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Bogdan Dragos Oct 2019
there's plenty of cutesy names to
call one's children
but his was 'unlovable trash'
He remembered it from the time he was in the crib
They held him there
for longer than most parents
held their kids in cribs. Though only dad
called him so
because he constantly claimed he wasn't his

unlovable trash

he had the wrong skin tone
was too pale
with curly orange hair
and freckles

but mom always pretended she didn't
the words
unlovable trash
she would act as if they were never uttered

and growing up
he thought
unlovable trash was a good thing
thought it was how you show love to your loved

"Mom, you’re unlovable trash."

she was so happy to hear it
she burst into tears and went into the
kitchen and uncorked a bottle of wine
and drank it all by herself. What an
unlovable trash she was

by the time he could pronounce the lovely
father was no longer in his life
but father too
was an unlovable trash
F Alexis  Mar 2014
F Alexis Mar 2014
All my life...
There has never been a shortage
Of people to tear me down.

I have never been without
Someone to throw the words that cut,
And leave me bleeding
Without a nurse to tend the wounds
Or the means to heal them.

It wasn't often that I went without
Hearing something to remind me
Of how little I was worth.

I was told that I was no good at this,
And shouldn't pursue that.
That, "if I were you, I would skip the audition."
And that I wasn't allowed to do certain things,
"You're not good at it. Get over it."
Still a ******, I was called a *****,
And was only bought clothes bigger
Than what I needed,
Because someone would rather
Convince me to hate my body,
Than change their own.

I was told that if I didn't do
Certain things,
That no man would want me.
And that he would go look elsewhere.

Though I had hands laid on me,
And not in love,
It was the words that held the most

The words that followed me.
That haunted me.
That poked at me and taunted me,
Making it impossible to ignore them.
The words that eventually,
Despite my greatest efforts,
Began to ring true to me.

And the mission whose missiles
Were these very words
Became a success,
Making me feel unlovable to the
Highest extent,
Packing me with baggage
That no one should ever bear.

The pain was indescribable.
The recovery, impossible.
The hope that I might prove it all wrong,
Harder to keep alive than
A butterfly who had already had its wings
Ripped from its body.

I had never wanted so much
For a kind heart,
A brief, flickering light
To draw me in
And keep me warm...

To nurse the cuts that always bled,
No matter how I wrapped them.
To offer gentle words
And a gentle touch.
Things that I ached for
Like food and water.

I struggled to hold on to the hope
That there was someone
Who might tell me differently.
That I was no *****,
But beautiful
And deserving of love.
That I was no terror to behold,
Or bane to their existence,
But someone that made it a little
That I was no problem to be solved,
But a person, a being with value
To be held
And loved
And looked after.
Someone who held purpose
And whose heart deserved
And someone to hold it,
Someone to look after it.
Someone to hold and
Look after me.

I strained to hold onto the possibility
That I could make someone happy,
Instead of only inspire their hateful words.
That I might hold some merit to someone,
And be a welcome part of their lives.

But then I realized...

No one would want all of that.

No one looks to nurse wounds
And fade scars.
No one aims to prove false
The insults and jabs and discouragement
Thrown at you.
No one wants to wait patiently
For the trust to grow while the
pain subsides.
No one wants to bear the patience
Of dealing with a broken person
Who every now and then,
Cracks a little bit.
People want shiny, new, and undented.
Not something that has been shattered
And clumsily pieced back together,
Never looking quite as pretty or worthwhile
As the perfectly intact,
Looking like it might break all over again.

I worked to fix myself,
Always trying to make better
Something I couldn't even identify.

I worked to become perfect,
To gloss myself over
And fill in the cracks,
Hoping to look like that
Lovely, intact counterpart
That I would never be.

I felt as though I waited
For something to happen
That never could be,
And for someone to come along
That would never show.
Like a constant replay
Of a jilting at the altar,
I waited for something
I dreamt about so often
I had nearly convinced myself
It was real.

I realized I could never undo
What had been done.
I could never take back
What had been said.
Because these actions
And these words
Were not my own.
And making up for someone else's
Is about as successful as taking
To cure someone else's illness.

I could never fix it,
But I must always
Bear the results.

I deemed myself,

I began to wonder
If this had been the purpose
Of those words all along.

To create someone unlovable
Because the speaker could not
Find love themselves.

Only a monster would do such a thing.

But monsters are real.

And this one wasn't hiding under my bed.
Samantha Steele Oct 2013
if I say i'm
don't say to me
"But I love you,
isn't that enough?"
because honestly it's not
I say i'm unlovable
because I can't even
love myself
so how can others?
Dev  May 2018
am i unlovable?
Dev May 2018
Is my body an issue?
Is it impossible to be loved the way I am?
With these voluminous waves
of body “for days”
Am I unlovable or is that absurd?

Is my personality an issue?
Is it too hard to love me as I am?
With this overachieving persona,
Am I just a effervescent loner?
Am I unlovable or is that ridiculous?

