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7.5k · Dec 2013
Nelson Mandela
Rahul Luthra Dec 2013
Imagine a world with no discrimination
A world living in harmony comprising of peaceful nations
The only colour reference would be made to nature
Humans will no longer be judged on their nomenclature
Such is a dream seen by all
But Sir Mandela was the one who took the call
On July 18, 1918, a hero was born
But due to his colour all everyone did was scorn
No one in his family had ever attended school
He was the first one to break this rule
On the first day of school their teacher gave them an English name
This was an African custom due to British bias – how mundane
And that is how Nelson became his first name
He kept it even after he shot to fame
A member of the African National Congress
He gave his opponents a reason to stress
A great politician, revolutionist, lawyer and philanthropist
Served 27 years in jail but never used his fist
Although a controversial figure for most of his life
He won the Nobel Peace Prize for ending the South African apartheid strife
On December 5, 2013, this giant passed away
The things that we can learn from him are a lot more than I can say
5.3k · Sep 2014
The Boy Who Lived
Rahul Luthra Sep 2014
Let me tell you a story about a Boy
Who had a broomstick and a wand as his toy
But alas! Nothing ever goes right
The only thing the Boy remembers from his childhood is a flash of green light
He was orphaned at the age of one
Lily died protecting her son
And his mother's love was a magic he would always carry
His last name was Potter; his first name Harry...
He was the only one to survive the unforgivable curse
No one knew how the spell had fired in reverse
For baby Harry had survived this curse in his cot
The monster who had tried to **** him was Lord Voldemort
The only thing left behind by this curse was what made him special - his scar
But his non magic relatives who took him in lied that it was the result of the crash of a car
Muggles was the name given to these non magic folks
Magic would stare them in the eye and they would still call it a hoax
It was not till his 11th birthday that Harry discovered the truth
When the giant Hagrid broke down the door; a sight that would give nightmares to any youth
While they were all trying to make sense of this human-giant hybrid
'You're a wizard, Harry' revealed Hagrid
Now it all made sense to Harry; the strangeness, the magic
And no his parents did not die in a car; it was way more tragic
So now Harry finally began his seven years at Hogwarts
And it was ensured that the strangeness would multiply now onwards
Harry was surprised to find out that the whole wizarding world knew about him
They were surprised to find out that Harry was not spoiled, but good - natured and slim
So on 1st September Harry Potter boarded the Hogwarts Express
Those who saw him gave him a look of impress
On this train he made his first friends and foe
But that was Harry's new life - with them he would grow
Potions, Charms and Defence Against the Dark Arts to name a few
Those were their subjects and to Harry they were completely new
Thee year passed by without him knowing
And before he knew it, it was already snowing
He became the youngest seeker in a 100 years
It was not until the end of the year that he faced his worst fears
The monster that had tried to **** him had returned
But Harry cheated death again though he almost burned
In the seven years he had many an adventure
The Forbidden Forest was a place he promised himself he would never again venture
He reunited with his Godfather who had been wrongly framed
Harry was the only one to pass out because of the dementors which made him extremely ashamed
The potions master he hated had a history very long
It was only after Snape died Harry realised about him he had been so wrong
Dumbledore's Army finally overthrew Umbridge's reign
The only potion that controlled Lupin was Wolfsbane
This poem has the story in a very haphazard plot
Harry found out how to end Lord Voldemort
For this all the Horcruxes had to be destroyed
This was possible due to Dobby - your argument is void
In these seven years Harry understood friendship and love
Oh and his patronus was a stag; not a rabbit or a dove
To succeed in life you needn't go a great length
Just turn your weakness into your strength
The scar wasn't a curse; it was his gift
This story is about The Boy Who Lived...
4.7k · Jul 2018
Rahul Luthra Jul 2018
I'm just a simple person, just like the rest
Well, not entirely simple, but nonetheless
It's like society and the media just say what they want
To create new forms of discriminations, that will forever haunt
As if the already existing ones weren't bad enough
They must make sure that you feel flawed,
and make your life tough
I'm just another person; I removed the word simple
People nowadays even get trashed for having a dimple
"HA, it's just a deformity on your face!"
