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2.6k · Apr 2015
A faithful woman.
Schanzé Apr 2015
Amidst all these options.
The light, the white, the delicate the clean.
The choice of something new,
someone untouched by my hands,
something fresh,
someone cool and unexplored.

I wanted you
I wanted your rich brown skin.
Your warm chocolate marble chest.
I wanted the familiarity of your design,
your feel, your works.
I'd turn around
and find
not the unknown
but my man.
and here is something I need to emphasize:

I could not imagine turning to find a
however skilled and acquainted with the pleasures
and desires of a woman.

I wanted you.
The man who knows every crease and fold.
Every corner that is turned
and faced with imperfections - he knows how to handle.
Every part that feels broken
He knows how to fix, mend, heal and repair
You don't find that everyday.

In the cool satin sheets my body lay twisted in,
its your arms that I feel there too
wrapped around me.
The love I feel coursing through your veins,
and throbbing through your chest
is my safety,
my security,
my warmth.

I cannot bear the thought of sharing that
with someone

For now,
I'll bear
the loneliness
and the cold
I'll wait for you to come home.
1.4k · Jul 2013
Schanzé Jul 2013
Do you ever feel like you're trapped? You know - stuck somewhere or in something?
Doesn't it feel horrible, doesn't it make you mad?
Isn't the best feeling in the world; that feeling that washes over you when you finally step out of the darkness and into the light - freedom?
What if, like me, a rather unfortunate soul, the darkness - is the twisted corners and walkways of your mind?
There is no escape from your mind. From the deceiving thoughts. The conniving feelings. The cannabilism of life itself. The pain that enfolds you; embraces you; lovingly with cold hard passionate hate. The burning embers of hate spilling from the eyes of rage and the ruthless, cold slap of the slithering tongue.
While others dream of clouds and fairy dust, cotton candy and summer romances - you smother your face in a pillow and cringe at every sound, you chew at stubs of ****** finger nails and gently caress the scars that possess your arms.
For you, sleep is a rare luxury - one that comes when your crowded mind is finally at rest, those precious seconds of freedom and peace.
Though troubled soul; it does not last long. For the demons find a way through the peace and once more they are at war.
So you will seek the comfort of others. Who will pretend to understand what you feel - and take you for all you have and with it; they will disappear.  
From then you will have trust issues and be skeptical and pessimistic of every thing good that comes your way and eventually, broken soul nothing good will come any more and you shall be left alone - to face the demons again.
It will drive you mad withered soul and, you will begin to claw at the very skin you feel trapped in. You will furiously claw and tear at your flesh craving the sweet release of freedom - and it will be painful, pale soul and it will not come quick.
You will lay still in surrender and with every seeping drop of madness that adds to your angry red sea you now drown in - you will become numb, your eyelids will begin to flutter and close then with a small sigh from your battered lips you will be lead into euphoria.
Schanzé Jul 2014
You'll be pestered with letters.
Partly because I like to look at your name in my messy handwriting but mostly because if I don't - I'd go crazy without saying half the things I'd try to say in person.

Sometimes I'll stare at you and wonder how on earth I ever managed to acquire such a beautiful creature.
And I'll wonder how long you'll take to realise you could do so much better.

I'll write you poetry,so many pieces.
Describing your eyes and your hands.
I'll write sonnets to the freckle on the right side of your neck.

I'll make you listen to songs that remind me of you & believe me there are many.
I'll write the lyrics on my hands hoping you'll be intrigued to search for answers.

I like code names, ridiculous ones.
So you'll get a few of those too.
I watch tons of movies, I'll do it while I lay my head on your chest.
I laugh at the most inappropriate times.

If public displays of affection embarass you - I'll embarass you everywhere we go.

You should know I'm over-emotional & extremely jealous. I get paranoid and I worry a lot too.

You'll be mine & I'll be yours.
You'll mean the world to me because I don't have anyone else.
968 · Nov 2013
Schanzé Nov 2013
Home is where the heart is right?
Funny thing is,
my heart grew legs and walked right out with you.
I have no home.

I didn't have a choice
I didn't request that it leave with you
but it did
and now I feel empty.
Emptier than I should feel,
its only a heart right?
Only a muscle cramped up inside my chest?
Wrong. Its you.

I lost you.
You weren't my Romeo,
you are my Catherine and like Heathcliff, the pain of being without you is unutterable.
You have left me in this abyss,
and I'm reaching for you but you're not there to walk into my arms.
I cannot find you.

Whether you chose it or not
you grew onto my soul and became a part of me,
you are my Adam,
you form a part of the ribs that encase my lungs.

Its getting harder to breathe, I feel like my lungs are collapsing under some kind of imaginary weight.

The weight of you
898 · Jun 2014
28 June 2014
Schanzé Jun 2014
Yes, I like you.
My feelings go a little deeper than that.

But I'm afraid to tell you because

I have a few extra inches on my waist
I don't have a gap between my thighs.
Sometimes when I speak my double chin pops out.
And my cheek bones don't protrude from my face.

It shouldn't matter though
Because those things don't affect the way I feel.

When you look into my brown eyes, you can still read the novels of my life and my lips can still recite the poetry about your smile.
My hands can still keep yours warm and our bodies can fit together perfectly, almost be mistaken as one.

The size of my jeans won't affect my voice when I tell you how you make me feel, or the way the sun just doesn't shine as bright when you're around.

It doesn't make me different.
It doesn't make me strange.
It simply means there's more of me for you to love.
859 · Oct 2013
Involuntary Madness
Schanzé Oct 2013
I wondered why you always stayed
Tell me love - why have you not swayed,
away from me and my dark deception?
because everyone left.
There's no one here,
like you,
they saw my true reflection.

