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Unrequited Love
Life is just a string of cruel jokes with some good memories in between.
Antiquity Vaircome
Shire of York    Hihi! I like poetry. Nom, poetry. All mine's really depressing but hey, what's life without depressing poems? I'm Antiquity, if you want advice or help …
Istanbul    "I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together."


willy knight  Jul 2010
I quit
willy knight Jul 2010
I quit, I quit, I just plain quit
I try to help & i get yelled at
cussed at.
I quit, I quit, I just plain quit
they say that they send the white coats after me
with straight jackets,
& needles.
I quit, I quit, I just plain quit
Its not worth it in the end
it comes with grief,
& heartache.
I quit, I quit, i just plain quit
I know how it feels to hold onto it,
to hide it,
to ignore it,
to dismiss it.
I quit, I quit, I just plain quit
I am at my limits,
the pains to much,
the yelling is to much,
the heartache is to much.
I quit, I quit, I just plain quit
so white coats come, come with your pills,
come with your straight jackets,
come with your therapy,
come with your needles.
I quit, I quit, I just plain quit
so come and get me already
Mister J Dec 2017
I quit
I quit this mediocrity called Life
This existence filled with paradoxes
This life which lacks any form of happiness
These days that are filled with suffering

I quit
I quit this depression that eats me
This sadness that has long plagued me
This hatred that drives my every day
This angst that hovers over my head

I quit
I quit this stupid blaming game
Where I never took an ounce of responsibility
Where I hide behind flawed reasoning
Where I let my flowery tongue do my ***** work

I quit
I quit this pursuit of temporary happiness
Where I let Chance give or take control of me
Where I blindly wait for fruitless promises
Where I let this unfair Life give me anxieties

From now on I am master of my fate
I am the captain of my ship
I alone pursue what I want
and not let anything come by chance
I will take responsibility for my actions
and take all the blame for my iniquities
I will not let anxiety take hold of me
and free my mind from all negativity
I will give up the pursuit of false joy
and in exchange pursue true wisdom
That this life is not as complicated
as what I thought it was.
That this life is just a simple struggle
and will only yield to those who are strong
Strong in mind and heart
Those willing to recognize and accept all weaknesses
and to change and convert them to strength

Whoever sits upon Heaven's Throne
Give me the courage to resign from this "Life"
and give me the strength and will
To start the change that I always wanted in me
Been thinking deeply these past few days.
I found myself at a crossroad in Life
I always thought of "quitting"
just be free from all of this madness

Now I found a new resolve to pursue my dreams
The real dreams that always hid behind the fallacies
I'm ready now and this time..

I won't quit.
Sonja Ogburn  Nov 2024
"I Quit"
Sonja Ogburn Nov 2024
I am a quitter, yes, I’ll say it loud—
I quit being lost in your shadowed crowd.
I quit being your fool, your pawn, your game,
I quit letting you burn me in silent shame.

I quit the tears, the endless nights,
I quit the weight of losing fights.
I quit seeing your narcissist way
While losing myself day by day.

I quit loving the lies you sold,
The promises wrapped in hearts grown cold.
I quit, I quit—you've had your say,
But I choose myself in every way.

Your smile once captured, your charm once chained,
Your touch a spell that I entertained.
But no longer, no more, I break that hold,
My heart unbound, my spirit bold.

So here’s to the quitters who rise and heal,
Who reclaim their souls and learn to feel.
We quit the pain, we quit the ache,
We quit the love that only takes.

In quitting you, I find my start—
A newfound power, a whole new heart.
For I am not yours to use or break—
I am the fire you could never take.

So to all who’ve known this twisted love,
Who’ve felt the pull but rise above—
We quit, we soar, we set things right,
With heads held high, we walk toward light.
"This poem is a reflection on reclaiming your strength after a toxic relationship. The journey of healing is painful, but it is also liberating. I hope this resonates with anyone who has been through the same."