Well, I hope you trip and fall on your own shoelace :)
I'm just another person, with a not-so-great vision
I need glasses, so that I don't squint at the television
It makes my life easier, but the media has made it tough
Their influences and the consequential societal mentality,
has made my childhood rough
Beauty is said to be in the eyes of the beholder
Yet friendship is considered beauty,
when it gives you a shoulder
To cry on, is what I meant
Not literally
I mean it could
Just didn't want to be misunderstood
Why are glasses objectified,
like in The Princess Diaries
Is it not considered dignified
to not want your eyes to get all fiery?
Trust me, I'm just another person;
who needs the help of glasses
Media's interpretation has ruined this too,
to profit their theatrical farces
This is not an appraisal piece
for the object that makes us see well
This is a shoutout to those,
who feel pressurized by this societal shell
To define beauty may be complex,
but it should not be controlled by someone's interest
You're beautiful the way you are,
to have you the world is truly blessed
4.7k · Jul 2018
I Want Cake
Rahul Luthra Jul 2018
I'm always hungry even though I just ate a while ago
If I go without food for 2 hours my brain works kinda slow
I eat all the time, even when I'm driving
I wonder how it'll be to eat when I'm sky diving
But there's a particular food that I always crave
And if I don't get it, I tend to misbehave
It's amazing and delicious, my favorite cake
I'd go to any lengths for it, no matter what the stake
I'd eat it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner
I'd marry a pâtissier even if he was a sinner
When it comes to cake I show an utmost devotion
My bucket list includes having cake by the ocean
But something happened this summer, which makes me tremble in fear
And now when someone says "Cake" I tend not to go near
I was in Spain, and I was looking for some cake
I was whining and crying; my friend ignorantly sipped her milkshake
So I walked on ahead and finally found a baker
I paused my music; I was listening to Chet Faker
I walked over to him and shouted "I WANT CAKE"
He looked at his buddies and said, "This is the one we take"
The baker and Co. suddenly picked me up; I was too scared to shout
I just wanted my cake and I had no idea what this was about
I tried to escape but it proved to be rather hard
My friend had no idea I was missing; she was looking for an SD card
I didn't wanna think about what might happen, I just wanted to go home
The men had brought me to an outhouse that had a ceiling shaped like a dome
Then they placed me down gently, and were almost too polite
I turned around once I could finally stand and couldn't believe the sight
A crowd was waiting at the back, just waiting to yell "Surprise!"
A man shouted: "You fools! You brought the wrong girl, she isn't even the same size"
They apologized profusely, but honestly I couldn't care less
I just wanted to have my cake and get away from this mess
I walked back past the bakers shop and heard something that gave me déjà vu
"I want cake" said a tall girl; she smiled at me, she didn't have a clue
4.3k · Dec 2013
Rahul Luthra Dec 2013
Library - It is a world full of books
All are interested, whether they are engineers, peons or cooks
Books of all genre you will find
It never fails to attract one's mind
But please remember the Golden Rule
Please be silent; it isn't a sin
Never be violent or else you'll disgrace your kith and kin
You may even make the librarian your friend
And he/she will provide you with books of the latest trend
Harry Potter, The Godfather and The Da Vinci Code
Not that keen? Well you could always try The Princess and the Toad
Books are for everyone; age doesn't matter
Idiot box or reading? I'd rather choose the latter
Whether you want science or fiction
The Library is a world of addiction
Once you pick up a book you will get glued
You'll shout yourself hoarse if anyone dares to intrude
You'll be reading it in class, the toilet or the bus
And when the teacher confiscates it you'll create a big fuss
Oh, Miss please! Just one more page!
It's the ****** part between the pirate and the sage
We should thank Gutenberg for inventing the press and bestowing upon us this boon
Else we'd all still be stuck watching cartoon!