But you my love, you stuck to my side.
Your love for me, you said would never subside.
Even when I shut you out & darkened your soul.
Threw away your dreams, buried them in a hole.

My demons attacked you & tore you apart,
but still you stayed with your strong beating heart.
You refused to go, even when I traded in honesty.
I fell back into your arms and you caught me so modestly.

You're here,
you always are, even when I'm gone.
But sadly, dear sweetheart I see my demons have won.
They've consumed you, the good, and filled you with sadness
Wake up sweetheart, wake up, step out of my madness.
Schanzé Jul 2013
Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone,
Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone.
Silence the pianos and with muffled drum Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come.
Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead
Scribbling on the sky the message He is Dead,
Put crépe bows round the white necks of the public doves,
Let the traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves.
He was my North, my South, my East and West,
My working week and my Sunday rest, My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song,
I thought that love would last forever: I was wrong
The stars are not wanted now, put out every one;
Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun; Pour away the ocean and sweep up the wood.
For nothing now can ever come to any good.
793 · Nov 2013
10 November
Schanzé Nov 2013
You know that reason is unknown to this pained soul.
I once thought that you could heal my scars but you're the cause of my hands creating more.

Why are you doing this, when you're just as damaged as me?
You know exactly the pain you exert upon me.
You promised, you swore you would never make me feel like they did.
But here you are with a smile looking on at my tear stained heart.

The warning screams rippled off your flesh when we first locked eyes.
My feet were twitching ready to bolt at the command of my terrified mind.
Yet against all of my instincts and the broken heart that had been with me since day 1;

I let you in and I trusted you, I believed all your lies.
Then when you were done, and had stripped me of all that I had.

You turned and walked away without even looking back
754 · Oct 2013
Beauty Is What You Are.
Schanzé Oct 2013
She wasn't beautiful, no.
Not in society's perception of beauty
But she was beautiful,
in the way she spoke and the way she said your name.

She was beautiful in the way her fingers lingered on the objects that she touched, as if she was caressing each one
and the way in which  she gazed longingly at the golden sunset from her rooftop.
She wasn't beautiful, she wasn't perfect or astounding.

But she was flawless in how she cared,
how she gave away so willingly, how she understood.
There was no mistaking the beauty in which her eyes radiated love at the sound of your name
There was a breathtaking perfection in how she laughed for the consolation of those around her.
No, she didn't have a beautiful face or a hot summer body.
But she ways beautiful in all that she was,
pure honesty in what she believed,
and graceful in the way she carried her soul.

She was the girl writing poetry in the back of the class
and she was irrelevant to you,
you didn't notice her then but you can't imagine life without her now.

She is beautiful, treasure her.
721 · Mar 2014
6 March
Schanzé Mar 2014
I hear sadness behind that laugh,
long dreary depression in that heart.
I see pain, such hurt in those eyes.
A slowness in your movement,
the frantic processing of cruel,
twisted thoughts in your lies.
The longing in your voice,
so sharp and distinguished to my experienced ears - fall on the deaf ones of those whom which you crave love.
From whom you wish to vanquish your fears.

You desire love, but from those who are not willing to give.
You push away those whose love to you - they feely give.
The darkness in your life so blinds you, that you allow it to take your light.
You become so accustomed to the dark that whoever comes bearing light, is scowled upon and chased away, forced to dissipate into the night.

Your one sided mind and your naïve, twisted perception,
can only leave you alone,
maybe then you'll have time for some self reflection.
To see all you've lost,
all that you continue to lose.
Open your heart,
open it wide,
let it be love that you choose.
694 · Jun 2014
21 June 2014
Schanzé Jun 2014
When you look at me
I'm not sure I understand what your eyes are trying to tell me.
Please don't stop looking at me
because I'm afraid I'll stop trying to understand.

When you stand so close to me
my knees turn to water.
Please come a little closer,
the distance between us
makes them weak anyway.

When you speak
the butterflies in my stomach flutter wildly and seek for an escape
Please don't stop speaking,
when you are silent
they grow stiff and turn grey.

gaze at me a little longer,
stand a little closer,
& utter words of poetry
For my heart only beats and pumps without those things.
with them
It starts and it stops.
Beats and thuds and flutters.
Smiles and laughs and cries.

As always,
for 168.
686 · Nov 2013
I Miss You
Schanzé Nov 2013
Its mornings like this,
when I wake up and the skies are black,
when the rain streams from the sky and thunder shakes the earth,
that I feel the heart wrenching ache of loneliness.

I miss the arms that used to snake around my waist at 3:30 in the morning after a terrifying nightmare
and the warm body that pressed snugly into mine during winter.

How you would lean into my neck
breathe me in like a summer wine,
and then sigh.
I miss the tear that occasionally fell to my cheek from your eyes,
when the thought of losing me crossed your mind.

How your fingers would suddenly intertwine with mine at the strangest of times
and you would look at me, not a word was uttered,
you said it all with your eyes.

The way you held me when we kissed,
the way you played with my hair,
the taste of your smile,
your sea green eyes,
your laugh,
the feel of your skin.

Your heartbeat in synchronization with mine.

I miss the colour in my life, the colour of you.
653 · Nov 2014
12 October 2014 #2
Schanzé Nov 2014
I like being noticed.. You know.
I like being appreciated. But I like being noticed for the small things.

Appreciated would be the times you tell me I am beautiful.
Noticed would be if you realised I never believe you.

