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Pneuma Lambert
18/F/Hell    I prefer to read whatever I want. So like I dunno if there are age restrictions. I'm the extra depresso coffee with sixty pumps of ...


brandon nagley Oct 2015
whithersoever thou goeth, Mine pneuma shalt follow.
In the eve where I shalt be, I'll be in the crypt of saint's, a seraphic place, where there's a pinpoint of light to engulf mine glowing face. I shalt leaveth thee an otherworldly trace, where third world grace is placed upon thine head. I shalt be living; not dead. Do not angst nor fret: I'm here mine pet. Followeth the scent of white roses I shalt leaveth thee: the petal's shalt gleam in stream's of everlasting life. Mine soulmate, mine wife, if tomorrow doth not arriveth for me; remember this life's just a passing to ourn eternal loving reality. Dear Jane, mine sweet.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedication ( Filipino rose)
pneuma is the vital spirit, soul, or creative force of a person.
whithersoever is archaic meaning old language for ( wherever)
Angst and fret means worry same thing pretty much.
brandon nagley Aug 2015
They were both ****
As ghost's;
Dissapearing into another's loving soul's.

©Brandon nagley
©Earl Jane dedicated
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Mother-naked just means **** lol has nothing to do with mothers thankfully loll... Enjoy (:::
brandon nagley Aug 2015

Beset next to me
Coadjuvant to mine need's;
I couldst not asketh for more
Mine Reyna's all do I believeth.


She compasses me in Dwarf Daylilies
Her suntanned dermis is momentous;
Wallowed in her oversea's memories
A throne surpassing, Hari and Reyna scented.


In Luzon, the older part of the firma
Betwixt the Cordillera Region, see through pneuma's;
Hand-poke tool's, for me and mine dynasty amour'
To get tattoos, of her ancestry upon her own shore's.


Covered head to toe
By these inked protection's;
Spelling out the word's
Brandon and Jane's resurrection.

©Brandon nagley
©Earl Jane dedication/Reyna of mine soul
©Lonesome poet's poetry