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i prefer to be blunt. i won't sugar-coat the truth for you :) and don't take life so seriously. it's not like you will get …


Gabriel Dorian Nov 2013
I love you until I die
Even I leave this earth
This is not a lie
For it was brought forth by the love until death

I just hope you'll love me too
And cherish everything
I hope you'll remember what I do
To prove you something

I love you until I die
I will never take that back
For the words I say are interlocked
And would never even crack

I hope our paths are intertwined
That our hearts are lined
To a bright tomorrow of joy
And a grandiose saga of existence
Leslie Jade Dec 2017
An angel as pure as gold
once have lived, stories unfold
screams in pain in a silent night
everyday is a struggle for a fight

left the world as if it was the key
drowning on a seemingly endless sea
tried and fought to survive the race
but never knew the ending phase

your smile was the best of all
everyone, including me, would fall
but none of us knew your pain
crying day by day with the rain

i wish you nothing but joy and peace
enjoy the clouds of heaven with bliss
i love you dearly our precious one
rest in His embrace; know that you've won
It has been a day since the tradegy happened.;I still can't believe that our brave kim jonghyun had alredy passed away. It was tough for him. I know. We know. But how I wish I knew it sooner. You've fought a great battle my dear. No more silent cries. No more pain. Please be happy up there. Guide your family as always. Support SHINee in every activity and decision that they would do and embrace every shawols who are going through a tough time accepting all of this. I love you dearly, our kim jonghyun. I will fight. I will try. I will do my best. I promise. Rest in Peace my love. This is for you.