Is my face an issue?
Is it just too much effort to love me?
With these battle scars of adolescence,
Painted with the wrong message,
Am I unlovable or is that just pathetic?
Star Gazer  Mar 2016
Star Gazer Mar 2016
I've always been poisoned at the words of people
Living in a world stuck between lesser evils
They told me I was unlovable for humanity
They would address me as 'you manatee'
And I just started believing that I was unlovable.

Unlovable is another name for a soul
Who will slowly and surely roam alone
Unlovable just means ugly, fat and pathetic.
And I agree with you all,
        I am unlovable...
Jordan Frances Feb 2014
Who gives a ****
If I live or die?
I have become the one forgotten
And I have fallen into some peculiar space
Now no one remembers the girl who once stood
In my place
She is changed, she has become something unexpected and unforgiving.
Is there a reason to believe in myself anymore?

I have been deemed, by many,
Perhaps the worst damnation of all
Has come from my inner self.

But how does the rest of the world see me?
My views have been clouded over the years
By some unwarranted opinions
Of hypocrites and bigots
Bullies and ex-boyfriends

Calling me names to this day
Even after some bouts of depression
Eating disorders
Even a suicide attempt.

Although these are all in the past
I still fail to hold myself in high regard.
Did they make me hate myself?
No, but they had a weighted hand in its development.

So who could love a creature like me?
A person, or rather, a shell of one,
Plagued by habit
Submerged in guilt

Crippled by a question that has never ceased.
Does being forced into a protective armor,
Being ridiculed
Being unloved
Make someone truly
Unloved I live an
Unlovely life, treated
Unloving by people I'm
Unable to love
Unlovable I am treating people
Unlovingly myself

Unlovable in the literal sense:
the impossibility of being loved
Written while listening to Dorian by Agnes Obel.
l i z a  May 2015
l i z a May 2015
you say you love me

but do you ever stop to look

how you love me

how do you do

if that’s how to

declare me unlovable 

for I rather be unloved 

than loved by you
You are difficult to love. Not only because I am not good at loving but also because you are quite unlovable.
Ember Evanescent Nov 2014
You know what?

I genuinely believe that I am unlovable.

Not even in the self-pitying way, I just have thought about it and I really think that no one could ever truly love me.

I have too many flaws that get in the way.

If I am imperfect then I can't be perfect enough for them

If I am perfect then I am not the quirky beautifully rare girl they want

I am too violent and weird

I am too hateful and grudging

And the worst part is

I don't even WANT to stop being violent and weird or hateful or grudging

I wish someone would love me for it

because I love those who are deadly loyal, absurd, not afraid of a little violence (not abusive, just to be clear. I do not support that) those who hate things because the more passionately they hate, the more passionately they love as well. And someone who holds a grudge actually cares about things. I would love a boy who was all those things but no guy wants a girl who can't let go of things and spends all her time muttering to herself about how worthless and ugly she is because that has become my hobby I don't even realize I am doing it sometimes.

I just don't think anyone could ever really truly fall in love with me.

That makes me kind of sad I guess... :(
I don't know, just a late-night-I-am-so-lonely-why-am-I-so-unlovable-mood.
SøułSurvivør Aug 2017

there was once
a girl unnamed
ever doubted
ever shamed

untamed fire
high & wild
she was a haunted
white-hot child

a wayward waif
she had no guide
no way to hold
her rage inside

"you're a ***** little girl,
watch me as I wreck your world!"

bursting brain
as well as bubble
he brought her
a world of trouble
now unloved

charcoal lily
ragged ****
neglected garden
a bad seed
never knowing
her great need

a prickly thistle
tried to hide
all the pain
she held inside


for years she went on
in this state
unloved, unwise
and reprobate
no turning back
it was too late

wild parties
dating thugs
drinking *****
doing drugs


But deep inside
the little-girl-lost
a seed of faith
grew at last
she grabbed a hold
and held on fast

then, when things
were at their worst
she began
to hunger ~ thirst!
because her God
had loved
her first!

"I've loved you, child.
I had a plan
long before the world began.

Please do not be sad or blue,
this destiny included YOU

you are SO important
to My story
you will bring Me such great

here below
in heav'n above
I'll show you how much


the woman changed
she was set free

who's the woman?

she is


(C) 8/16/2017
I know I've been gone a while.
My phone has been giving me grief,
and I needed to use it for a telephone
prayer line I have with some friends.
But it's time I got back on site.

If you only KNEW how MUCH God loves you! How much *I* love you! You're in my prayers daily!

I'm going to revise my site a bit.
Only uplifting poetry about God and His creation will be featured here. I love ALL my followers, but i want to dedicate this site to JESUS. Thanks for understanding.

♡ Catherine

P.S. it's 3:10am, so please forgive any typos! Lol!
Gemma  Sep 2012
Gemma Sep 2012
I am overly fascinated with self destruction.
Anything that could harm me, catches my eye.
I think it, dream it, breathe it.
Hurting myself has become everything to me.
I am obsessed and that sickens me.
I want any escape,
any way to be anywhere but here.
And at the same time,
all I want is to stay in my same miserable place.
I am unlovable.

— The End —