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"Yes, son"

"Why does Mummy live with Uncle Roger?"

"Because, son, she is a *****"

"I thought as much"
 4d Riz Mack
we come from dust and star and sky,
admire the place from which we came;
on hills and rooves and grass we lie
to taste the thing we have became.

-- how selfish and fickle we are,
how cruel and kind and strange;
like suns that burn too fast, us stars
so bright, and then, so plain.

eons pass and still we lie,
transfixed by that beloved sky,
and people live, love, quickly die
in a sweet but single breath of time.
i'm in love with the world through the eyes of a girl
who's still around the morning after.

sunlight brings existentialism out of me

"Yes, my son."

"Oh, wow, thanks for answering, dude."

"What can I do for you?"

"Well, it's like this. I have a ******* in-grown
toenail and it is causing me major gyp."

"Have you seen a doctor?"

"You're joking mate. I can't even get to talk to a receptionist."

"And you want me to heal your toe?"

"Yea, basically. Can you help me, Lord?"

"There. You are now free from pain."

"Jesus! My toe is missing! Why would you do that?"

"Why would you bother me with such a ridiculous request?"

"Cos, my toe hurts, and I can't get to see anyone medical."

"Goodbye, my son. Take care of your remaining toes and you
will continue to be pain free."
thin. paper thin.
here is a bonus. (or is it bogus?)

the order of release.
the order of dead pages gliding in the wind.

advertisements for adopting a lonely asteroid or building fire extinguishers in your spare time.

the rain of acceptance comes with dark clouds of shipping and handling.

just check the appropriate box and send it in. send it in now!
"You want business love?"

"No thank you, but I do have a proposal for you."

"Oh yeah? What's that then?"

"If you come with me now to the church just across the road and pray with me for a while, I'll grant you entry into heaven."

"Who do you think you are? Jesus?"

"I am a simple man. I go by many names. Will you accompany me and save your soul?"

"Look mate, it's fifty for a **** and twenty for oral.You want business or not?"

"My child, I bless you. Take this money and buy some food. Maybe tomorrow you will reconsider visiting the house of God."

"Cheers for the cash,mate.You're a strange one, aren't you? You want a blowie before you leave?"

"Oh, go on then."
make the best of life while the goings good
make life go your way just the way it should
do the things you dream of make your dreams come true
you can make them happen if you want them to

take life as it comes take it day by day
if you believe in you life will go your way
life is there for you up to you to make
all you ever wanted is there for you to take
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