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Sasha Paulona Apr 2020
after very long time
something came down
cold but felt warm
like it should be
releasing something heavy
remind me something
something shouldn't come back again

when world is about to collapse
i should have been filled
drag me in to deep
found me before i turn to dust
but something came down
the wetness can touch my words...........

A drop
it came fast
but slowed down in the end....
like it understand
at end of the world,
that something is left in the corner.
Sasha Paulona Mar 2020
it's Once in a lifetime….
How many stars shine at night ...
How many moons rising in to dark ...

Everything is beautiful only in a once.

And then,
You lose your mind.
your mind....!
The spirit of life.
The truth inside your lies
You'll lose... but you don't even care

As much you love to laugh you will cry
As much you love yourself you will hate
As much you love the light, you will sink to darkness.

then you'll never love again...
because it's a once in a lifetime......

the love...
it came and gone...
it'll come and go
listen to your symphony
The way Beats pounding your heart...
it's true..
love can only touch your heart by breaking it...

There is only left, sighs, the despers,
and stolen glances, sweeter for theft,
and burning feelings though for no pressure.
Sasha Paulona Mar 2020
Her favorite sunshine
touch all over her naked body
wind messing her hair curls........
her favorite devil
whispering "come back to me"
her eyes glowing with a hope.....
that glow can tear brightness of sunshine.......
her cellulose heart
it's already broken.........and ruin

Vine & moonlight, skins & lavender
kisses & gold, love & faith
roses & guns
she's in a paradise.......
paradise with color of hell flames
Can't live longer in her synthetic dream......

Shameless hearts, tired souls
with a taste like heaven
they fly
over the flames
but burn all their feelings off from the rush........and ruin

Lying on a devil chest
warm...strong and evil
At the edge of the living line
filling lungs from dying dreams
to escape from great sunshine......
Sasha Paulona Mar 2020
Doomed feelings
silent hearts
tearful eyes
saying it's all right
you kissed me before I die

Shaggy black jeans,
wild and free
with you so blue,
remember the rooftop we count stars

There's a dream
I fall to pieces when I dreamed it
walking middle of the roses
under the crystal blue sky
sun shine across your honey eyes
you kissed me before I die

Kisses can fly across the worlds
your world is real
but full of lies
don't face, it's hurt
i'm taking you into mine
like I told you
it's a heaven, can believe

Kisses don't lie
just steal hearts
I found a peaceful one
because you kissed me before I die

— The End —