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 Oct 2020 Liv
Bek Blanchard
Now there were two of them
Separated between thousands
of read texts and timely
chats touched by sound
but not skin  
Awake in the others sleeping
Sleeping in the others awake  
Restless as they wait
Restless as they wait
 Oct 2020 Liv
I charted stars to study you
The orbs of the heavens mirror your eyes
the song of stars was you
And the milky way caramels in your tongue

You have the rings of saturn as a halo
And the wrath of mars

You have the spirit of the sun
Too close, i burn.
But at a safe distance, you make my flowers

In my sky continually,  jupiter
But like pluto,  you are rogue

I charted stars to study  you
To find the universe is profound
And I found to count our love in light years

We journey  in the speed of light
On opposite perspectives
I just have seen the brightest gleam
But for you ,  no more
 Sep 2020 Liv
Nat Lipstadt

(~for R.A.~)
pour la Canadienne

The inside flat of
the upper left arm,
“the arm proper,”
a body part,
held in
low regard,
for it is not
easy visible,
nor is it the arm of
Jerusalem cunning.^

Few realize
it alone,
the only skin
that can be
pressed direct
upon the
beating (dis)heartened

upon it,
upon you,
I’ve inscribed in
richest blue India ink,
these words
ready for transfer,
s k i n  to  s k i n,
an instant injection,
more powerful

◄ Psalm 137:5 ►
“If I Forget Thee, O Jerusalem, Let My Right Hand Forget Her Cunning”

as is sometimes the case,
these words came to me
fully formed
in the mid of night
some say upon the same place,
but on the right arm was drawn
“a map of Canada
Oh, Canada
With your face sketched on it twice”
 Sep 2020 Liv
Sam Lawrence
i grew up in a small town
i couldn't wait to leave
the world seemed
so much bigger
than the small part I could see

once i left, i stayed away
a selfish odyssey
the world grew
into a garden
and the fruit fell from the trees

for all my wide-eyed wonder
i realised what i missed
but the world had
saved for later
all the parts I once possessed

now my children are the future
and one day they will leave
because my world
is so much smaller now
they'll never be far from me
 Sep 2020 Liv
Kenlum Michaelson
A friend of mine told me
I write when I’m sad
She said it is as if I am in pain
And I said when I write it rains
When I put the pen on paper the clouds get dark
And when I stop
The birds of the sky sings
Coming out to play as the sun is out
 Aug 2020 Liv
Nash Corax
 Aug 2020 Liv
Nash Corax
You tell me I was good with words
And you fell in love with me

You tell me I was good with words only
And you fell out of love from me
Pens are mightier than swords
But actions speak louder than words
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