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Ignatius Hosiana
30/M/Kampala-Uganda    A fallen Leaf in Autumn, a golden Tulip in Spring. ALL POEMS ©
Ignatius Brabazon
West Britland    My picture was already in BLACK AND WHITE. IGNATIUS BRABAZON is editor of the pseudo-satirical quasi-clerical magazine, THE WOODEN SPOON. By popular semi-cannonic demand, Ignatius …


Dev  Aug 2015
Semper Ignatius.
Dev Aug 2015
What it means to be Ignatius.
To fight through fire to get what you desire
To be cast down to burn but always endure
To learn not to cry but to tame the flames
What it means to be Ignatius, is that once the furnace decides to encase, we will smile and do nothing but embrace.
Semper Ignatius- Forever the man on fire.
Oculi Aug 2021
Low down in the dirt and silt,
Buried hatchet, blade and hilt,
Armor without sparkling gold,
Body taken o'er by mold.

'Tis the flesh and blood of him,
Ignatius, whose body dim.
But mind so sharp it cut through tin,
Forgotten now by all his kin.

Forgotten by himself, as well,
All't remains; the bronzen bell.
That rang when beastly men he fell
And sent nations to fiery hell:

He died not as he lived before,
Not on the fields of battle evermore;
Killed, he was, by a simple thing:
A mind destroyed by a ceaseless ring.

And thus, all that remains are the corpses,
The blood and gore, the slain forces.
And a man who could not be destroyed,
Lest it be by his own body.

But we shant forget the legacy
We shall compose a threnody
For to forget is but heresy
Remember our simple knight.
I wrote this, after weeks of thinking about it, in memory of one of my friends. He was one of the strongest people I knew, and a great friend, taken all too soon by cancer. Rest in peace.
The last line's abruptness is on purpose, as I think it befits the way he left us.
Polar Mar 2016
In a time of deep uncertainty

with my NuBlaccsoUl in ruins.

The kingfisher Ja bade me follow Creepstar

To the mystical place

In search of grace,

beyond sheer Pradip mountains

Where the clear crisp ink of fountain flows.

Here the saints of Ignatius

stop to quench their thirst.

The journey held danger

when I came upon a stranger

I became enchanted by the spells

of a mischievic Pixievic.

Spell bound I watched entranced

  the sheer dexterity of the Busbar dancer

Whereupon My poor dark soul

fell deep in a hole.

I was taken through the worst by Steven Langhorst

To arrive safely at the hallowed grounds of Newvango

Where now I see

the Paradise in me.
There are 11 excellent HP poets within this verse I hope you and they like it.