what do you have to say pill popper
Pill popper’. Well mate I think the roosters will win and the raiders will fade in your face Canberra
Ok thank you pull popper and now here is the second half of the raiders at Suncorp stadium
And welcome back to the raiders show and what a terrible performance despite coming back a bit in the second half, the roosters won 30 points to 24 and here is pill popper
We gave you the chances
But you still couldn’t win
What is wrong with the Raiders
The roosters were too good
We won we won
Yes we fought yes we conquered
To win by just 6
Yes we put the pressure
On the raiders oh yes we did
Roosters roosters go the mighty roosters for back to back
Thank you pill popper and now here is Simon
We are the bad and mean green machine but today we conked out too soon
Yes we tried to come back
But still the roosters were too good
What is wrong with the raiders
One can only tell
You see it was an awful match
Yes I don’t know what went wrong
The bad and mean green machine
Was broken hopefully fixed next week

Ok that was good and that is it that is all there ain’t no more here is the Final curtain song saying it is beer o’clock

And now let’s draw the final curtain
The roosters were too ****** good
Despite the raiders coming back on them
The raiders failed by just 6
So now we get into beer o’clock mate
To think about next week yeah
Well done to the roosters
Raiders must bounce back
I want to win a title so I can be titled.
I want to win a title so I can be.
I want to win a title so I can.
I want to win a title so I.
I want to win a title so.
I want to win a title.
I want to win a.
I want to win.
I want to.
I want.
I need.
I need to.
I need to win.
I need to win a.
I need to win a title.
I need to win a title so.
I need to win a title so I.
I need to win a title so I can.
I need to win a title so I can be.
I need to win a title so I can be titled.
Giants of StarTrack

Johnny'.  Hi dudes and welcome to StarTrack oval which is going to be a great match
Between the gws Giants and Geelong cats, the Giants are undefeated here with wins over
Gold Coast and Melbourne and this is promising to be a great encounter, and now here
Is Brendan with his little jingle

Go the Giants go the Giants we are the team that brings afl back to the nations capital
We will never never ever fail
You see we will make sure the Geelong cats score fewer like a little baby snail
Go the Giants of StarTrack yeah
Cool your hearts with a nice cold beer
And make sure the mighty Giants

Johnny'.  Yeah Brendan they was a great jingle and now here is Peter

Giants to win Giants to win, yeah they will win this game
Come on Giants you must play well
Yeah the Giants for victory
Giants to win here at star track yeah, go the mighty Giants

Johnny'.    Thanks Peter and here is another jingle from sue longways

Giants are better than any team, yeah we will have a nice cold beer
And maybe this could mean finals for us
But we must win today to find out where
I am sue longways here to cheer for the Giants
We will never ever get into anymore fights
We want a nice clean game
Yeah we will get the price of game
Me, sue longways supports the Giants baby
And we are in the jungle baby supporting the Giants to beat the cats
I am sue longways, I support the team right till the end
Go the gws Giants

Johnny'.  Ok that is enough for now i will be back at quarter time see ya

Quarter time

Johnny'.  Hi dudes welcome to quarter time fun and our Giants are 1-1-7 and the cats
Are 3-6-24 and what a match unfortunately not in our favour, here is tim with his jingle

We are Geelong the greatest team of all
Oh yeah Geelong we are certainly on the ball
We have got a hold on the Giants early
Yeah the mighty cats for victory oh yes e ree

Johnny'.   Now here is olly

Go the Giants go the Giants we must win this game
You see we must keep our performance up
Put the cats to sleep
Yeah go the Giants go the Giants
We are the team of 2015, well hopefully we will win today
And give our Canberra crowd members a win

Johnny'.  Ok I will be back at half time go the Giants

Johnny'.   Hi dudes and the cats has us on toast about 40  -  15, 25 points up
But I think the Giants have still hope, they should be further in front, well the Giants
Need to play well in the 2 nd half and now here is Robert

The cats are in front
At the half time break,
It's great to see them leading
And the cats are looking like winning
But the Giants could get closer
Go the mighty cats, I can't bare you to lose
johnny'.  Ok dudes and what a great match, as we draw the $1-000-000 prize now
So let's see what number it is, number 1235, and it is Harry burnseide and he has a winning
Jingle for us
Yeah I have won a million bucks oh yeah oh yeah
From this day I am a millionaire oh yeah oh yeah
You see today the cats are up against the Giants
And if you meet me at the bar I will shout you a beer
All the crowd yell out, saying give me a shout

