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Feb 2018 · 436
The 5 Stages
Yolanda Kassa Feb 2018
No. He's not really dead
Haha, really funny. Yea I heard what you said
He didn't make it? I talked to him 10 days ago
This isn't funny, stop playing. Are we on a show?
Pneumonia? Isn't that just a cold?
His body will fight it off, he's only 30 years old.

Why didn't the doctors save his ******* life?
Don't tell me he's in a better place or I'll cut you with this knife
Why did God have to take MY only brother?
They keep saying he needed his angel. Why couldn't he find another?
Stop telling me you're sorry for my ******* loss.
You DON'T know how I feel. I'm not kissing that cross.

Please God, this can't be happening
Just bring him back, a miracle shouldn't be too challenging
I'll change my ways and dedicate my life to you
I've read about all the amazing things you can do, they have to be true
I didn't get to say my goodbye
I didn't even get to tell him that I loved him for the very last time.

I feel so empty and so sad all the time
Motivation is something that I can't seem to find
I have cried everyday for 3 months straight
But when they ask me how I'm doing, I look up and say "great"
I wish I got to see you and talk to you more often,
But now you're gone forever as your body rots in a coffin.

It has been almost a decade since you left
I still cry from time to time and sometimes still feel deppressed
Stop loving you or missing you? I will never,
But I accepted  the fact that you're gone forever.
They say there are 5 stages of grief,
Wished they would've warned me about the steps I'd have to repeat.
Yolanda Kassa Jan 2018
The experience of a black woman is one that can not be imitated
Although it is not always enough or even always reciprocated
Her heart is full of love, almost bursting out of her chest
And even when it gets tough, the black woman always tries her best
She longs for an equal who shares her level of intellect
Someone to listen to all her problems and attempt to put them in retrospect
The black woman often fears sharing any of her thoughts
For fear of being labeled the angry black woman, which she’s heard lots
Some black men refuse to date a black woman because of her attitude
But thank you to those strong black men that show them so much gratitude
Sometimes the black woman confidently wears her hair natural
The time she takes to detangle each curl is truly admirable
Other times she doubts her beauty as she is surrounded by Eurocentric guidelines
Men gawk at the beauty of those with straight long hair as she stands on the sidelines
Sometimes the black woman adores all of her god given features
But when she sees the women men covet she feels like an ugly creature
The black woman comes in all different sizes, shapes, and color
And instead of black women competing with one another
They must stand together and see the beauty in being black
So that they can truly understand that beauty is not something that they lack
My sisters, all of my black sisters, thank you for making me feel so human
Because no one understands the experience of black woman like a black woman.

— The End —