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 Mar 2015 rifqi
 Mar 2015 rifqi
You were the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen,
so calm, compassionate, and loving;
there was just something about you that made me feel so serene,
you gave a reason for living.

Every move you made,
every word that rolled off your tongue,
words that never made me afraid,
but moved me and had me strung.

With every thing we did,
you always took me higher,
we kept nothing hid,
especially our burning desire.

I always keep your photograph with me,
as a friendly, hopeful reminder,
of what you used to be,
when your love was so much kinder.

There’s nothing worse,
than looking in your eyes,
god it hurts,
knowing that the old you died.

Having you on my side in life,
I felt like I had already won,
but now I’m caught in this strife,
and the fire’s gone.

Looking into your eyes,
I could see that they lost their light,
I told myself that it was a lie,
as if that would make anything alright.

I’m holding onto this photo,
because it’s all I have left,
of the one who made my insides glow,
and my senses deaf.

So this photograph of yours,
I hold it close to my heart and pray,
that you’ll be like you were before,
because I don’t want us to drift away.
 Mar 2015 rifqi
 Mar 2015 rifqi
There was never a night
That I slept without thinking of you
Wishing your were right here with me -
It is the warmth you offer
That I always yearn for.

Now that you are finally here
No words can express
How happy I am
Wrapped in your warm presence -
A true good night rest.
Sounds romantic, isn't it?
But the truth is, it is not. This is dedicated to my thick fury pink blanket. :D I missed my blanket that much! Haha.
 Mar 2015 rifqi
Give Me Reason
 Mar 2015 rifqi
You gave me your doubts,
your fears, troubles and all,
you came to me broken,
I came to break your fall.

I will not be your knight,
whose armor shines in the sun,
nor shall I be your hero,
not even "The One".

For I am your friend,
and that's all I'll ever be,
because that's what you really,
really need from me.

You don't need my life,
just my love and compassion,
please don't read too deep,
into every word and little action.

I am already signed and my heart already claimed,
please do not hang your head down,
down, ashamed.

You've done nothing to deserve that,
you're lost and confused I know,
so you came to a friend,
a friend you trusted you could go.

And I'm humbled and honored, that you would call me as such,
but I'm afraid that even I,
even I can only offer so much.

I'll give you food, water, medicine and supplies,
if you in trade give me your story, truth instead of lies.
For the house of cards you frailly built upon,
will blow away at the slightest breath, and then it shall be....

But I will point you to the Rock, to where you may solidly stand,
this shall be your safe ground, as it is Holy Land.
One day you'll realize, the beauty of your soul
is worth saving and the life you're living, actually has a goal.

You gave me reasons, why not to at all,
here I'm giving you the same, as to why you should live,
because my heart and friendship goes out to you, that much I can give.

One day, you'll thank me, and even your Maker,
for the bread was made of ingredients like you and me,
but Trust in God our Father, for He is like a Baker.

He'll kneed you, fold you, break you and mold you,
He'll do what it takes, to make you anew.

You are His Child, even if you don't know it now,
you'll find out soon enough, some way, some how.

Until then, and even after, I'll pray for you always,
and I shall always be your friend, for the rest of my days.

You... give me reason, to live and fight on,
now let me give you another chance, to see another beautiful dawn.
 Jan 2015 rifqi
Jesse Madison
Her lips were poison
The flower that bled venom
now coursed through my veins
 Jan 2015 rifqi
Jesse Madison
Throw love to the winds
may it blow through the broken
And warm tired bones
 Jan 2015 rifqi
Jesse Madison
I was off!
"to hell and back," I said.
But now I cant quite seem to find my way back
 Jan 2015 rifqi
Jesse Madison
Once the depression becomes routine,
Happiness never really feels comfortable again.
It comes around
now and then,
like an old friend.
You laugh and drink
and reminisce about all the plans you had that never panned out.
All the hope you invested,
in the jobs, the relationships, the dreams and goals.
And you laugh at how foolish you once were for ever having such ideas.
But the laughter dies out
And your smile fades
And you know in the back of your mind
that soon, your happiness will be gone again,
and you can never quite forgive it for leaving.
You cant blame it,
All you ever did was hold it back.
Maybe somebody else could make better use of it.
And the depression,
Well the depression is no Stranger.
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