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 Dec 2017 Subin
you move like an environment,
dressing the air,
sweeping the hills.
  oh smooth dunes of your landscape,
serpents weave tunnels in your sands,
i am the snake in your glands.
the rare flowers of your hands,
touch like spring,
in the southern lands
of my longing.
 Nov 2017 Subin
 Nov 2017 Subin
When on that night so cold,
and at a midnight so serene.
Why did you take your life
why, my dear Irene?

You have always been my beloved,
you were always happy, it seemed.
Why did you take your life out of this strife,
why, my dear Irene?

Why must you leave me so,
in this depressed world so old.
Whether you're now in heaven or even in hell,
I pray that you feel better wherever you may dwell.

You are buried here, on his hill
I visit here now and then.
While you're body lays here ever so still
I wonder where I should've been.

I should've been beside you,
always respecting and being true.
Caring and welcoming your beautiful mien,
I should've loved you more, my dear Irene.
 Nov 2017 Subin
Star BG
 Nov 2017 Subin
Star BG
Newscaster spew out jargon,
well orchestrated.
Evening stars appear covered with hazy veil
from chem trails unseen cover.

Truth plastered
in newspaper and TV
for the sleeping is played regularly.
It is not called an idiot box for nothing.

Lies are fabricated,
wrapped in a fancy box labeled truth
for those handcuffed by
controlling monsters of greed.

They’re like vampires,
who prey on the innocent un-awaked ones.
Ones who buy into what is fed them like hungry cattle.

When will enough wake up to see, I wonder?
See that the many are kept in corrals of fear,
lack, and prejudice.
In states of numbness by our air and contaminated food.

Humans bleed everyday
with the paradoxes of lies that filter
every aspect of daily life, until cleansing is done.

Thankfully, more and more are being rounded up
to pay for the atrocities to Humanity.

More and more behind scenes
are standing at service to help
the sleeping transition
with minimum casualties.

Time to get out of the matrex
and question to realign with
the real truth.

Will you keep going with old programs,
or connect to truth and walk on new fields for freedom?

Which version of truth will you vibrate with in waking days?
Do you believe what your told?
OR what is the truth
of YOU being amazingly powerful, gifted,
and a manifesting human with Gods spark within?
(a Jesus in disguise)

Time to decide.
inspired by Subin poem Lies-- THANKS

— The End —