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Alpha Wolf Mar 2014
I was told just a bit ago that the woman i love with all my heart said she thinks she loves me and wants to be my wife and wants to start a family with me. she wants to stay single to get her mind clear and i will respect that because i could never imagine my life with anyone else but her. shes the first thing on my mind when i wake she never out of my thoughts ever shes always in my dreams and shes in my nightmares where i loose her and never get her back and then i die alone because if i dont have her i want noone then i wake up and its all a bad dream. all i ever want is her in my life forever. i know in the past i messed up bad but noones perfect and if i ever do get her back and we do work things out i will prove to her that i was the young guy who made mistakes and from them i have become the man who learned the hard way and am willing to do any and everything to prove to her ive changed and will be the man i should have been to her before. (To her) if you ever read this and you will i want you to know i love you and want to be the man i should have been the year we were together and if you can ever find it in your beautiful heart to forgive me for being a blind fool i do love you i do want you to be my wife and i do want you to be the beautiful wonderfull one of a kind mother of our hope to be children. i really do love you. you are my soul mate, my other half, my peace, my one of a kind, beautiful, ****, georgious gift that i so blindly pushed away. please forgive me and hopefully one day i will get down on one knee in a crowded place and and when i ask for your hand in marrage you will say yes and when that day comes i will hold you and never ever ever let you go or repeat my mistakes or make new ones.
For the love of my life every word is true and its how i felt and how i have ever felt. You are the only one who can tame the beast within me, you keep me calm for the most part and when i dont have you with me i dont feel like me. i feel as though im just an empty shell and if you will allow me i will prove to you that i have changed and will be the man i should have been. im so verry sorry for the way i was and will be till the day i finally pass away weather that is with you or alone because if i dont have you i will remain loveless and die alone because i have never clicked with anyone as hard or as much as i have with you. you tame me and a certain someone who you know like noone else has and the both of us just want you and noone else in our lives. you are all we think about.
wehttam  Jun 2014
Carl and Jude
wehttam Jun 2014
He sat with Michaelanglo
a stirring butress, a rife old glutton.
Seething, the temple may be doomed.
And Jude, 'rich' as HELL,  
beaming of priesthood.  Cursed him
with mired lucher, saying... 'When do
you think our work will be done?"

The stars that shine about the church
over our heads are beauty,
in the Cistene Chapel are the same
stars that line the apothecary of our souls.
How then do we touch a theist?

With brooms over our feet,
with chicken bones to old to feed
to dogs, with lyes that burn the soul.
Tremulous attrition, and godless neoteny.

All munitions to the decks.  For
Jude, the job is never finished.  
And to a deity, man is completeness.
And the poet says to the unbelieved,
'Why so true?'  
"No one will believe in God,...
     if no one is in this Church."
The Sandbergs, the Blakes, the Jaynes's.
Here we have felt poetry, awakened to poetry,
and loved every minute of the poet.  
What record could democracy create
by Judas?  When does the account of
men try femine reason?
'Ill tell You',.. says Mr. Sandberg,
'Ill tell You!,...that naught one of us can forgive a
great poet.' And Jude, replied,... "Whom then
can I believe?"
Carl Sandberg leaned way back and answered,  
'You can believe the Truth; she is warm
to the touch and cold for the feature of
"Carl why then do we argue in 3rd person?" says
Repling again, the Cistene Chapel is open
for marrage, the ceiling is finished because
no one can account for all of the stars, but who
has to pray with us for forgiveness.  
My hands prean lust for wisdom with a
pen, my hands pluck keyboards as do
Aeolian Flutes.  My heart is a broken sorrow
and my life is just a poet.
Carl has answered a question,
Jude has lies to tell, and a man will finish
painting the chapel with the sound of
Liberty bells.
Sophie Woods  Feb 2014
Sophie Woods Feb 2014
I feel an emotion one i dont feel often
Most of the time wishing i was in a coffin
But the feeling has finally soften
Looking around the room
What if your my groom
Marrage is a my wish
Something i want to acomplish
But with who?
My result is overdue
Looking and waiting
Drawing writing and painting
All things i do to pass time
While i just wait in this line
Secretly i want it to be arranged
Most people think its strange
But judgement plays a big role
My legs take the toll
I have no say
I live happy until this day
The day i have to choose
The one i hope to never loose
Stay by my side
Lay with me by the tide
Your cowboy ****
Makes me got nuts
But is it you i choose
What about your friend with the tattoos?
We all have diffferent veiws
My husband i shall choose
I like him with the bruise
Tall and handsome
And looks fairly wholesom
Marry me
I plea
And we will live happily
Jonny blaze  Apr 2017
The Set Up
Jonny blaze Apr 2017
Never did i know she would come on to me. A married woman and married man how could this be.

