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Sasha Paulona Sep 2020
It was morning
Not early in the morning
or not close to the afternoon
It was cold.....but cozy
It was raining for a long time
without letting sun shine to the world

Invisible dew drops
escape from the grass and touched the ground
I walked across the garden
from bare feet.
The wet grass did not make me cold.
It felt warm

I saw a cat sleeping under a red plant
A snowy white cat with a black spot between its ears
I wondered,
How could he sleep on wet grass in the morning
with a cold dew?

The two pots were filled with light pink flowers
bloomed as usual
But only one flower was orange
I wondered,
why this flower change its color
for a wet morning like this?
Sasha Paulona May 2020
Cold wind blow softly touching my cheeks...
Its the darkest night which can be cut into pieces..
fireflies create a missed starry night on earth....
I  walk through the stars.....
I hear voice of the night...

I hear whole world breathing...
some are sleeping crawled up in warm beds.....
but i can't miss this night...
People used to look up in the night....
but with full of fireflies and cold wind...
it always make me to stare at darkness

May, its a full of endings and beginnings
maybe its cold as December or 34*c degrees hot
its  May....people used to make fancy stories
that really happened in past
Revolutions, Religions, Uprisings ....
Everything started and ended in May.
I cannot say for sure what a beauty I feel this moment.
Night after heavy thunder storm
Sasha Paulona May 2020
A moments of sleepiness summertime
The stillness is raised
The love that flashes under your eyes...

In a dream, in a mad valley
I am not alone......
Every night,
Every morning,
Every afternoon
I sing with goddess of my love....

This is a one of the finest vowels in romantic opera,
Every nod reads the unborn love to you and me

The moon light is flowing,
and the ***** get dampen...
maiden hands emerge in naked cloud ..
frenzied embrace of her delicate body.

In a dream, in a mad valley ...
I am not alone
oh.... my Goddess of love
Forever together
One love
One illusion ...
come on sink into this swing with me....
Unborn love of my life .................
Sasha Paulona May 2020
Normal people Talk
Normal people smile
Normal people get angry
Normal people are happy
Normal people feel sad
Normal people get jealous
Normal people feel lonely
Normal people cry
Normal people get stupid
Normal people fall in love
Normal people care
Normal people wait
Normal people think
Normal people question
Normal people answer
Normal people get fed up
Normal people die.................................
Sasha Paulona Apr 2020
I still can find you
you still can find me
every day we sit on same bench
talking beneath our hearts
at last we go,
saying good bye!
Sasha Paulona Apr 2020
time needs time
to find
meaning of time.....
Sasha Paulona Apr 2020
The past doesn't matter to me...
The present ?
I can't wait for the present to be over...
Future..... it's what we all share...
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