Johnny'.  Ok congratulations to Harry and let's hope that gws can be undefeated on the Giants
Of StarTrack and yeah this is going to be radical and now here is a jingle from the Auskicker of the week

Go Giants go Giants we will win it we will win it
If we lose, please be up front so I can cheer you on cheer you on
The lights are on, the cats are in front
The drinks are on ice and so is God
Yeah come on the mighty Giants mate, kick some fucken ***

Johnny'.  Thanks to the Auskicker of the week and now here is John Barnes with his jingle

Go the Giants the mighty Giants
Will we win this game
We are down by 25, but there should still be hope
We must beat the cats
We are the greater Western Sydney Giants
The team who plays 3 in Canberra, go the mighty Giants

Johnny'.  We will be back at 3 quarter time, go Giants

Johnny'.    Welcome to 3 quarter time and the cats are still leading but the Giants are closing
IN on them and here is Harry with his jingle

go the Giants go the Giants
The might of the Giants are mightier
Come on the western Sydney Giants
Yeah we will rule the roost
We are the best at StarTrack yeah
Give us a nice cold beer for a nice cold day
Nothing hot about today, dude
johnny'.  Ok here is kenny with his jingle

We are the Giants the greatest team of all
Ready to put it to Geelong and force them to drop the ball
We will play this last quarter like it's our own
Like king Solomon on his thrown
The cats are going to get beaten because the Giants are looking pretty slick
The Giants for victory

Johnny thank you kenny and now back to the match
See you full time, go Giants

Johnny'.    Welcome back and the cats won 59-42 over the Giants and now we are on the ground for kick to kick and first we have a jingle by yetta

Go Geelong the greatest team of all
Go the cats we are always on the ball
We played the game so brilliantly yessiree
Today we played away
Go the mighty cats we are the prince of victory
Live from StarTrack oval

Johnny'. Ok here is deadly dean

The Giants should have won this game hoorah hoorah
We are the best in the league hoorah
My friend said what happened we lost this match
I say we would have won it if we got those goals
And deadly dean says he is the champion of the StarTrack oval crowd

Johnny'.  Thank you deadly dean and now Peter

The cats are the best by far
Hoorah hoorah
They are better than the Giants by far
Hoorah hoorah
The cats are the best by far
They were too good for the Giants oh yeah
Go the mighty cats, better by flaming far oh far
Coming in from the top

Johnny'.   Ok thanks Peter and now here is tommy Marcardle

Crack open the beer and cheer for the cats
And send those Giants to kingdom come
And if the Giants ask us for a bit of biff
We say we are too cool for fights
You see the cats were too strong today
And Giants sank into the ground
Yeah mate yeah, go the mighty cats, oh yeah
Send west Sydney to seventh heaven, dude

Johnny'.   Yeah, you sent those Giants to seventh heaven, real bad
Tommy'.   Yeah, top game and I will boost this ball right to the commentary box
Johnny'.   Ok, try it, but no you were no where near it and now here is Keith with his

And now we draw the final curtain
Yeah the cats are the best by far
The Giants were never in it
Yeah the cats are fighting fit
We are oh we are oh we are fighting fit oh yessiree
You see the Giants were kicking horribly
I don't understand why they played well last week
But lost this week, then jimmy Bartel said,
That is because the cats were too good, oh yessiree

Johnny'.  Ok before we go, here is sue longways with her final jingle

And now we draw the final curtain
The Giants lost, oh yeah
I don't know what went wrong mate
But the cats were too good
You see, Giants fans will swing on the curtain
And drop to the bottom like they do
Go the mighty cats said our mate Keith
Hopefully the Giants will bounce back
And win the remaining matches ooh yeah

Johnny'.  Ok dudes, that is it for day, we will be back next year on the Giants of StarTrack
See you, dudes

Sent from my iPad
I would pull stars from the sky
Swim the deepest ocean blue
If it gave me just a little piece
of more time spent with you

Do you want me to slay dragons
Beneath the mountain high
In order to spend time with you
or just pull stars from the sky?

