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Dana Williams  Sep 2014
Dana Williams Sep 2014
I wish I could take the pain away
but I live too far away.
I fell in love with your mind and your soul.
now I want to rub my hands all over you, from your head to your sole.

I want to do all the cute things together.
dates, pictures, and just random movie nights.
everything could be so right
but distance.

Those random nights when I crave your presence, I wish I could reach over and grab you.
but distance.
every mile between us is another to my heart.
staying up late thinking about our meeting in the dark.
the anixety is in overdrive because there's no set date when I get to lay my eyes on your beautiful face.
I just need you here with me
but distance.

I'm trying to say patient and calm.
I'm trying to keep the faith.
I'm trying to stay happy and keep a smile on my face.
I don't care how long it takes.
just know no one will ever take your place.

distance is hard.
distance is ****.
but distance..
it made me love you more,
if that makes sense.
RoseGunDead  Aug 2020
RoseGunDead Aug 2020

Nicotine in my nerves
Codeine on my mind
Maybe I wanna lose myself
Maybe I wanna lose me
Cuz living feels like anxiety

Fighting demons cuz it’s part of me
Maybe I am the demon m the part of it
My soul is tired of it
But if I die , I am ready to go n rest in peace
Yet I can’t help but think who’s gonna miss
This part of me
myranda  Sep 2019
myranda Sep 2019
i cant do this anymore...... its to hard
being new.....
i want to go back
no one likes me
god im so stuipd for coming back
i just want my mum
avc  Dec 2018
avc Dec 2018
Its only a greeting
No need for word speeding
Whats you name?
I can play this game.
You can get your point across
I can hear what you have to say
Why am I trembling?
A question shakes my mental structures
and internally I am lost
I go blank
I panic
Now I can't even remember what the question was?
Oh ****,
now I look like an idiot.
I start to breath a little harder,
and I feel like I need to sit..
I escape.
No friend made.
What a pain.
Gaining points
Gaining characters
Gaining clothes
Being champion
Killing time
Learning skills

Making friends
Playing online
Playing all the time
Killing time
Gain new roles
Gain champion
Gain new skills
Help with stressed
Help with anixety
Help with depression
Gaming is life for some
Your gaming is just fine
But some time you just need your time
PawanTube  Jul 2019
PawanTube Jul 2019
There's nothing left to heal
though most of pathetic anixety feel
no longer love would be rotten
quite after you betray.
all i do is screm to myself
Everything, Doing everything I can,
It's all about part of my pride...
but, i hate to say I'm proud
still i say, do you hear my echo aloud...

Which type of mesh is it?
too much lye between in pain,
nobody beware it's vain.
for these pleasure SCARS,  
i never ment to spites...
i went out of my insane
heart felts torn apart
too much bad at goodbye...

Need to take off "circumstances"
wishing for time machine
to change the past of we
yet it hasn't built...
no magician can do or so
do i shut up? god !
-clean up all the mess
"Lit, the flower
Dare to expell the fake,
SHE'LL back with the asthethic face"
There's nothing left to heal
though most of pathetic anixety feel
no longer love would be rotten
quite after you betray.
all i do is screm to myself
Everything, Doing everything I can,
It's all about part of my pride...
but, i hate to say I'm proud
still i say, do you hear my echo aloud...

Which type of mesh is it?
too much lye between in pain,
nobody beware it's vain.
for these pleasure SCARS,  
i never ment to spites...
i went out of my insane
heart felts torn apart
too much bad at goodbye...

Need to take off "circumstances"
wishing for time machine
to change the past of we
yet it hasn't built...
no magician can do or so
do i shut up? god !
-clean up all the mess
"Lit, the flower
Dare to expell the fake,
SHE'LL back with the asthethic face"
spent thousands of days preparing
to swoop in and steal your heart
a second in your presence
and those master plans fall apart
anixety is my mortal enemy
fighting a war i'll never win
what is my motivation
when i know the reality i'm going against

it's the possibility of loving you

— The End —