Appreciated would be the fact that I have succulent hips and
noticed would be the fact that sometimes those hips have bones, that they liked to be grasped.
That occasionally you should leave bruises - because I like reminders of where your hands have been.

Appreciated would be that I have soft skin.
Noticed would be that I like to be kissed there - on my skin - on any visible piece.  

Maybe one day you'll notice..
I'll never stop hoping.
617 · Jun 2016
Letting go
Schanzé Jun 2016
To the love of my life.
I gave you everything.
I know women say that often but they very rarely mean it, I do.
I gave you everything.

You came at a time, when my world was dark, so dark - I was blinded by it.
I fumbled around, searching, yearning, aching and grasping handfuls of damp air – always left with nothing.
So I stopped, gave up, gave in to the pain and the hopelessness, I stopped searching.
I was on the very edge and I had no intention of taking a step back, or trying to pull myself up should I fall over, I would remain where I was,
There was no light, no hope, no faith, just a strong woman weakened by the trials of life.
It was just me, it had always been just me.
I had no fears, not of death or man, not a single fear hindered me from continuing or going on, but I was hopeless, tired and driven by loneliness.

When we met, I had no idea who you’d turn out to be to me, or the role you’d come to play in my life. You were just another man.
Then you learned how to make me laugh, and you did it so effortlessly, made me laugh from within my soul and I began to grow once more, a strong, fearless woman.
You became a friend, someone I learned to trust with my secrets, my shame, my hopes, my dreams, memories of a time long past, haunted and melancholy memories I had buried.
I dug them up and shared them with you, hoping they could provide some explanation as to the woman I am, so you could understand.
You embraced them, the dark thoughts, the sinful acts I had committed, my past, every single thing you accepted - without hesitation.

You set me free and I fell in love.

Dear god, I was so happy, I couldn’t even describe how free and alive I felt after years of being shackled and chained by my own thoughts. You did that for me, and we became the couple others set out to be.
Best friends with an unimaginable love for each other.

No amount of time ever spent together was enough, and each time we parted it was in sadness and anticipation for the next time we would meet.

You were my best friend, and I was yours.
Your northern star, your light in the dark, your best friend.

You shared your fears, your big dreams, your plans.
I was always next to you, always part of the plan, I was your future and you were mine.
Partners, comrades – a team.
There really was no one like us, you knew that as well as I did.
Every burden, every load was shared, no matter how heavy, I was always there.
I supported you in every decision, every plan, every dream, I encouraged you, picked you up when you had fallen, carried you when you were weak, every hard road I walked with you. I gave you my strength, gave you hope, motivated you to go on. When your thoughts became dark and they clouded your mind, making you believe things about yourself that weren’t true, made you believe that there was no way out, when those thoughts that overwhelmed you – I battled my way through each fear, every dark corner and brought you back into the light.
Every time you hurt me, brought me to tears - something I hadn’t done since the death of my mother – I forgave you. I knew you never meant to hurt me, never intentionally broke my heart, never set out to break me – but you did and I forgave you, countless times.
There was no hatred or contempt, only love.

You were never there for me, and I know you tried but never hard enough. You never made me feel alone, that was what I liked, you always came back to give me the time you had missed, you let me cry and always told me how strong I was even when I was at my weakest. You saw me as strong and brave, bold and brilliant.
I know things were hard sometimes, but they were worth it. Every fight, every issue, every problem, we worked through, we fought, we went to war and we won – every time, we won. A love as strong and bright and ours always beat the odds. It was raw and unchained, passionate and overwhelming, but it was beautiful.

For the first time in my life, I was afraid. I had developed fears. Deeply entrenched fears that ran along the walls of my heart.
I was afraid of losing you. How do you explain that to someone? How do you tell someone your deepest fear is losing them, something you can’t possibly control or prevent, something so completely out of your hands, something you can never take a hold of.

Our love was magic, wasn’t it?

You were the sun in my life, not only the light but the warmth. You allowed me to grow, nurtured my soul and penetrated the dark with your smile.
I thought I had loved before you, but I was wrong.
I loved you so much more than I could ever describe, I didn’t think it was possible to love someone as I loved you.

Two years down the line, things began to change - you began to change and you started to close the doors to your thoughts, I tried to understand but you wouldn’t let me.
Every time I questioned, tried to fix things, you would make me feel crazy, tell me I was making things up, seeing things that weren’t there, I believed you and that was where you began to destroy me, within the walls of my own mind.

You were cold and distant and I was alone and afraid. I fought to keep you close, put myself through hell to remain in touch with the man I knew so well, only to watch you drift further each time.
I didn’t give up, I stayed strong, fought harder, tried more, tried to change, but nothing worked.
I tried to talk to you and you would only push me further away, leaving me in the dark, I asked if there was someone else and you became angry, asking me how I could even ask such a thing, so I apologised.
You were hurtful and bitter and when you stopped telling me you loved me, I knew I had lost the man I was so deeply in love with.
The first time I realised there was someone else, my body felt like a hollow shell. There was nothing, I couldn’t feel my toes or hear my heart beat, it was empty. I preferred that, the shell, the black hole that was in my chest, the heaviness that the emptiness brought – I preferred that to what came next.
When my soul tore itself up, when I could hear it rip and tear at the seams – over and over again, ripping itself apart. Losing all the hopes and dreams I had, watching them wash away and being powerless, unable to recollect them. Feeling my heart break and shatter, feeling the fire in my chest, the fire that I wished would consume me, but only burnt everything inside my ribcage, leaving only excruciating pain behind and a heap of dark black ash.

