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Pneuma Lambert
18/F/Hell    I prefer to read whatever I want. So like I dunno if there are age restrictions. I'm the extra depresso coffee with sixty pumps of …


brandon nagley Oct 2015
whithersoever thou goeth, Mine pneuma shalt follow.
In the eve where I shalt be, I'll be in the crypt of saint's, a seraphic place, where there's a pinpoint of light to engulf mine glowing face. I shalt leaveth thee an otherworldly trace, where third world grace is placed upon thine head. I shalt be living; not dead. Do not angst nor fret: I'm here mine pet. Followeth the scent of white roses I shalt leaveth thee: the petal's shalt gleam in stream's of everlasting life. Mine soulmate, mine wife, if tomorrow doth not arriveth for me; remember this life's just a passing to ourn eternal loving reality. Dear Jane, mine sweet.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedication ( Filipino rose)
pneuma is the vital spirit, soul, or creative force of a person.
whithersoever is archaic meaning old language for ( wherever)
Angst and fret means worry same thing pretty much.
brandon nagley Aug 2015
They were both ****
As ghost's;
Dissapearing into another's loving soul's.

©Brandon nagley
©Earl Jane dedicated
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Mother-naked just means **** lol has nothing to do with mothers thankfully loll... Enjoy (:::
brandon nagley Aug 2015

Beset next to me
Coadjuvant to mine need's;
I couldst not asketh for more
Mine Reyna's all do I believeth.


She compasses me in Dwarf Daylilies
Her suntanned dermis is momentous;
Wallowed in her oversea's memories
A throne surpassing, Hari and Reyna scented.


In Luzon, the older part of the firma
Betwixt the Cordillera Region, see through pneuma's;
Hand-poke tool's, for me and mine dynasty amour'
To get tattoos, of her ancestry upon her own shore's.


Covered head to toe
By these inked protection's;
Spelling out the word's
Brandon and Jane's resurrection.

©Brandon nagley
©Earl Jane dedication/Reyna of mine soul
©Lonesome poet's poetry