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i walked the boulevard

i saw a ***** child
skating on noisy wheels of joy

pathetic dress fluttering

behind her a mothermonster
with red grumbling face

cluttered in pursuit

pleasantly elephantine

while nearby the father

a thick cheerful man

with majestic bulbous lips
and forlorn piggish hands

joked to a girlish *****

with busy rhythmic mouth
and sily purple eyelids

of how she was with child
Nat Lipstadt May 2013
Holy Crap,
They Sold My Name!

No big deal, your name, your email, bought n' sold daily,
Like a baseball card, your picture and vital stats are on the internet,
Your credit card in the fine print tells you they love you much,
But the data they collect, might get credited to such and such.

You're fair game if your sign up for anything.

Now I know I am getting on in years,
Tho spry rhymes with die, I flatly deny
Any notion that
My great beyond is just around the corner!

But Holy Crap,
They Sold My Name!

Got a color brochure
Suggesting that when my travels are over,
A nice place to rest my head might be
St. Michael's Cemetery.

St. Michael's Cemetery
7202 Astoria Blvd, East Elmhurst
(718) 278-3240
Friday hours 7:00 am–5:00 pm

In case you want to check it out too...

Tho I live not in the Borough of Queens County,
My zip code but a hop, skip and jump away,
The cemetery adjacent to the Grand Central Parkway
Which is actually quite thoughtful of
The mass marketer who dreamed up this scheme
(And got paid a plentiful amount of bounty).
My kids could wave as they drive by,
On the way to LaGuardia or JFK, (airports)
And say, guilt free, they visit me regularly!

Sadly, their plot foiled,
I will be buried in
New Jersey soil,
Near to my pop, who liked the
Wide open spaces of suburbia
And shopping on Route 4,
Where the selection is great
And there is no sales tax.

But Holy Crap,
They Sold My Name,
And I am now target marketed,
Niched, pretty soon the boys from AARP
Will come calling, reminding me of the gap
Tween Medicare and the poor house!

Ok ok,  grow up you say, tho your hair is full,
And not even a hint of baldness shines forth,
Nonetheless, its color is zebra striped gray,
And when someone says they got my back,
I think, please, please take it and keep it....

Oh yeah,
Dear St. Mikes
You might ask for some of your money back,
Cause this sily scribe is a member of the tribe,
Some call "those ***** (hint: it rhymes with Mikes),"
It starts with K and ends in yikes!

But thanks for thinking of me anyway.
Abednigo Mogale Dec 2018
Going through the emotions

I love you I love you not
She loves me she loves me not
Innocent flowers
Fallen victim to my cruel
Are we friends or we not
Are we friends or we more
I wonder if friends
Say I love you like the way you do
Petals scattered around
My feet some drifting with the wind
Maybe you love me
Perhaps if I told you,
You would laugh
Just friends
She loves me she love me not
You love me you love me not
They are times when it seemed
That you do
The slight stolen glance
That stole more than it intended
My heart
When you smiled like a half moon
On twilight sky in the country side
My breath
With your sily laugh that whispered
Like sweet grass anchored on the mountain face
My doubts
When you speak your mind
With such passion and chaos
That challenged my sanity
Caught between my love for you
And our friendship
More than friends perhaps,
Or are we just friends
Unspoken words fill my mouth
Like grandma's cooking
At Chrisman dinners
Starved of oxygen
Unable to bring them to life.
She loves me she loves me not
Just friends
I hope not.
Raj  May 2019
I see...
Raj May 2019
I see a world in front of my eyes don't know who made it ,but know who made me .

I can see the hopes of better future in my mother's eyes.

So I'm running toward finding the better future.

But it is not that much easy,as we had read the stories in the childhood.

The real world is much-much  different from our beliefs, dreams,hopes and thoughts.

What we wants ,it doesn't gets to us easily as breakfast and the somosa.
Fight till empty strength,,it never comes because God has given us word infinity is our strength.

A day will come when we would be standing on our childhood's home and praising our struggle and remembering those beautiful and sily days, when we were sily.
Marie-Lyne  Mar 2017
Come to me
Marie-Lyne Mar 2017
Come swim into my morning coffee
So I could taste you
I could smell you and my soul would awake from its sleep

Come sit in the pocket of my jeans
let me carry you around wherever I go

Come to me
I will hold you in my arms for hours
I will make you feel better

Come, read books with me
listen to my favourite songs

Come, take me to movie theatres
let us escape to an imaginary world

Come, hold my hand
give me strength when I need it the most

Come, look into my eyes
and just smile

Come, sit with me on the roof
Let me tell you all the things
that make me happy

Come, let's take silly pictures
and keep them safe in our memories

Come, we will visit museums together
and stare at random paintings

Come we'll go to toy stores
act like children
and remember ou sily childhood

Come we'll wear fancy clothes
and act like adults

Come without a warning
without a sign
Come to me
Come to my mind

Come whenever you want
Come now, come tomorrow
Come to my dreams
Come everyday
Come once in a week

— The End —