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 Dec 2016 Reece
Dave Hardin
Wrestling My Father

The scent of gasoline and lanoline lingers
mingled with sweat and Old Spice, menthol
Winston’s from back before you gave them up

for good persist in half-life beneath Vitalis
sheen and Listerine, waves of Bengay radiating
off red hot coals of trapezius muscles seized

inside a white V neck tee from Monkey Wards,
thin cotton canvas worked with small fevered hands,
greedy, slathering claim, leaving myself open to

reversal and the pin, sting of ancient rug burn
still gracing my cheek, palms pressed to face inhaling
what little I can of you by lung full.
 Dec 2016 Reece
Marty T Ottman
Man I think I've seen enough of staring death in the eyes, cause couldn't disguise or even come to terms to emphasize  what was before my eyes, I've uncover the lies, made a paved pathway for the condemned to walk upon.
Depraved to stand aside, when we confide what left of us, words of this some wont comprehend.
unlisted.  Missed it.    Before your eyes.
          Harmonize the thought                           To later dismiss it.
     But we all know I'll reminisce it later.
To my twin, or wrath.
No difference of how thick the blood runs if my math is right I step foot right into your path.
 Dec 2016 Reece
Victoria Lantz
Plant me in this rocky soil. Let me spread out my roots in search of liquid sustenance. The molecules in my toes were once a succulent cactus and I’m starved for native habitat. Return me to my desert soul.
 Dec 2016 Reece
Dawn of Lighten
As the monotone of the tick comes to a halt,
The inner sense calm the nerves to numb,
And the impulses desire grasp more stimulus.

This is the very senses that one endure,
When being with people feel more alone,
And friends feel more distant than strangers.

As if drowning in the ocean sea,
And the surrounding feel like the vast night skies,
While lost in the dank forest search for singular moment.

Just know you are not alone,
But by mutual experience of empty space,
We share the common rhythm to recognize melody.
 Nov 2016 Reece
Doug Potter
 Nov 2016 Reece
Doug Potter
The thought of loving

Brings me to you

Who I carry in my pocket

Like a needle

*** could be joyous

Or, anticlimactic   .
 Nov 2016 Reece
this unimaginably complex creature
forged from simple elements
has an insight of itself
and it knows, should know
it is far from perfect and cannot fix itself.
I do not know why wind takes your red scarf
Why my love you were in a hurry just to leave
I failed to understand where ship will dwarf
But I do believe your red scarf will always grieve

Because it carries along the color of bruised heart
It is also stained with the red blood sentiments
Why rivals became successful and we are to depart
Why all and sundry have cheeks to offer comments

The span of love is either too short or negligible
Why beauty like red color to be blood stained
Why beauty is like a fairy and why love is an angel
In love,beauty weeps in pain while love is chained

Col Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright 2016 Golden Glow
 Nov 2016 Reece
Ravanna Dee
 Nov 2016 Reece
Ravanna Dee
I think some people love living in the empty dark of night,
because they never quite learned how to dream in the penetrating light of day.
My little thought.
 Nov 2016 Reece
 Nov 2016 Reece
Love unites two persons that used to be miles apart
Based upon friendship that should be firm as a rock
It is something you give to someone out of reason and heart
And should never destroyed just by jealousy and betrayal

Love isn't something you do for fun
It sometimes bear the biggest factor for some
Love should never be constrained
And never ever should it be disclaimed
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