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 Jul 2016 Robert E Moore
Death stirs all ways like the wind
like something getting up to go,

and like the wind death doesn't
leave anywhere alone,

but where it is he travels with
whoever take his guiding hand,

gladly will I wait until
                     I die to understand ..
An Advice, Worth listening (10 WORDS)







Son !



one !!
 Jul 2016 Robert E Moore
Ram B
We all have that need
to connect with the Divine
We all have that need
to be Home
in time
As to when
is an enigma
To know
is to feel
To feel
be still.
They say everyone has a story
And there's always people who want to hear it
But let me tell you something about mine
It's not a story
It's real life
It actually happened
And I'm haunted by it everyday
People expect others to just tell about our faults and tragedy like it's nothing
Like it's something sad from a story book
But it's not that at all
The pain
The battle
And the struggle was all very real
You can't just take words and put them together and expect it to be a story when it actually reality
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