That’s what I carry with me now, everywhere I go, a heap of black ash resembling everything I had, the woman I used to be, the remnants of my foundation, my core, lies in my chest. Its heavy and cold, most nights it chokes me, every day it haunts me.
Yet, I forgive you.
For all the empty promises, for the pain, for the fear you instilled, for the lies, for the dishonesty.
For destroying me all the while telling me you loved me, I forgive you.

Sincerely, a once in a lifetime woman.
607 · Jun 2014
19 June 2014
Schanzé Jun 2014
I told myself not to think about you
I told myself that these thoughts could only make me fall off an even steeper cliff.

But as I lay in my bed at night, thinking about books & poems & song lyrics as I restlessly tossed and turned; the only thoughts that brought peace to me,  were the thoughts of you.
For 168
601 · Jun 2014
20 June 2014
Schanzé Jun 2014
Today I heard the words
I'd been waiting to hear for 34 days
But they weren't from your lips
and it wasn't your voice
that carried the short string of words to my ear.

Yes, they were beautiful.

While I tried to keep my heart
from breaking..
I shattered his.
Schanzé Jun 2014
I posted on my facebook wall
my favourite music and movies - so you could pretend to like those.

I posted all the books, places and people I've seen - maybe you can pretend you know about those too.

Recently I updated my status telling everyone how sad the death of my favourite poet is - maybe you could read a few of those and recite your favourite lines.

I uploaded a picture of a couple holding hands, my caption describing how I missed that feeling.
The feeling of safety.
Perhaps you can hold me,
and pretend its what you wanted to do all along.
Written on 10 June 2014.
As always for you - you have my heart.
562 · Oct 2013
13 October
Schanzé Oct 2013
I feel like a green robot at 1 in the morning
There's nobody to stand by and admire how he stands tall and shines his green light proudly, no one but the tattooed drag racers who don't even stop to appreciate him, who fly past without a care.

I feel like that green robot who once was proud and tall, unashamed of his brightness but with time and no proper care began to fade, the yellow paint that was once cheery now peeled and chipped at its dull corners and he no longer stands tall but shriveled and bent like an old man.

You see, like me, something was stolen from him by the conceited, power hungry society we're surrounded by.

515 · Oct 2013
Abuse = Love?
Schanzé Oct 2013
I wanted to tell you I love you.
Like I wanted to every night, and like every night I realized that I would be talking to myself.
Cause you wouldn't be there, you're not here now and you won't ever be.

I realized that I'd always been alone. That even when you were there, you weren't.
That I had been standing on my own all this time and that I didn't need you.
You fooled me into believing you were something I needed to live, but with you I was only surviving.

I became a mere shell of the girl I used to be.
My vibrant colour and fiery passion was lost along the folds of your diseased tongue.
With your blackened hands you twisted all that was good from my soul, wrung me out like a gym sweater and hung me upside down on your line of deceit.

But then...
And now...
And probably tomorrow...
I will still love you.
This is my actual account, I will be transferring all my poems from my old account under the name SALT to this one.
487 · Sep 2014
7 September 2014 #2
Schanzé Sep 2014
Put your hand on my thigh,
trail patterns on the surface.
Look me in the eyes,
make every second worth it.

Trail kisses up my neck,
& across my jawline.
Don't stop, not ever,
it seems as though we're frozen in time.

Put your hands on my waist,
the time is long gone for an innocent embrace.
Breathe me in,
become intoxicated at my scent,
graze your teeth against my throat,
it is with your lips that you tempt.

Run your hands down my back,
stop at my hips - pull me close.
Rub your nose against mine,
those lips,
your poison -
give me another dose.

After years of blissful torture,
your lips against mine.
Slow at first
and then
like we're running out of time.
Draw me even closer,
steal the air from my lungs -
kiss me harder,
bite my tongue.

Drive me crazy, blow my mind..
When we release, I know..
Its only to prepare for next time.
Schanzé Oct 2013
This is when I need you most.
1:35 in the morning and I feel like a ghost.
When I feel lost but I know exactly where I am.
When I come to the realization that my life is one big sham.

This is when I need you most,
When I feel like a talk show and my mind the host.
When I feel cold and my heart like ice
And Just your warm eyes would suffice

This is when I need you most
When I feel empty, like a mailbox with no post.
When I'm alone in this sinking ship of mine
All I need is you to pull me in on your fishing line

This is when I need you most
When about my sorrows I could boast.
But instead I keep it all inside
Cause it disappears when you're by my side
481 · Oct 2013
This Love.
Schanzé Oct 2013
I'm starting to think that the punishment for my sins is loving you.
This love has a force designed to wreck me, pull me in two.
You wreck me , destroy me and shatter me like glass.
You break my fragile heart and proceed to place it in a cast

I don't think I can begin to explain the feelings you stir deep in my brain
Or the warmth of your skin at 3:35am
Your love comes in steadily and pieces me together again.
Overshadows my fear and crumples my pain.

They say " destroy what destroys you" but if I had to destroy you, I'd be destroying myself.
And that couldn't possibly make sense, could it? To place our love in a romance novel on a dusty shelf?

The truth is that my biggest fear is you.
Losing you, having you, but most of all owning your love that reaches few.
Because I wonder, I really wonder when this terrifying love will be the death of us two.
481 · Oct 2013
The best poetry.
Schanzé Oct 2013
The best poetry is written at 1:45
When your hearts in a twist and your soul has ****** your mind.
When your eyes are begging for the darkness within
But your twisted mind refuses to give in.

