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  Sep 2015 Sanam ojha
the light turned green
and he put down his phone
and headed home

the roads were bumpy
and curvy and long
like the tracks of a ******

and he thought of his
and hers and in between
and he let his brain fizz

his hands gripped the wheel
  Sep 2015 Sanam ojha
You are my whiskey
I'll make you mine
I can just taste it
I get so tipsy when
your on my mind
Yeah I like the whisky
with my nursery rhyme
Throw it back
Sip it slow
I know how to drink
it I learn pretty fast
So take me to bed, babe,
and I'll close my eyes
Yeah I like the whisky
with my lullaby.
  Sep 2015 Sanam ojha
Sumina Thapaliya
When we can’t do what we think
Do we need Mind anymore?

If we can't love whom we want
What’s there use of heart then after?

If we can't sleep when we want
What’s the meaning of goodnight then?

When we can’t take rest in illness
Can’t say the felling of care after that

If I can’t feel your love
Is then worth of kiss anymore?

If we can’t spend the money we wish
What’s the reason for high earning then?

When we can’t move for beautiful place
Explain me the meaning of freedom then

If we can’t live our life  
What’s the difference in dead or alive then?
  Sep 2015 Sanam ojha
Sumina Thapaliya
  Sep 2015 Sanam ojha
Sumina Thapaliya
It’s not that I am not aware of your pain
Not that I want to escape from my responsibility
What I want you to be is tough that no one can break you
I don’t want sympathy on their eyes when they see you
I don’t want rumor that you can’t handle little cramp
It’s not what you perceive, please let me make you clear
I just what you to be feel my heart and see the pain
The only what I want you to be unconstrained and unravel
  Sep 2015 Sanam ojha
Sumina Thapaliya
The war between mind and heart,
Blood flows in form of tears
I should have done this
But what I did is right
I cant close my eyes
disturbing light of starts
The world is against you
but you should have your words
I cant control the others
But should care my owns
They tried to broke into the pieces
Where should I go leaving you
When I can't take breath without you.
  Sep 2015 Sanam ojha
Sumina Thapaliya
I wanna make a dream
wish to make them true
why can't I close my eyes
As I have bad dream so many times

I wanna be happy
want to have a big smile
how can my face be bright
As I have cried for whole night
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