Touch me deeper then a needle, that digs in your skin, when you decided to ink your soul
touch me deeper the the pastors word on a Sunday.
touch me deeper then the titanic after it sunk, touch me deep
Touch me deeper then the lost lives on 91l
Touch me deeper then a sink hole
Touch Me deeper then a paper cut
Stare into by soul as If it was a motion picture
& touch me deep
Touch me deep like a threat, like your afraid of what might happen next. .. touch me deep
Deep inside to where I feel my body intertwining with yours.. touch me deep, pure & true.
Touch Me deep like yellow submarine, like a navy seal perfect dream. ...touch me deep.
In trying to feel your touch run deep like a Chevy, don't trip, just fall for me heavy
Is This love or Is it lust. ..... trust me ...touch me