When your fingers ache but the ink flows silent
You speak of things like escaping this reality, so violent.
How you wish to slip away, like a thief into your colourful dreams.
A place where your dream isn't woken up with blood curling screams

Don't stop writing darling for its your only escape.
449 · Jan 2014
19 January 2014
Schanzé Jan 2014
I was searching, all this time for someone who could destroy my demons, destroy the beasts that ruled from within, reason with the masters of my enslaved heart bound and gagged in their chains.

Searching, driving myself insane, seeking relief, any kind of temporary distraction.

I had been searching and searching, driven to the edge of madness, two steps from falling, crashing straight into my black abyss.

When I was pulled back, saved, barely grasped by my fingertips from my impending doom, by the realization that I was searching not for someone who could destroy my demons, But rather for someone whose demons could collide with mine, whose demons could tame and weaken the beasts within me, someone whose demons were compatible with mine.
441 · Jul 2014
12 July 2014
Schanzé Jul 2014
If my heart was a town,
You'd be the sheriff
440 · Oct 2013
Schanzé Oct 2013
And suddenly I didn't feel beautiful anymore.
It was as if he ripped away the small remnant of beauty clinging to my needy soul.
I hated him. With all that was in me, I hated him.
He stole from me, took the very things that kept me alive.
Everything I loved, he stripped from me. Tore it from me, harshly, brutally leaving me with angry, red seething skin.
I was a mere shell of who I used to be.
Who would've thought that a single bullet from the man I used to love and
A wooden box could make me, me again.
439 · Aug 2015
I’m sorry
Schanzé Aug 2015
Dear family.
I’m sorry for falling in love with a man of whom you do not approve.
I apologise for his tenderness and his tremendous capacity for hope.
For his support and generosity.
Most of all I apologise for the love he has for me, and for the love you never had.

Dear bigoted society.
I’m sorry I hold his hand in public.
I apologise for publicly displaying my affection for him by pressing my lips to his cheek.
For sharing the same spoon, plate, straw and cup whilst in your presence.

Most of all I apologise for believing in a love you so openly disapprove of.
I’m sorry that the contrast between our skin colour causes you to frown in distaste.
I apologise for loving him unconditionally, regardless of the fact that it bothers you.
For not being narrow minded and self righteous.
Most of all I apologise for you being too conceited to understand that I fell in love with his soul and not the likeness of his skin to mine.
439 · Nov 2013
Holding On
Schanzé Nov 2013
I couldn't do it, stand there and watch you walk away from me.
I know I pushed and I shoved now you're dangling on the edge holding onto my twisted string of hope.
But can't you see? I'm trying, to pull you back up but my hands are slipping.
Do you even still want me? Cause I don't feel you trying, you're like a dead weight on the end of this rope.

I told you I'm not strong enough for the both of us, so is this you hoping that I'll just let go and be strong for me?
You know I have no strength without you.
You are my strength.

I can't just let go, its not that easy.
If you go down, I'm going with you.
That's how it works.
Forever & Always remember?
435 · Mar 2016
Don't believe the promises.
Schanzé Mar 2016
She walked through life, alone.
Happy with smelling
the concrete, fresh after the rain.
With watching
the sunset from her bedroom window.
With picking
flowers from a garden, stuffing it in her breast pocket.

With cooking alone, enjoying a meal for one on her two seater couch, with a glass of wine.
Falling asleep with Tolstoy and Oscar Wilde late at night.
She was happy, content,
she always felt like something might be missing but it never gave her reason to fear, to put her life on pause.

He came along and showed her what it was like to live beside someone,
to share.
He taught her how to walk in the rain,
he taught her how to breathe,
how to feel the sun on her skin,
how to enjoy the feeling left in her fingertips.

He taught her how to be the flower and not just steal its glory,
how to be someone,
others stole glory from.

He taught her how to care, how to love.
He shared her two seater and her wine.
She learned to cook for two and not just one.

At night her poetry lay untouched at her bedside table.
His voice, his warmth - her remedy.
Suddenly, she felt the hole start to fill.
She loved it most when he made her laugh and when he smiled.

Her favourite was when he used his surname in the place of her own.
When he would talk of their future,
their kids,
their home.
She felt safe and strangely at home wherever he was.
She was happy.

One day, he became different.
Stopped talking of their future,
their home,
their life.
He stopped sharing her two seater,
stopped holding her at night.
Without warning or notice - she was alone.

She forgot how to breathe and how to feel the sun,
how to be a flower,
how to fall asleep at night,
the hole she barely felt before became bigger and bigger,
and that was all she could feel,
the emptiness,
the pain,
the coldness that consumed her.
She forgot how to laugh.
She found her own future to be a blurred sight.
She couldn't remember how to love, how to care, how to feel.

She lost sight of everything.
She couldn't find her way back to where she was.
Everything felt out of place, out of context.
She never wanted to love again.
She feared she never would.
429 · Mar 2014
20 February
Schanzé Mar 2014
Is now the time to be okay?
Or am I allowed to lay broken, completely shattered at your holy feet?
Do you want me to stand, straighten my spine and plaster a dazzling smile on my pale face, spread it slowly across my chapped lips and laugh my bubby laugh as I throw my head back into thin air?

What is it you desire dear?

You wish for me to put on my best dress, put on those heels and strut around linked to your arm?
Of course I'll smile and wave.
Who am I but your golden little prize?

Yes, I'll drink some more gin and sniff a little coke, anything to keep you happy my dear, anything to feel alive.
Anything to numb the pain from the bruise on my back you gave me just last night.