3.2k · Jan 2014
God Save You!
Rahul Luthra Jan 2014
Wrath, greed, gluttony, lust, envy, sloth and pride
Commit any one and in Hell you shall reside
The Seven Deadly Sins are something everyone fears
I'd lose it to if I woke up and found myself looking at Satan's leer
The venial sins are the committed guilt whose punishments are relatively minor
You do not completely lose touch with the One Up Higher
A more severe punishment is received if one commits a mortal sin
The guilty are condemned in Hell after death and are lashed on their shin
A proud look can ruin your face
A lash of a chain or get struck from a mace
A lying tongue can get it cut off
You'd choke blood out every time you cough
Hands that shed innocent blood will be cut too
No hands! How do you expect yourself to use the loo?
A heart that devises a wicked plot
Will get back stabbed by his right hand man and receive a head shot!
Feet that are swift to run into mischief
Will be stuck in quicksand which will make your body stiff
A deceitful witness that uttereth lies
Will get eaten by the wolf when no one believes his cries
Him that soweth discord between brethren
Will soon be outcast by the witty hen
Lust is described as an intense desire
But what seems like a huge pit of money is actually a huge pit of fire
Gluttony is over - consumption of anything to the point of waste
The cobra pit awaits those selfish people who fill in when in haste
Greed is applied to rapacious desire and pursuit of material possession
Being bound and laid face down on the ground is the only way you'll learn your lesson
Failing to develop spirituality is the key to becoming guilty of sloth
The punishment is to run at top speed and never slow down, not even to wipe away your froth
Wrath is love of justice perverted to revenge and spite
A mission to avenge may be your last fight
Envy is characterized by an insatiable desire
Gaining pleasure from seeing others brought low; the correct punishment is having your eyes sewn shut by wire
Pride is love of self, perverted to hatred and contempt for one's neighbor
Penitents are burdened with stone slabs hung on their necks forever
Lucifer's desire to compete with God is an example of pride
He fell from Heaven and transformed into Satan and now in Hell he does reside
Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy is a sinful epic
It explains everything about sins and is the most notable relic
3.0k · Dec 2013
Atrocities To Women
Rahul Luthra Dec 2013
I'm in peril as soon as I'm in my mother's womb
Unsure of whether I'll ever see the doctor's room
And even if this world I'm allowed to see
It's like stepping into a hive full of bees
My brother gets new clothes while a get a broom
When the guest come, I'm locked up in the room
Being denied education because they feel it's of no use
It's my own blood who does this; who should I accuse?
I'm beaten up by my own father
"You won't get food if you don't work harder!"
I'm married off and sent away
I'm to be my in - law's slave till my hair turns grey
Dowry is another thing they torture me for
I weep at night while my husband snores
I try for jobs though I'm always denied
"You have talent but the job is full" The manager lied
Beaten black and blue by my drunk husband
I have no clue what I did to offend
The feeble rays of sunshine during monsoon describes my life
I don't think it will be long before I pick up the kitchen knife
For I will finally attain peace resting in my grave
It's better to be dead than to be the world's slave
Rahul Luthra Sep 2014
It's Sunday evening, it's time to play
I go approach her, I ask her to stay
She gives me a smile so we go have some fun
I leave on Monday morning before the sun
I work all day without my thoughts drifting away I don't even remember that chicks name who I had asked to stay
But the moment I got back from work...
It's Monday evening with a troubled heart
Yeah Monday evening with a trifled heart
Poor old Monday evening with a troubled heart
I can't bear the thought of us apart
She was so much better than the last ones
She's awesome and she always stuns
She had the qualities that no one else had
She was good in some ways and in some ways bad
I can't seem to remember that name
No means to communicate with that beautiful dame
I crave for love because I'm so alone
I have no one to call when I pick up my phone
This affection gives me motivation to stay alive
I have the most fabulous of cars but no one to take on a drive
Money isn't everything, it can't buy you happiness
Instead of keeping you better off it leaves you in a mess
For you get so addicted to money you forget everyone else
To a point that no one visits you anymore and you're as useless as the house bells
Loved one are the greatest wealth
They keep you happy and in good help
But I've lost them all so point in brooding
Oh, I'm such a fool to have fallen in love again
Love is for the weak
But I fall in love every week
Be it Katherine or Alex or even Susan
For these girls help me to loosen
That burden that's over me
From which I can never flee...

