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Tati  Oct 2018
Hija de la luna
Tati Oct 2018
Every night I would talk to the moon
“Mother moon, my heart is broken yet again.”
She would listen to every detail, and offer her advice when needed
One night, it was my turn to listen.
She confessed how lonely it was to be all alone in the night sky with no friends.
“But you have the stars to accompany you, Mother moon.”
“The stars keep to themselves. What I really want is a child.”
How silly, I thought. How would a moon ever have a child?
I threw myself off the balcony. My arms reaching up into the sky.
When I awoke, the moon was cradling me in her crescent shape
They say that when the moon is in her cresecent stage it’s because she’s rocking her baby to sleep
That’s how I became La hija de la luna
The daughter of the moon

— The End —