A bright red cardigan for my birthday?
Oh yes, of course to hide my battered veins.
Just a little ******, just a little to sing the children goodnight?
"To put a smile on your face you don't want to give them a fright"

Silly me, I never think of these things.
What would I do without you, my love?

Before you come in and give me the pills, read my letter.
Don't tell the girls.
I'm tired now dear, tired of breathing.
I don't like the pills, I don't like the drugs.
It seems to me this is the only way out.

I'll have to be quick, seems I might have tied the rope too tight.
Tell the girls I love them, I couldn't have loved anything more.
Tell Mom I'm sorry and that I wish I could have given her reason to love me more.

One request, before I step off this chair?
Bury me next to Daddy and my brother,
darling remember me there.
429 · Aug 2015
I think you're the one
Schanzé Aug 2015
I sometimes yearn for the power to control the clouds,
So that they too,
may wet your face as the tears do mine

That I may hold the sun in my hands
and direct its gentlest rays to your skin,
So that they too,
may affect you,
the way your embrace does mine.

I wish for the ability to blow the wind in your direction,
so that its  soft hands may caress your face, the way your hands often do mine.

I wish I could bring the galaxies down for you, so you could

see yourself through my eyes.
427 · May 2014
20 May: 6am
Schanzé May 2014
We looked
We didn't speak,
But our eyes did.
413 · Jun 2014
13 June 2014
Schanzé Jun 2014
Barely 8 in the morning and already thoughts of you dominate my mind.
When I think of you, I smell citrus and see summer.
I see warmth and lazy smiles.
I see clear blue water, like the colour of your eyes.
There's a second son on earth and I know that that son is you.

When I dream of you, I see winter and wool blankets. I see the frostbite melt away in the warmth of our intertwined fingers.
I hear the silence, beautiful in all its noiselessness - like your voice.

When I speak of you, I see spring - where everything must blossom again.
I see bright colours and they remind me of your soul.
The words that tumble from my lips are 'beautiful, tender; strong' and although I describe the trees, in my mind I see only you.

While autumn being being beautiful and all, I don't see you there. I don't hear you there either.
In autumn you are summer and in winter you are spring.

Its you, and only you who to my heart on any day can all these seasons bring.
410 · Oct 2013
Schanzé Oct 2013
I'm starting to think that the punishment for my sins is loving you.
This love has a force designed to wreck me, pull me in two.
You wreck me , destroy me and shatter me like glass.
You break my fragile heart and proceed to place it in a cast

I don't think I can begin to explain the feelings you stir deep in my brain
Or the warmth of your skin at 3:35am
Your love comes in steadily and pieces me together again.
Overshadows my fear and crumples my pain.

They say " destroy what destroys you" but if I had to destroy you, I'd be destroying myself.
And that couldn't possibly make sense, could it? To place our love in a romance novel on a dusty shelf?

The truth is that my biggest fear is you.
Losing you, having you, but most of all owning your love that reaches few.
Because I wonder, I really wonder when this terrifying love will be the death of us two
409 · Mar 2014
15 December 2013
Schanzé Mar 2014
I dreamt of you again.. Of your sweet morphine laced lips and your ice cold breath.

I dreamt of the sound of your whispered words at 3:30am.
I felt the same warmth spread through my veins as it did when I still had you.

I dreamt of our bittersweet memories and oh how they ****** me now.
Your hands, the scent on your skin. Your body against mine.
How you would lean towards me and allow me to kiss your forehead and then briefly lock your lips with mine.

I dreamt of our sunset to sunrise conversations. The promises made, the vows said.
How you would draw me in to your chest. Gaze into mine with those sea green eyes and say: 'I need you'
Your smile connected to the strings of my heart and my favourite words were 'I love you'

Then I woke up, terrified. I searched for you on your side of our bed, and I found cold sheets.
And I remembered.
Two months ago in May.

Your favourite flowers were to be placed on your headstone today.
397 · Apr 2014
Schanzé Apr 2014
I still think my carrot hair compliments your sea eyes.
I still think your freckles are a puzzle I have yet to complete.
I still think the scars on your heart - framed and signed by me, a masterpiece created by my Picasso hands - are beautiful.
I still think your hands are meant for mine.
I still see the sunset in your smile.
I still see the thunderstorm in your eyes.
This is our forever, however long "forever" may be.
389 · Oct 2013
12 October
Schanzé Oct 2013
My skin became raw, still I continued to scrub.
You had to be removed somehow, I couldn't stand the scent of you on my wrists, and my lips as I breathed in, I smelt you there and it burnt my lungs.

"Please, please" I whispered to the darkness.
"Take my soul, but end this torture" I begged, I pleaded but they wouldn't grant my wish.

They stood by and laughed as I tried to remove the stain of you on my heart.
389 · Oct 2013
Schanzé Oct 2013
Bring the blade, bring it near
Run along the rough skin that lies willingly here
Press it light, just a touch.
We don't want my white shirt stained with blush.

Thoughts disappear pain in its place.
Long I have yearned for this embrace
Faint pink lines appear on the surface
But not yet have they fulfilled their purpose

Press harder now,hear the sweet sound of tearing flesh.
Over old scars, over skin like mesh
Watch the blood weep from my veins
Not much more I hope can they sustain

Feel it burn,tiny pulsing flames
Pain and fire coursing through,taking reign
My eyes shift out of focus,darkness fills my eyes
I follow a white light,I'm free,surrounded by serene blue skies.
370 · May 2014
5 May 2014
Schanzé May 2014
You're still the inspiration behind my poetry even though its been awhile since I could recall the number of days its been since you left.

