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brandon nagley Mar 2016

Zoi mou, how mine nourishment
Cometh from the great I am;
As his sentience he gaveth
Thee, to breatheth life in-
to me; for before I was
Just a man.


Beforetime, mine
mien was gloom-
And doom, no albedineity whitewashed mine room,
Amorevolous was just a word to be spelt, not having it close to me; just a moment of REM sleep.


Agapi mou, now I've been broken loose,
Mine once dolor, hath formed with color;
It shineth of yellow, and angelic ivory


Anasa mou, I'm purring now, pofray swathes
Mine veins; Moro mou of younger shade.
Matia mou, O' Matia mou, mine Jane hath
Entered, inside mine blue's.


Jane O' Jane, sayest I
Thelo to thou, thelo to thee;
Omorfia mou,
Kardia mou,
Psihi mou,
Thelo O'

©Brandon Nagley
©lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedicated ( àgapi mou) dedication
Zoi mou- means my life in Greek tongue.
Sentience- means - sentience is the capacity to feel, perceive, or experience subjectively. Eighteenth-century philosophers used the concept to distinguish the ability to think (reason) from the ability to feel (sentience).
The great I AM means- God ...
Beforetime- means formerly
mien- means a person's look or manner, especially one of a particular kind indicating their character or mood.
albedineity- means whiteness.
Whitewash- paint (a wall, building, or room) with whitewash( paint room white...)
Spelt- past tense of spell.
Amorevolous- affectionate, or loving.( feelings of) is what I mean.
REM sleep means- a kind of sleep that occurs at intervals during the night and is characterized by rapid eye movements, more dreaming and ****** movement, and faster pulse and breathing.
Àgapi mou- means my love in Greek.
Dolor- great sorrow or distress.
Pofray- a word I created meaning- love scented Cologne\fragrance...
swathe- means like to wrap like fabric.
Anasa mou- means my breath in Greek tongue.
Moro mou means- my baby Greek tongue.
Matia mou means - my eyes Greek tongue.
Mine blue's - means my eyes . baby blues my blues.
Thelo- means I want you Greek tongue.
Sayest i- means I say.
Omorfia mou - my beautiful in greek.
Kardia mou- my heart. Greek tongue.
Psihi mou- my soul. Greek tongue.
Earl Jane Jul 2016
"My king"
Ohh my precious king,
How I hunger for your touch,
How I long for your fingers brushing through my hair til I fall asleep, How I long to hold your hands and hold it tight,
I will never let you go,
How I long to engulf you,
Feel your heartbeat as I lay my head on your chest,
Lift my head and look at you,
Looking at each other's eyes,
Be in trance, Ohhh how wondrous!
And I will go near you and will kiss you,
Ohh i will kiss you for eternity my love,
I will never stop, Your breath will be my air and as mine to you,
Ohh my king I will never ever let any time to be in waste,
I will indulge every single second with you,
I will cherish it and memorize every time I spend with you,
And every night in my sleep, I will replay those memories and savor it, i don't want the time to go on,
I want it to stop and just enjoy every moment with you forevermore.

Ohh my precious king,
Can you feel my deep yearning?
Ohh how my pillow wet from my tears of missing you, i desire you, I miss your voice,
Your voice is my music,
I miss your laugh,
Your laugh is my sunshine,
You lighten up my life,
I miss your songs,
Your songs are my nourishment,
You always fill me with your love,
My empty cup runs over with your love,
I miss looking at your angelic face,
I miss YOU, YOU!
How I really ache to be beside you,
No more video chatting, no more phone calls, no more voice clips, no more singing songs over internet, no more technologies,
Ohhh i just wanna enjoy you,
Be alone in a forest,
Enjoy the wonderful nature our God has given us,
Live a simple life with you,
Away from all troubles,
I only want to be with you!
I need to be with you!
I never dreamed life without you,
You are my life,
My future,
I can't go on with my life without you.
I can't, i just can't !

My brandon,
Soon when I see you,
Even before you ask me I will say "I do",
I want us to have God's heavenly seal,
A bond infrangible,
I wanna spend my entire life with you,
And for eternity in that heavenly realm,
I wanna serve God with you,
I wanna be a godly woman for you,
I wanna enjoy my life with you,
With God as our guide and refuge,
Ohh my king,
No words can express how I long to be only just with you,
Only YOU,
You are my life,
My breath,
My very best friend,
My soulmate,
My preordained,
My husband,
You are to me.
Ohh how i yearn for you,
This throe is so hard to bear,
But I will my love,
Because only you are there in my future,
Only you in my dream,
I will certainly & patiently wait til God's perfect time.
'Cause you are my only love, my chosen one,
And I want you, I need you, I long for you, and I love you.*

