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Ram Varma Aug 16
Man predicts
Earthquakes, Cyclones,
Hurricanes, Tsunamis
But in trying to stop them
He becomes the shinigami.

Knowledge is fine
Controlling is divine
But Nature is still
BEYOND man’s confines!
Ram Varma Aug 16
My true reflection
Rippled by the waves
Of life’s seas
Stares back at me
Showing no emotion.

I hide mine too
Only to be shone upon
By the light in my life
Reminding me
Of its fallacies.
Ram Varma Aug 16
’tis written in gold:

When it comes
To bear the #CRUNCH,
No shoulder is broader
No hand is stronger
No mind is sharper
No heart is nobler
Than thy own!
Ram Varma Jul 2022
As abditive
as I am,
a vestige
of her presence
sets my heart
to be heard
in the din;
to be seen
in a crowd;
to be in
the warmth
of her arms...
Ram Varma Jul 2022
A student of ichthyology,
I am not.
Thus, a hypural joint
Is not my strong point -
Please don't tie me up in knots!
ichthyology: zoology- the study of fish
Ram Varma Jul 2022
The Greek warriors
Honed themselves
In the palaestra,
Sculpted physiques:
By goddesses,
By lesser mortals
palaestra: (in ancient Greece) A gym or wrestling school
Ram Varma Aug 2015
She climbed
Out of the debris,
Face smeared in soot.
A lone trickle
Of blood
Down her temple,
Dried, yet red.
Her clothes ragged,
Her chest bare,
She staggered
Towards shelter
As though dancing
To music
Of sirens that
Rent the air.
Collapsing in a heap,
She looked up
To the offer
Of a drink
Of water that
She sipped
Her lips
Curved into
A solitary smile
Of gratitude.
© Ram Varma @TheRKVarma
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