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40/F/A Dream    Creative writer, dreamer, make-believer...INFJ...
24/M/South Africa    Writer | This is ancestral, past-life reading; this is meditation & prayer; this is future telling. always becoming. The undying soul in a decaying case. …
22/Two-Spirit/London    I often speak in two manners, one that's understood by all and one that's foreign quite often to most. Both hold a specific meaning of …
Arfah Afaqi Zia
Pakistan    " Go after your dreams, no matter how unattainable others think it is...." Well, this is exactly what I am doing. Lets start by my …
RH 78
26/F    The future is shiny.
Just Melz
Rome, Ga with DaSH    Message me anytime to chat or collab :) ~27~MADLY IN LOVE WITH DASH ❤❤❤❤ mother~writer~reader~lover~fighter~dreamer~15 years experience~grammar nazi~hilarious~silly~modest~sarcastic~POET ~caring~speed reader~excessive follower~Johnny Depp Fan~long hair~tall~bbw~artist~aspiring photographer~smoker~loyal~honest …
Impeccable Space Poetess
Life♡Love    I'm no good at BIOS etc But~this is SO--GOOD:);):)<333 ...thanks for posting xour lovely poems... ❤ IMPECCABLE SPACE POETESS
Taylor buus
Vanessa Gatley
27/F    share some of my work, if you like FOLLOW BACK love ya keep writing rock on Message lot of people who have seen my work …
Alissa Rogers
The Lonely Mountain, NC    I'm strange. I make odd references and have no set rules. write about my short comings and try to turn the base thoughts into golden …
Charlotte Hill
I live amidst the beautiful mountains of Wales, where everyday the scenery changes. I am an artist and am currently trying to follow my dreams...
Tim Zac Hollingsworth
Brighton    'As things stand now, I am going to be a writer. I'm not sure that I'm going to be a good one or even a …
Awesome Annie
32/F/Batesville Indiana    I breathe poetry it seems.....I love getting lost in it. Pen in hand or reading others art.
Trader Tim
Michigan    There are no wrong interpretations... This is Country, Northern style...
Indonesia    Sometimes I read, sometimes I write, sometimes just sit and drink a glass of milk.
24/F    "And so being young and dipped in folly, I fell in love with melancholy." -Poe Sometimes you've just gotta lay back and watch the trees
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