"Mine queen"
"Mine Reyna, O' darling Reyna,
As the sun doth ariseth in the east
And set in the west; thy heart wilt
Be in mine palm's, as a baby in caress.
Best of amour, the best is yet, for when
We meet, ourn lip's wilt be wet.
Wet with kisses of the morning
Celestial dew, O' heaven's much
Better, when it's thee with me;
I with thou to. Queen how I long
The approaching hour, when we
Shalt be warmed by Glowing
Angel's within their hand's-
Testimonies of God and his
Unending love, and his throne
Of power. In pearl attire, view of the mountain's
Unknown, mine lass, mine lady, I shalt embrace thy
Lonesome bones. None earphones needed, for we'll heareth
All to hear, we'll seeith creatures only the creator's aware, of the majestic being's of beauty. Hold me, closer mine Jane; lock me up into your Filipino rose Bud's, I want to drink of thine love, I want to taste thy nectar's touch. Mine chosen meed, thy hair of satin wilt I smell it's world to breathe. In and out I fulfill the seed's of prophecy, in ancient manner. Across ourn foreheads Yahweh's name, inside ourn spirit's the word's the same. The word's to read "preordained", unafraid to a venture new. Coconut queen of tribal moves, baby flower of romantic brew. O' indeed I needeth thee, just come closer and be, as one we art. We shalt giggle in streams wherein the night is nought, love can't be bought, nor sold in form, love is god, god is love; with one another, we shalt overcome. Seraph's, cherub's, and messenger's surround us. For we art preordained, O' with thee I'm verily blessed. O' with thee Jane mine love, I've been given the best.

© Earl Jane - Brandon Collaborations
♥ Lovers Incorporated
Its been like more than a month since I have written any poem for my king.  I have just been so busy being a 5th year engineering now. And my structural designs subjects are killing me a lot,... My goodness...

I am so happy to make another duo poem with my love. The italics are mine (as you know its so ******) the bold ones are from my king.. He always write soo amazingly... I love you sooo much. I want you to know that I really love you sooo mucchhh... And you are such a big blessing to me..!! I am soo blessed to have you... I love you a lootttt. . I really appreciate all of your efforts, all you do for me are amazingg .. And i thank God for giving you to me my chosen one, my soulmate my preordained one .. You are all to me.. And i only want and need you alone. I love you mmoossstt.. Happy 11 months + infinity ... I love you ssoo doo muchhh!! Meee mmoossstt!!!!
brandon nagley Mar 2016

Iniibig kita
Mahal Kita;
Minamahal Kita,
Iniirog kita.


Here do I cometh, I'm on mine way. The skies art clear tonight, just a tint of fine gray; though I spread mine plumage, fracture the tone, I knoweth one day, O' verily one day- I'll findeth mine way home.

And I thinkest, when I findeth the bungalow, I wilt rest, after long
Passage alone. As thou I wilt bestow, mine Lip's on thy own; quietly humming, Sayaw tayo?


A Tagal na ah, a Tagal na ah, now I'm here mine love, I've made it mine queen; some sayest dream's don't cometh true, Only if the other's couldst find; they discern science, just not the sign's of the times.

Though we behold, the spirit and soul, and ourn creator, the crowned head of the world's; Hallowed be his name, Yahweh, father Jehovah, known also Elohim. His son Yeshua ha'mashiach, English language "Jesus the anointed one". The son above all son's. Jane, mine queen.


Iniibig kita
Mahal Kita;
Minamahal Kita,
Iniirog kita.

Tagal na ah
Tagal na ah;
Now in thy
Grip, with
Mine kiss,
On thy Lip's
I place mine
Vow's. O'
Yadid, yadid,
Never let me go
Agapi mou-
Zoi mou,
Se latrevo
Mine queen.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedicated ( àgapi mou) dedication
Iniibig kita.
Mahal Kita.
Minamahal Kita.
Iniirog kita--- these  are all ways to say I love you to Jane in Filipino tongue. Last one I used is the ( old fashioned) way to say it. (;.
Art- means are.
Plumage- collection of feathers. Feathers collectively.
Verily- means truly.
Hallowed means- to honor as holy.
Bestow- present (an honor, right, or gift).
Sayaw tayo- means would you like to dance with me? In Filipino.
Tagal na ah- means long time no see in Filipino tongue.
Couldst means - archaic for could.
Behold means- archaicliterary
see or observe (a thing or person, especially a remarkable or impressive one).
Crowned head means- king or a queen. This I mean God ( KING)
Yeshua ha'mashiach- would have been what ançient Hebrews would have called Jesus. This is his real name in Hebrew tongue and history. Fun facts about his real name
Today in English our Lord is commonly referred to as "Jesus Christ", as
if "Jesus" was His first name and "Christ" was His last name. In
actuality, His name in Hebrew and Aramaic (the languages He spoke) was
"Yeshua", which means salvation. During His life on earth, He was called

At the time Yeshua lived on earth, kings were given their authority in
ceremonies where they were anointed with olive oil. Yeshua was known as
the "Mashiach" (Messiah) or The Anointed One having been anointed with
God's authority. Thus He was known as "Yeshua Ha Mashiach", or Yeshua
the Anointed One.

In Greek manuscripts of the New Testament, "Yeshua" was translated as
"Iesous" which was probably pronounced "yay-soos" in ancient Greek and
is pronounced "yee-soos" in modern Greek. The word "Jesus" then came
from an English translation of Greek manuscripts of the New Testament.

The word for "Mashiach" in Greek is "Christos" meaning anointed. This
word is usually brought into English as "Christ".

Unfortunately, through these translations we've lost the true meaning of
our Lord's name. Which btw Jesus means ( safety) for you ones who are christs own. Good knowing gods son is named safety isn't it? Because he is our peace and our safety. Also his name means ( salvation) many didint know that. Also ringing true. He IS our salvation, and the only way to salvation!!!
Yadid- means beloved one in Hebrew. Beloved- means dearly loved.
Àgapi mou- means my love in Greek tongue.
Zoi mou means- my life.
Se latrevo- means I adore you in Greek.