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27/M/Fremont, CA    Write me a picture.
Samuel Hesed
New York    ____________________________________________________________________ Check out my Website: Hello, my name is Paul. My pen/middle name is Samuel Hesed. I am in love with Poetry, Philosophy, Space, …
Daniel Samuelson
California    "The world is big, and I want to have a good look at it before it gets dark." -John Muir. Joshua 1:9. Soli Deo Gloria.
Samuel Louis
19/M/your heart    Aspiring writer, I would love any critique on any of my poems!
arthur samuel papa
22/M/Ghana    A desire to eternize memories and ideas through art keeps the desire to write...I hope to express myself in an accepted manner
Samuel Lombardo
Orlando, Florida   
Samuel Canerday
24/M    Author seeking to connect with the world and others through prose and poetry. Twitter:@canerdayauthor Wordpress: canerdayauthor
Samuel Fox
North Carolina    Samuel J. Fox is a queer (B in GLBT) essayist and poet. He has been published in multiple journals (ask him about it). He lives …
Samuel Nicely
Roanoke, VA    i am a child, laughing and crying in a sea of stimulation. i am a voice, singing flat in a chorus of one. i am …
Samuel Alexander
Australia    I'll quit when I'm dead
samuel hdz
Texas    Chilling guy with unlimited potential. Nothing to prove for it though. A bright mind enveloped in chaos. Was once told I was a great guy …
Samuel Graham Nyarenda
18/M    I am really passionate for art in itself generally but overally, in Literature, reading and writing
une façon d'expliquer qui est quelqu'un serait ridicule d'expliquer avec des mots pour les personnes sont les actions et les pensées que nous existons dans …
Faith Toluwani Samuel
28/M/Nigeria    I'm a Scientist (Microbiologist) by degree who fell in love with every work of art. I'm a sales-oriented Web and Graphics Designer, Digital marketer, photographer, …
Samuel Esther
22/F/Lagos state    Poem is another way to live through the feelings buried deep inside me.
Samuel Bass
Oregon    Welcome to my world. I'm a word artist writing about my mental adventures, so come, let us enjoy the journey together. I'm on Earth to …
Samuel Adell
Lewiston, Maine    To many I'm known as **Sammy Swagg**. But I'm here to change that. I'm not known for the real me, rather somebody who I tried …
Samuel Preveda
New York    A forest dweller, shape shifting shadow delighting in rays of light puddled on the floor; a river spirit murmuring with the rushing riverwater, a meandering …
Samuel H
122/M/California    I write oddly specific, sometimes borderline cringy sappy poems only I can relate to. Still working on spitting out better stuff. When I'm not writing, …
Shameless Samuel
I never know what to write in these things..
Samuel Bayard McDaniel
Long Beach    So I'm fairly okay at writing, a good number of these "poems" will end up being short stories. Sorry about that, mate.
Jakarta    I collect stories in my dreams and try to inhale the universe in every breath
Samuel Butcher
Orlando    I am a Political Scientist by training (and sausages seen, seen, seen), Writer by passion and profession (hastily a wall down an alley lonely; in …

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