I still write for you. Hoping that one day you'll come across my melancholy string of words and recognise yourself amongst them.

Hoping that you'll miss the person you were. Miss the person I was.
Hoping that the nostalgia that chills me to the bone, will warm yours instead.

I know that I'm your past, but that's the only place I can bear to live in now.
The present has me dreading my future without you. So there's no way I can look anywhere but back. Do anything but try to run into the memories of your embrace, the memories I treasure.

The truth is: I'm just afraid of being happy without you.
367 · Mar 2014
It never stops - 9 March
Schanzé Mar 2014
I miss you.
I miss you so god ****** much.
Every time I utter those words, a crater forms in my chest.
Buried in each of these craters is a piece of my heart, buried in dust.
The cavity where my fragmented heart lies, becomes bigger and bigger each day.

Yet I miss you still.
It just ***** being so far away from the most important person in your life.
359 · Aug 2015
Breaking Promises
Schanzé Aug 2015
I stared at the thick gold band of the bracelet he’d clipped onto my wrist, and it angered me.
I was furious at the fact that I couldn’t take it off, couldn’t find the strength to break a promise even when he had – countless times.
Instead of stroking my heart with the soft delicate hands of love, and feeding my soul the light and euphoria that comes from loving another, tears began to form in my eyes.
They bubbled up, filled to the brim and remained there; refusing to fall, refusing to disappear and yet they remained.

They swam in the uncertainty, the pain, the sorrow, the heartache.
And blurred my vision, hindering my sight.
As the tears spilled over and traveled down my cheeks, I knew that being in love wasn’t meant to feel this way.
That instead of crying and wiping away the tears and trying to cover up the pink tint around my eyes, I should have been in his arms.
I should have felt secure, safe, loved.
I should have been calm and assured because in a relationship common courtesy applies to the other.
I should not have been worrying about where he was or if he was okay.
I shouldn’t have wondered if he was coming home, I shouldn’t have been afraid of him blatantly lying to my face, repeatedly – but I was.

He could never text and tell me that he was fine, tell me where he was or when I could expect him home.
He could never pause for a second and consider my feelings, my emotions or my concerns.
He could never call just to say “I miss your voice”
He could make empty promises and trick me into promising the world.
They would lay in his eyes, bright and enticing screaming at me that this time it was real.
He could lift my hand to his lips and place kisses on my wrist, the knuckles and the spaces in between, and proceed to look into my eyes and tell me that I meant the world to him, that there was nothing more important, that he needed me.
I would melt, all of my anger, my frustration, my distrust, my thoughts would melt away when his eyes met mine and he said “baby, I love you”
Each time, he would look into my brown eyes and promise that this time, this time would be different.
He promised the stars but never mentioned that I’d get burned reaching for them.
He promised the ocean but never mentioned the icy cold waters I would drown in searching for his love in the waves.
He promised the light to put an end to the darkness Id been forced to live in but never told me that the bulb would blind me and then fuse.
He swore that he would give his life for mine but never mentioned that I’d have to sacrifice my soul to redeem it.

He swore that he loved me but never told me what he was swearing on.
He made promises to tell the truth, but never mentioned that I would be the only honest one.
He made me love him, but never warned me that he would leave with it and render me incapable of loving again.

So I unclipped the bracelet, watching it fall from my wrist and land on the bed.
I picked it up and put it on my bedside table.
Breaking the first promise in the thousands I had made.
356 · Nov 2013
06 November
Schanzé Nov 2013
Love ruins everything.
You see, with love comes expectation.
And sometimes you expect too much, when you don't get what you want; you learn to resent one another and with resent comes regret and with regret comes forgetting & once that starts to happen,
All you were or could have been means nothing
356 · Mar 2014
12 January 2014 - 01:34am
Schanzé Mar 2014
I drained you, didn't I?
You were like a child and I was the bully who stole dreams.

You saw me as your hope, your friend, but I was the storm clouds raining on your parade.
And as I stood under my umbrella, I watched you drown.
You never noticed though, you were blinded by love.

How peculiar.. Everyone saw clear as day but I blinded you sweetheart.
You thought that love could destroy the evil that continued to grow within me but you found out the hard way that demons like mine are powerful, deceitful, ruthless and cold.

I took what you had, destroyed you and extinguished the fire in your eyes.

I'd like to give it back, honey. This is how I'll do it:
I'll take that last pill, climb the last step on my ladder, tighten the noose, slice the very last vein and breathe my last breath.
I'll set not only myself free.. but you too.

Hold on sweetheart, it will all be over soon.
353 · Sep 2014
7 September 2014
Schanzé Sep 2014
In the silence
We find the answers we seek.
With long gazes and mysterious smiles.

We find them in the patterns trailed by fingertips on soft skin.
Nost against nose contact - the tease.

We find them in the sound of lips against lips.
Under the weight of chest against chest
In the beauty of breathlessness.

We find them in the tension that surrounds us..
The frustration that
overpowers us..
The release that
evades us..
The desire that
consumes us..

We find that
Love and lust
Is a dangerous combination.
You drive me crazy.
351 · Jul 2014
6 July 2014
Schanzé Jul 2014
I saw it,
I saw it all.

I saw how you would ask me,
Clear eyes cast down, glancing at the ground.
Your soft voice stammering, mumbling about things completely irrelevant to what you were trying to ask.
How your hands would tremble, then suddenly grasp mine.
How you would look up with conviction and stare into my eyes.
Look deep within and ask :
Will you be mine?

