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In Mahabharat, Yudhishthira was considered as the most Pious Soul. He was considered as Epitome of Virtue and it is said he did not commit any mistake, except one half lie.

At the End of Mahabharat Epic, when All Pandavas tried to Venture to ascend to Heaven alive, it was the Yudhishthira only, who ascended into Heaven Alive. During the Way to Heaven, all other four Pandavas , including  Draupadi died.

It is said that Yudhishthira was so Pious , Vrtuous and so truthful that his Chariot Never touched the Ground. Because of Truthfullness, Right fullness , he practised in his whole life, his Chariot Never Touched the Soil. Such was greatness of Yudhishthira.

However, Yudhishthira had to Visit Hell for some time where he saw all his brothers including Draupadi tortured. Even Karna was also seen being tortured in Hell. Later Yudhishthira  was explained that he did committed a half sin in his life as he lied regarding death of Ashvatthama. It is said that this was the only half sin , which he committed in his whole life. This was the only reason, Yudhishthira had to visit Hell.

But what about Betting his Wife Draupadi in Gamble. Mahabharat is totallysilent on this aspect. In Mahabharat , Yudhishthira was not held guilty for betting his Wife Draupadi in Gamble and loosing her. Yudhishthira used his Wife as Good. I think this is one of the most heinous crime committed in Mahabharat. Yudhishthir Must had to be held guilty for that.

But instead, this was rationalized. During the Exile, when Bhim and Arjuna held Yudhishthira responsible for all this, Sage Vyas reached there and told them story of Ram and Lakshmana that how Lakshmana left his wife for his brother Ram. Thus Yudhishthira was protected by Vyasa.

It is a matter of Great Surprise to me that Mahabharat did not consider betting of wife in Gamble, A Sin. In my view betting of wife Draupadi in Gamble , by Yudhishthir is the most heinous crime , he committed and for this he was not worthy of entering into Heaven alive, like other Pandavas and Kauravas.

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Ajay Amitabh Suman
Mohit mishra Jul 2016
(For better understanding read my poem Abhimanyu (part-1))

When Kurukshetra* was burning in the flames of war
God of death had opened his third eye
When the heads of men were being chopped
When Jackals were tearing apart the corpses on the ground

When blood thirsty men were waging war against themselves
When arrows notching the bow caused uncountable deaths
Goddess of war was dancing on mortal bodies
Wicked witches laughed at the loss of human lives

Laps of mothers were suddenly empty
Dust covered the parting of hair where vermilion was once applied
The fire which raged the whole nation – Bharat
Was the great war, known as Mahabharat

Earth was covered with blood and tears
Chariots overran the bodies of men
Warriors were trying to quench their greed
Trying to slake their bloodlust

These were the descendants of the same ancestor
Some were younger brothers and some were their elders
But brotherhood was sacrificed to statehood
Eyes shone only with passionate savagery

Kurukshetra – name of a battlefield
* Traditionally, Hindu women apply vermilion to a parting of their hair after marriage
** Mahabharat – an epic narrative of the battle of Kurukshetra
Mohit mishra Jul 2016
(Before read
Abhimanyu was a young and great warrior of the great War of MAHABHARAT. This poem is a part of long poetry written by me and translated by karishma ji.
If you all responded and want to know more about abhimanyu i post next paragraphs)
Poem is:-

Courage knows no limits of age
A battlefield has no role for cowards
Those cannot struggle
Who fear their own mortality

Those who are cowards get scared
and blame others as the cause
Those who break the bounds of time
Are immortalized in history

There are some bounds for God and Devil
However, for man, what is impossible
There one such brave victor of time
A warrior, a winner of hearts

Arjun was his father, Subhadra his mother,
The vigour of bravery runs in his bloodstream.
Yudhistir and Bhim were his uncles,
He was the nephew of Shri Krishna, Bhishma his grandsire

His arms were made of steel, his chest was broad,
His body muscular however gentleness abound
At the age of sixteen he was a shining sun
Drums of war were music to the ears of Abhimanyu
For original poem which is in hindi
See my previous post
Suresh Jun 2021
Watching telecast of Mahabharat triggered memory revival
Eerie similarities of epic with continuing battle for survival
Blind king flouted every rule with disdain for love of his son
Responsible for an epic horrendous war which Pandavs won

Smiling omnipotent Krishna did not prevent war
Not much impact of his omnipresent power so far
His inspirational teachings which made Arjun shine
Now mostly confined to books, temples and shrine

Grim battle for humanity also started in similar vein
By reckless powers aiming to consolidate their rein
Arrogant regional satraps blinded with lust for power
Have been mute spectators from their ivory tower

Like helpless Bhishma hiding behind grand eloquent dialogues
Big leaders have become arrogant and delusional demagogues
Religious seers and priests contributed by enforcing all ritual
Promoting and spreading pandemic disregarding havoc visual

Vast army of virus supported by conniving profiteers
Faced brave and indefatigable medical musketeers
Unlike Arjun, not waited for Krishna’s encouragement
And practiced Gita’s selfless Karma with best judgment

Dedicated frontline warriors in PPE have taken up the cudgel
Ceaseless heroic efforts will eventually sound winning bugle
Evil forces cannot overwhelm our warriors for righteous cause
Will not leave any stone unturned for making nightmare pause

Never have any doubts that humanity will survive
The gospel of victory of good over evil will revive
Millennial battle will be remembered for generations
With praise for warriors and their rightful venerations
Ashwin Kumar May 2020
Forty five dark days
Forty five desolate days
Forty five depressing days
With every passing hour
I go from depressed to hopeful
From hopeful to furious
And back to depressed
The vicious circle goes on and on
With no end in sight

Forty five dark days
Forty five desolate days
Forty five depressing days
As the first lockdown is extended
The sense of despair grows stronger
My temper grows shorter
My insecurities, buried till then
In the dark recesses of my mind
Suddenly rise like a tsunami
And flood my brain and heart
Leaving a massive trail of dead cells in their wake

Forty five dark days
Forty five desolate days
Forty five depressing days
As the second lockdown is extended
I become increasingly on edge
Every little frustration comes to the fore
Whether it be the delayed salaries
Or being cooped up in a small house
With five family members
And thus having to endure the sheer cacophony
Of the Mahabharat and Ramayan
Blaring on the TV every day
Or simply the torrid climate of Chennai

Forty five dark days
Forty five desolate days
Forty five depressing days
How long will this go on?
I have been patient till now
But at some stage, I am bound to snap
And then you will find
That when the going gets tough
The tough get going
However, I get dangerous
So, think carefully, dear Prime Minister
Before you announce another nationwide lockdown
Unless you want to land yourself in quarantine
My 3rd lockdown poem!!
IncholPoem Jan 2019
What  is
your  name
please  !

Arjun  !!

The   only  son
of  Indian   batsman
Sachin Tendulker
     the   talented
of  Mahabharat.

What  is
your  name?

Nothinh  !

— The End —