It started out as a kind gester to take her out never did i know it was I and not her husband she was thinging about

She threw herself at me not thinking with my mind but with my **** to me it was ****** up but to her it was all a game just a trick to get me trapped.

My marrage going up in flames but my wife doesnt want to leave me unlike this crazy woman who see's herself replacing my wife like im her gains

She told me if i cant have you no one will.
Not wanting or ready yo leave my faithful wife the crazy one caught onto the deal.

Dime me out and tell the public hit me with adultry these days are dwendling down my times coming to a end quick.

What am I to do now take my life nah thats too serous not even something to think about. She wants to end my life end my career she is txting me now it her or me choose wisely and not out of fear.
wehttam  May 2014
wehttam May 2014
All of the fancy

every love.

As let as love
as nothing yet.

No secret kept.
No dream to service
as a bet.

No cold dream to forget.

They have desired to regret.

Love, as nothing
as everything

No rythm
to listen to
of an old drum.

Just drunken spirits
without the ***.  

Oh, these morbid
and fickle
les zen lei' bold.

They speak to french
kiss the dead undead
reading the poetry
of our life in dote.

They do not know
why New Orleans sells
spicy sea food.

Oh, the marrage proposal.

To many lovers
no children to hold.

The children leave
as Luke's dreams
of sky walking
to freedom lands.

They chide the child
and know no REN.  

Chide ren, as do children
know parenthesis.
Due trust is
to hold the
option of freedom.

The job
40 years,
demented posthumously.
The award of state hood
for mental posterity.  

Just chill and watch the sunset.

I just wrote the
"The better is left unsaid."

Ode to the frenchless
I... will... knot... lie...
for the benefit.
Dear reader have you ever wondered where the bogey man lives ?
In the hall
Under the bed
In your head ?
Well when I was small  , a sleeper train ,
to Scotland in the cupboard  as I lay awake that night ,
through rattle and hum , clunkerty clack of that rail road track .
The over night sleeper to Scotland
Then from the cover of a paper back book  ,
Paper face .

Have you ever wondered of Mr Barney ?
Who when rent was due would call on you ,
and in return ask for your daughters hand in Marrage ?
To the little pigs he would go ,
With a huff and a puff ,
eat pork for tea.
beside you

Or the toy maker ,
If half an our late would make you stay late ,
and doc your pay for talking .

Or little bow peep who lost her sheep ,
Only to marry Tom Thumb only when her good friends had found them .
Now the bogey man rings and rings in my little toy town ,
and when I pick it up goes zzzzzzz.
Just a few questions today ,
I am sure we can help you ?
We're PpI
We're a computer glitch .
a style in your eye ,
we have many questions to ask you .

Then the Raven master who clipped the wings ,
so his birds could never leave the tower ,
So the Kingdom won't. Fall ,
God save us all ,
the day a Raven flys by
and the toy castle walls are broken ,
For Tom and Bow to fairy land must go ,
and leave this crazy world behind them .
Jesse  May 2017
Will u marry me?
Jesse May 2017
Jesse 7d
A man with a woman is like the way of a lizard upon a rock
For though his blood runs cold
He must attempt the bold
Exposed on granite block
A whip of the tail
He joins flights gale
For warmth of summers sun
And what of his fate
To be the fowls bait
Or cooked until well done
For I must warn
of a women's scorn
Hell cannot compeat
Go to the wise
Do not believe the lies
That Marrage is only sweet
If u are youth
Feed on truth
If at marriage dore thou truly knocks
Look to the lizard
On hot stone he's a wizard
Study his way upon the rocks
Is this war that  nation should rise against nation for one plot of
Land ?
Or demons should call on man from Satans rebelius throne
and temp the lonely in solitude to such ,
and for man to call on Gods holy army's to unite against
this sin ,
Flesh ,
and the devil ?
Or is it two lovers who go to war ,
with a ring and a kiss ,
and dreams of Marrage ,
Only for him to be blown sky high ,
and their hearts and ***** embrace no more .
In Afganistan ,
the taliban ,
An open grave ,
For what ?
A holy war ,
A misguided evil ,
A sack cloth of sin .
For just as two little boys with only one toy ,
Should sqobble and fight and cry ,
a dark truth must remain ,
That man is flawed ,
and prone to evil so cancarus. the sin .

For just as moon shine is its glory ,
Hell awaits .

For just as guns are for killing ,
A widow waits ,

And for every shelling and morta bomb ,
a church bell tolls .

But the fig tree shall bloom in summer  
and seas crash upon its shore ,
And men shall return from fighting ,
Pick up their guns no more ,
And lovers walk hand in hand on sandy beach and shale .
Not a bitter word between them ,
Draw love hearts in the sand .

— The End —