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Jun 2019 · 269
xin Jun 2019
his lover is like a galaxy

with the way his tears glisten with constellations;

and when he smiles (but rarely so),

there would be starlight in his eyes.

his lover is like a rainbow,

showcasing a myriad of colours and emotions,

and he can never quite get enough of them.

his lover is like dawn and dusk,

like the soft pink sunlight that often warmed his heart,

and the dusty twilight skies

that held countless stars.

his lover is warm cotton sheets,

soft robes and cooling breezes.

his lover is comforting hugs,

tiny kisses, and whispered declarations of love.

his lover is everything to him;

most importantly,

his lover is his home.
he feels the most at home in his lover's arms
Jan 2019 · 207
xin Jan 2019
i don’t think i’ll
ever believe in love again

being forgotten
is not something i’d want to
experience again

broken promises and woven lies
have hurt me too deeply,
i don’t want to
go through that again

but you came back into my life,
like a golden ray of sunshine
bringing me false hope,
before abandoning me

so tell me,
is this just a game to you,
like always?

are you going to continue
to hurt me,
again and again?
what's the point of coming back if you're just going to leave again?
Jan 2019 · 563
xin Jan 2019
his eyes held the stars;
they shined like
starlight was
contained in those eyes.
when he cried,
it was like a galaxy
running down his cheeks;
and when he smiled,
his starry eyes turned
into crescent moons that
could light up her world
- and he was her constellation

but eventually,
all stars burn out,
don't they?
he was no longer hers, and never hers in the first place; he belonged to the night sky, where he could genuinely shine.
Jan 2019 · 396
xin Jan 2019
Perhaps I was too much of a coward,
to not be able to express my feelings
to you, whom I loved.

Perhaps if I had more courage,
I wouldn’t be where I am today,
watching you from the sidelines,
always hoping, wishing,
yet never being fulfilled.

Perhaps if you didn’t notice me,
then I wouldn’t have had false hopes,
to continue dreaming,
knowing it would never happen in reality.

Perhaps if I had never seen you
in the first place,
I wouldn’t have fallen so hard,
but it’s too late for that.

I wouldn’t have liked you from the start,
if you had never existed in my life,
but why must you?

Why must you make me fawn over you,
treating every interaction with you as a treasure?

Why must you make me so head over heels,
just because your smile lights up my life?

Why must you make me,
make me unable to get over you?

Why must you make me such a mess in front of you,
blushing and unable to say a word?

Why, perhaps if I wasn’t such a coward,
I wouldn’t be here writing this.
being in a one-sided love with someone who doesn't know, yet too afraid of the consequences after confessing, thus choosing to remain and suffer in silence, and often blaming that someone for making them so easy to fall in love with; where it is easy to imagine scenarios, but fantasies hardly ever come true in reality.

— The End —