Whatever it takes to win your heart
That's all you have to ask
Whatever it takes to win your heart
Just give me a new task
Whatever it takes to win your heart
I'll sail the ocean blue
Whatever it takes to win your heart
I'd do it all for you

How high, how much
How many, how low
just tell me and I'll do
I'll spin straw into gold
just to spend more time with you

how fast, how far
how quick, how slow
ask me something new
i'll make diamond out of chunks of coal
just to spend more time with you

Whatever it takes to win your heart
That's all you have to ask
Whatever it takes to win your heart
Just give me a new task
Whatever it takes to win your heart
I'll sail the ocean blue
Whatever it takes to win your heart
I'd do it all for you

I'll catch a star from the night sky
I'll navigate the seas
I'll go on an adventure
If you'll spend your life with me

I'll climb the highest mountain
I'll fly into the sun
Whatever it takes to win your heart
And hear that I'm your only one

Whatever it takes to win your heart
That's all you have to ask
Whatever it takes to win your heart
Just give me a new task
Whatever it takes to win your heart
I'll sail the ocean blue
Whatever it takes to win your heart
I'd do it all for you
I wanna be a wallaby
The wallabies are the best
They beat the mighty all blacks
By 47 to 26
What a win by the wallabies
I can hardly believe my eyes
What a win I hope they can keep it up
Oh yeah and yes they gave the
All blacks a surprise
Perth was the place
To catch the great challenge they embrace
Wattcha wanna be
A walla wallaby
A great win a great win
Oh yeah bow bow
Carn the mighty wallabies
We are the best
Because we beat the best
But who cares because those
Mighty wallabies say to me
Wattcha wanna be
A walla wallaby
Football meat pies yes those
Wallabies beat the odds
And gave the Perth crowd
A great win for them
Carn the wallabies
Carn the wallabies
The all blacks are the team to beat
And we go one-up oh yeah mate yeah
I wanna be a wallaby
Watcha wanna be
A walla wallaby
47 to 26, I can hardly believe my eyes
Yes Australia gave us a surprise
Go the wallabies kick some ****
Go the wallabies show some class
And they did all blacks had their chances
And Australia never gave up
Cold tinnie crack one right now
Cold tinnie crack it open mate
Crack one for the mighty wallabies mate
Cold tinnie crack one right now
Green and gold green and gold
The best team around
Green and gold green and gold
Too good oh yeah
Black is a dark colour
We need to put the bright colours first
Green and gold, cold tinnie cold tinnie
Crack one for the wallabies mate
I am an Aussie and I love life
And I love when the wallabies win
Especially against the mighty all blacks
Well done wallabies 47 to 26
I can hardly believe it
Wattcha wanna be
A walla wallaby
What a win highest ever score
Against New Zealand
Yes dudes what a win
Giants of Manuka