I didn't think about how I would reply - I'd imagined it countless times.
I've always been yours.

I saw how we would waste time together.
Your head on my lap, my fingers running through your brown hair.
Talking about silly things like my love of poetry and your hatred of books.

I saw you falling asleep
as I read you poetry.
I saw how my eyes would glaze over as you spoke animatedly about the engines of cars and bikes.

Saw how you would roll your eyes when you finally realised
I just wasn't listening anymore

I saw our intertwined hands and how they gripped each other tightly as if we were afraid we'd let go and lose each other.

I saw the first kiss, how my knees turned to water as your hands encircled my waist.
Your sharp intake of breath as my hand touched your cheek, how you closed your eyes and let your head fall back slightly.

How everything dissipated as my lips reached yours.
I swear I even experienced the hunger, the desire, the greed, the need for more.

I even saw how safe I would feel if I had you by my side.
I saw how I was made of metal and you of magnet.
How my pieces would drag across the earth to rejoin whenever you held me close.

I even heard the first i love you how you whispered my name as my eyes read sonnets in yours.

I see many things.
Just not many that are real.
345 · Mar 2014
23 February
Schanzé Mar 2014
I came to the realization that: we're all just alone. We're all just kids searching for a little love, a little appreciation.

I also came to the realization that most promises made, are promises not kept.

No one is actually ever there for you. It's easier said than done, you know - being there.
No one to hold your hand, to hold it tight and tell you it's going to be okay.
Who dabs at the small pool that forms under your eyes when you finally feel as if it's not actually okay?
When your heart is broken, pounding in its cavity and your lungs have collapsed, drowning in sorrow and pain; whose arms wrap around you and hold it all together?
At night when you're laying in your dark room, curtains drawn from the world, staring at your dusty ceiling and that little voice is telling you how wrong you are, how worthless, how useless, how imperfect. Who tells you it's not true? That it's really all lies?
When you stare at your broken body through the mirror above your bathroom sink and you cry, horrified at what lies before you, who draws you in and tells you that you're beautiful?

When you're wishing for a plane to fall out of the sky and flatten you, for a car to momentarily veer off its path and crash into you. A stray bullet, a case of mistaken identity. All for release - however short.
The thoughts racing through you mind telling you this is how it should be, who tells you that you're worth it, that you mean something? That it will get better?
That you can make it?

What I'm trying to say is - you're with you 24/7.  You hold your own hand, wrap your scar possessed arms around your throbbing chest. You battle with yourself at night.
Only you are ever truly there for you.

Hold on. Be strong.
Take care of those beautiful eyes, that beautiful mind.
Be proud of who you are.
344 · Apr 2014
There once was.
Schanzé Apr 2014
There once was a boy. I knew him pretty well, we shared ice cream on hot, humid days. We were the  cause of grey hairs in our nursery school teacher's pretty brown hair. There were sleepovers and empty soda cans. Bright blue crayon pictures on Mother's freshly painted beige walls. The early demise of Marshall our cat, who had somehow found his way into the bathtub and of course the mystery involving the disappearance of my elder sister's pony tail.
This boy,he wasn't my brother, he wasn't related to me. He was my partner in crime. My best friend.
and I was the girl next door, the light at the end of his seemingly endless black tunnel.
We just fit together, completed each other, balanced out the equation. Okay, yes we weren't the very best behaved 12 year olds in Summer Street, but we were kids. Kids who had discovered profanity and rude finger gestures, kids who had acquired the amazing skill of sarcasm and attitude.
As we grew, however slight, we were struck down by the harsh brutality of life and its obstacles.
We were shown love... and heartbreak, and we were inevitably exposed to the evil within humanity.
What we realized, was that we were both still true to each other, that in our 23 years of shared existence on planet earth, we had found one of the rarest combinations created, in the palm of our hands.
Love and friendship.
We thought we had found happiness and peace along with it, little did we know society would ruin it all for us two.
There once was a boy, he was my moonlight and I was his sunshine.
There was a boy, who was engulfed by pain and sadness at the hate and hurt being thrown in his direction.

There was a boy, was a boy who was my whole life. I woke one day to find a man with an empty pill bottle and a pillowcase of soaked gin lying in the spot where the boy I once loved had taken his last breath.
There was a woman, yet to be found. Found on a cold,  blood soaked sheet with a revolver in her hand, next to the man she once loved.

Once there was a world that loved without limits.
In its place - a world that rips apart, deceives, and criticizes.
A world run by a heartless society.
339 · Jun 2014
26 June 2014
Schanzé Jun 2014
Maybe it makes me feel good.
When your hands tighten around my waist - when they hold everything together,
when I feel like I

My heart beats really fast, almost right out of its cavity
but when my chest reaches yours and our hearts almost..
It slows right down again
*One Four Two*
338 · Jun 2014
23 March 2014
Schanzé Jun 2014
Nights when I can't sleep,
I write poetry.
I guess I should have a piece every night then,
but I don't.

Sometimes my mind conjures beautiful words that float around my brain, unable to be constructed into an equally beautiful sentence.

Then they just disappear,
and I feel empty again.

Its only on nights like these,
where I can see the edge of a star,
a glimpse of the moon
and for a moment,
I feel hopeful.

that sleep will come again,
that my thoughts will finally rest.
Don't even know if this makes sense.
335 · Nov 2013
21 November
Schanzé Nov 2013
Every second you spend in here will be filled with pain, torment, you'll be bent out of shape with utter despair, these thoughts will drive you mad.
Please stop digging in my head, its not worth it.
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