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John Destalo
55/M/Harrisburg, PA    I am human. I consider myself an expressionist. I explore through my words what it is to be human. I try to create depth through …
Dante Rocío
Agender/Польша    Poet/Linguist/Polyglot/Translator/Poetry Reviewer/Blooming Philosopher, Artist & Revolutionist/Existentialist/Romantic/Oddity "Gotta do more, gotta be more" - Dead Poets Society, Charlie D. Twitter: @AleramoGillio
astral soul river   
From the ashes
Left Foot Poet
To walk on the left, you must know right. ~~—————————————— “Poetry - but what is poetry. Many shaky answers have been given to this question. …
33/Other/wherever sin is aborning   
Bus Poet Stop
on a bus near you...    eye am a recording devicespecial filters of my own prejudice. eye live in various bus stops where punctuation of life moments need not be, are …
Nat Lipstadt
M/nyc    A poetpourri history of a journey from naissance to humility, in between the white (s)pacing of poems decorating a life...
Andrew Crawford
Jose Luis Carreño Troncoso
M/Chile, San Antonio    " IN THE DANGER GROWS, WHICH ALSO SAVE US..." Tragediographer and Submythological Demiurge - Screenwriter, Novelist, Essayist, Tragic Poet, Narrator-Storyteller Translator and Researcher.
22/F    Trying to seek the treasure in my despair, it's a unique bounty in this dystopia. insta id: @mystique_elixir
18/F/USA    "youre gonna go far"
Colin Makgill
Mostly just crazy sauce
Michael Stefan
37/M/Minneapolis    I am a disabled Veteran who spent the last decade gathering intelligence for the U.S. government. I started writing poetry and short stories in grade …
Imran Islam
31/M/🍁✓Lure Pot ✓🍁    MY BooKs [] and I develop websites, design and format Amazon Kindle books
M/scotland    with love, one can live even without happiness - dostoyevsky
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