Johnny’. Hello and welcome to the cold Manuka oval in Canberra for the last giants home match being played here and tonight, the opponent is the mighty Adelaide crows, who were last years runners up, and this year they meet with giants are 4th while the crows are on 12th, it should be a great game this evening and hopefully we won’t get anymore rain but we very well might and now at the gate here is Gil tucker, well Gil have we got any happy crowd members
Gil’. Yes Johnny we have 4 people from rivett singing a jingle they made up this morning
4 from Rivett’
Come on giants, the crows have had their chance, they lost last years grand final and we fell one game short but who cares about 2017 when the giants are still up in the 8 and if we win today we will be pressing to beat what we did for the last 2 years so carn the mighty giants mate pile the pressure on mate
Carn the mighty giants never give up without a fight
Go giants, Adelaide are finished
Go the mighty giants
Gil’. Thank you for that lovely bit of entertainment here at giants at Manuka and Johnny, I think it will be a lovely night for footy here at Manuka
Johnny’. Thank you Gil and now both teams are out on the ground training and getting a feel of the ground and there is no sign of rain at the moment but who knows what will happen later, now the banners of the giants and crows have just arrived on the ground and mate there are a lot people who are part of both teams especially the giants, playing to get themselves back to the top 4 and the mascots have come on the ground as well, this is very exciting ready for a footy party mate and what a party it is, first of all the giants running on, and then came the crows, this is going to be a great night for footy, and now over to Gil, with some more spectators chants
Gil’ thanks Johnny and here is Bradley Simmons from Queanbeyan with a song for you
Brad’ ok we are cheering loud
And also strong the team is the mighty giants
They will put on the power to get back in the 4
Where they ****** belong
I know the crows are good
But they have had their chances
Yes we must go one better this year
So the way we will do that
Is to win our last match here
In Manuka
Go giants of Manuka
Gil’ thank you brad and now back to Johnny
Johnny’ yeah,what a chant and I hope the giants have what it takes to win this evening
So let’s get ready to party dudes, let’s see if the giants have what it takes to beat the crows tonight
Quarter time
Johnny’ welcome to the quarter time show and our giants and the crows are head to head
Giants are 4 4 28 just 1 point in front of the crows 4 3 27 and it is a crackerjack game so far and dance cam has just started and they dance holding the ball in the air and meanwhile the giants and the crows are still in their groups and here is Gil with his fan
Gil’ yes here is rob
Rob go giants keep it up
A close first quarter now we must break away
Go giants
Gil’. Thank you rob and now back to the match
Johnny’ yes what a match this has turned out to be the crows are 7 7 49 to our mighty giants of Manuka 6 9 45, a very close match for both teams tonight and now over to Gil with some spectators with their chants, hopefully these chants will inspire our giants to play a good second half
Gil’. Thank you Johnny and yes it is a very exciting game and now here is Jane with her chant
Jane’. My name is Jane and I say right here
That the giants are good enough to win the cup this year
You see they need to hold their marks and kick goals rather than behinds but if they do that
The sky is the limit you see
So if you are enjoying this close game the giants are definately going to claim the fame
Go giants
Gil’ thank you Jane and now bob with his chant
Bob go go go go go the giants must win
Go go go go go go they are the best around
In every single town oh yeah
The mascots are having fun
But they prefer us to be leading
We need to cut them up till they are bleeding go giants go
Gil’ ok thanks bob and now back to Johnny
Johnny’ love the chants and now queen are blasting the stadium as our giants of Manuka have entered the ground as well as the crows and umpires, oh well here is the second half
Go the mighty giants
Johnny’ welcome to three quarter time and a great match with the giants getting back in front the giants are 11 14 80 to the crows 10 9 69, 11 points up and I can tell you that the giants have the power to win, but Adelaide are keeping it close
What a great game here is Gil
Gil’ thank you and now here is a chant from jack from Sydney
I love you I love you I love you said the umpire to the crows
I love you I love you I love you
We are counting all their wohs
The march has a quarter to go
So go the giants give us a go
Gil’ thank you and now time for the final quarter go giants
Johnny’ welcome to the full time wrap and what a win for the GWS, over the Adelaide crows
GWS 15 16 106 to Adelaide 13 14 92 and the giants of Manuka surely reigned supreme and here is Gil with some of the spectators
Gil’. Yeah what a win for the giants and that put them back in the top 3 and now here is Peter from Campbelltown with his victory song
Peter’ it is the big big sound
From Canberra town
The team is the mighty giants
They won the match
The crows will splat
In the boots before the giants
We jump up to our highest peak
Better than the rest
We are the greater western Sydney giants
Stronger than the rest
Gil’ thanks Peter and mate it was a great game
Peter’ yeah what a win by the greater western Sydney giants
Top win better than the rest
Go giants
Gil’ and now here is olly
Olly’ go giants we have won
We knocked the crows to kingdom come
Yes we’re great and we can make the grand final
We will be ready for the tigers
We will win
Go giants go giants go giants go
The team from Sydney with a lot of get up and go
Go giants
Gil’ yeah thank you olly and I can say just one thing go the mighty giants for 2018
And now back to Johnny to sign off from giants of Manuka
Johnny’ yeah, what a win
The giants 15 16 106 to the crows 13 14 92 and I want to say to all the kick to kick dudes
Just one thing, are you ready dudes
Kick to kick people’
And now we draw the final curtain
Yes it’s the giants triumphant against the crows
There were a few hiccups
But at the end it was totally wild
Everybody cheered forever
The party was pretty cool
Now let’s go home or to our parties yes go the giants yeseree
Go the giants
Johnny’ thanks for watching giants of Manuka and go the giants for the rest of the year ok
Catch ya dudes and dudettes
Raj Arumugam Dec 2011
Yeah! - we win!
We Aussies win
the CoreData 2011 award:
each household will spend
an average of more than $1000
on gifts, food and deco for Xmas
Yeah! - we win!
China? $400 only
The French? $600 only
The Kiwis? $631 only
America? $644 only
The British? $815 only
Britain beats France - but
Yeah! - we Aussies beat 'em all!
Yeah! - we win!

We Aussies also win
the IBISWorld 2011 award:
Australia will spend $1.2 billion
on ***** just in December
Yeah, we win! And throughout 2011!
the UK? they drink only 10.58 litres
average year round
the USA? a paltry 8.42 liters average
And Down Under? - 10.61 litres this year
Yeah! - we win! we win! we win!
I'm actually away from the site - but just couldn't resist writing and sharing this poem with you...
Merry Xmas and Happy New Year everyone...but please know your place compared to the winners Down Under....

— The End —