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Lior Gavra
My new book, "BitterSweet," has hit #1 New Release on Amazon's Best Sellers List, I hope you can grab a copy! Sample stories in the …
Star Gazer
____________________________ All works are copyright protected
calpurnia mockingbird
Cardiff    I work in mental health which is pretty stressful sometimes so my outpourings are my release. Please note that all works posted by me are …
Christi Michaels MoonFlower
I hope that my writings touch others as Poetry and Timeless Prosodies have touched me. aka: MoonFlower "Fluer de Luna" Currently recovering from a traumatic …
Tom Orr
UK    To abandon oneself to principles is really to die - and to die for an impossible love which is the contrary of love.
Tim Knight
J Penpla
Blaine Genson
Dag J
Norway    My humble contributions of poetry, thoughts, feelings, words and letters, soul stuff and mind puffs, mental excursions from the daily handcuffs. ... "Our glory lies …
Cam E
Maine    everything is black and white for a reason
Arrywill keepya smilin
Medford Oregon,    I am Jessica Applegate hit it up?' stay true to the realist, make proud stay loud, in a bad mood?. don't ever be rude. don't …
Wolves and Lilies
Yellow Brick Road    A grenade wrapped in love letters.
The Habits of My Heart
Nicole Pierson
Washington    I like attention. Negative writing is how i get it. ------------------- I write what I feel, I feel what I write Broken puzzle pieces is …
Sam Moore
Los Angeles    Small queer kid from LA. Sometimes I write.
32/F/Mexico    this is just a hobbie and this is not my real name Ob/gyn Med&party
Sir B
Mind Palace    Just tangled myself up even more
Nat Lipstadt
M/nyc    is this a poem, a cri de coeur, a confession - or a poetpourri of history of a journey tween naissance and
Connecticut    Imagination; where stories are born and bred.
Ann M Johnson
Minnesota ( A Small Pop?)    All poems original Copyright of Ann M Johnson, unless otherwise noted 2013-2021. I love writing and reading poetry I also enjoying singing. I also appreciate …
Jillyan Adams
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