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SJ Dec 2021
Limbs stretch out and droop downwards in warning
The wind whistles and shrieks in a desperate yearning
Leaves are hiding in the dirt
The earth seems to always fall short

Humanity is taking without a sound
Knees are padded by the wet ground
The dirt under bare feet is a red sand
It burns in my cracked hands

Seeping through my hold like a useless thought
I was thankful for the chaos the rain brought
Droplets hits the impenetrable dirt and still remain on the surface
I am nothing but stillness on my knees waiting to drown, accepting my life purpose

I once loved a willow tree so full life
She died waiting for me, and my love was a knife
I took all that was offered; I stripped her of her clothing
I thought for sure my love would fill her with loathing

Her limbs lost it's skin and twisted in sadness
But my willow did not leave me alone in my madness
So selfless my dead willow is on this dying land
She gives and gives to this broken man

Giving it all to my begging body and empty word
Save me when the water gets to high and my begs are no longer heard
SJ Dec 2021
Squeezing and contracting
Breathing and relaxing
Slap me hard so my eyes open wide
If your mouth is so big, in who do I confide?
Something about our encounter is disturbing

Ripping and tearing
Eating and sharing
My heart is fatty, so don't enjoy it too much
If your incisors are pointy, how do I touch?
My disappearance will surely be preturbing

Screaming and moaning
Digging and burning
The match is wet, find a new way to light me
This grave is too shallow, won't they see?
Will I be indebted to you in death?

Stuttering and silence
Running and violence
Burning body is thin and kneeling before him
On my knees like a good girl, is this a sin?
Hangman loves to steal my breath
SJ Dec 2021
Today I gazed upon nature with closed eyes
I discovered where true happiness lies
The gentle rustle of a soft breeze
How the critters taunt and tease
My tense body wanted to realx and be brave
To become as at peace and as still as the trees is something I crave
SJ Dec 2021
I decided to run on this grassy plain
Spreading my arms and hoping to stay sane
I imagined myself as a bird, at home in the sky
I thought maybe his words wouldn't reach me if I went real high
Oh how I would like to fly

I buried myself so his darkness couldn't seek
I thought maybe his madness had finally reached its peak
The hangman is so articulate when it comes to games such as this
He checked every grave and I only had a short lived bliss
Oh how I wish I never gave him my kiss

I needed to overcome this man
I searched desperately for a new plan
I hiked for miles up a mountainous path
I felt inner peace and sunlight at last
Oh how nice, but the sun was soon consumed by the blackness of his wrath

Beautful innocent man, don't come to close to me
But I want him closer so I can see
He has so much inner brightness
While I'm clouded by the hangman who deprives me of lightness
Still I want the sunny man and all his kindness
SJ Dec 2021
Oh I am not enough
I am to hard to love
I am a little sick once in a while
But your sickness beats mine by a mile

I like to be alone
You want me to always be home
I thought to leave
You said feel free

I thought to pack my bags
Before I could everything became rags
I had that foot out the door
But then you begged to try a little more

I always hated merry-go-rounds
I always despised loud sounds
You love to spin me so fast
Yelling so loud that I forget my past

Who was I before I read your lines
Who woke me up to these signs
I think this sloth may speed up today
Leave everything and runaway
SJ Dec 2021
I'm ******* and my stomach is weighted down
A dark force is trying to make us disappear into the ground
He followed me with a noose that hung around a slender neck
A vulture who haunts my flesh just waiting for a peck

Hitting my chest to get the negativity out
envisioning light entering and the darkness dispersing about
Yet I still hear the hangman's words
I blocked them, yet they are still heard

"Little skinny girl,
just used for a cinnamon swirl
She will stutter just a little more
I can't seem to find her allure."

He has a hold on me whispering line after line
I honestly don't think I will make it in time
I found a place of redemption and a glimmer of hope
Yet I fall every time my foot moves to leave this slippery *****

Loosen the knot and slide your rope around me
Make sure there is a snap when I start to swing
SJ Nov 2021
Limbs stretch out and droop downwards in warning
The wind whistles and shrieks in a desperate yearning
Leaves are hiding in the dirt
The earth seems to always fall short

Humanity is taking without a sound
Knees are padded by the wet ground
The dirt under bare feet is a red sand
It burns in my cracked hands

Seeping through my hold like a useless thought
I was thankful for the chaos the rain brought
Droplets hits the impenetrable dirt and still remain on the surface
I am nothing but stillness on my knees waiting to drown, accepting my life purpose

I once loved a willow tree so full life
She died waiting for me, and my love was a knife
I took all that was offered; I stripped her of her clothing
I thought for sure my love would fill her with loathing

Her limbs lost it's skin and twisted in sadness
But my willow did not leave me alone in my madness
So selfless my dead willow is on this dying land
She gives and gives to this broken man

Giving it all to my begging body and empty word
Save me when the water gets to high and my begs are no longer heard
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