And it's Sunday evening again and it's time to play
I go approach her and ask her to stay
She's definitely better than the last one
She smiles so we go have some fun
And it's Monday evening with a troubled heart, again....
Beatles reference (Kinda)
2.4k · Jan 2014
Masquerade Murder
Rahul Luthra Jan 2014
Walking down the lane at 10 past 8
Increasing her pace as it's getting very late
Today is finally the night
She knows it's her only chance to get it right
She finally reaches the house on Avenue 5
The house is lighted up but it's not alive
Surprised she looks at the house again
She makes her way to the door after saying Amen
She knocks but the door is already ajar
Inside is a room with an abandoned bar
She wears her mask and gets in the room
Unaware of her impending doom
The lights go off and the door is clicked shut
"Run for your life", says her gut
But the killer is smooth and makes its strike
It feels like her head is rammed by a bike
Counting her last seconds she looks surprised
The killer now no longer needs its disguise
She looks up and sees her own face
There's a smile up there and down a grimace
"You brought it on yourself" said her reflection
She stops moving, the last thoughts, her suicidal perfection...
Karma is something you bring upon yourself
If you throw the book, you'll definitely break the shelf
2.1k · Aug 2018
Pumped Up Kicks
Rahul Luthra Aug 2018
Isolated, but not alone
Seeking revenge
All on his own
But not against someone
But more like
All those
Who've directly
Or indirectly
Made him feel
This feeling
Of isolation
Isolation here
Doesn't mean lonely
Or friendless
It's more like
A complete lack of understanding
By the society
Towards you
Towards us all
'Us' being
The younger generation
Not everyone from this
Younger generation
Generally stand up
Or fight
Maybe because
We're all isolated
Similar minds
But unable to read
For we've never learnt
How to
But maybe he
Like a few others
Has the courage
And motivation
To fight through
The invisible barriers
Of this isolation
On his own, though
Because that's what we've learnt
Or been told
To live for yourself
But at the same time
For the future
Of the unborn
So he's going to pump up his kicks
And use this shield of isolation
To his strength
Creating an outer wall
As sturdy as bricks
And fight through the barriers
That society has created
This isn't a huge war
That everyone will soon
Know about
Nor will he be called or titled
Some hero
And I'm glad he isn't
Because fame infects
Even the most ambitious
So watch him silently
But powerfully
Slice the walls
Created by us
In his own way
It won't be easy
But at least
Unlike many others,
Will know at the end
That his life
And his actions
Did have
2.0k · Aug 2015
I'm Fed Up
Rahul Luthra Aug 2015
Federalism: it's just another political concept
It's the reason why so many law students have wept
Through this a group of members are bound together by a covenant
It makes it easier for the smooth functioning of the government
A Unitary State: it's a state governed by a single power
It enables one man to stand above all like a tower
The ultimate power rests with the central government
Thus making rules easier to implement
So which is the better one; which one is more "right"?
Are we all foolish enough to turn this debate into a fight?
Some countries choose Federalism, some opt for the Unitary State
But in the end the functioning, and not the type of government will predict their fate...
2.0k · Apr 2014
Stairway To Heaven
Rahul Luthra Apr 2014
It's my last few days so I've been thinking a lot
Where will my soul go after it leaves my body to rot
Been a good man and a regular  at the church
Renounced my whole life in His search
I'm a Christian so it's the church where I go
But I believe that God is one and not as many as the characters in a TV show
I hope that when I go, I go with his blessing
That I attain enlightenment, I don't care if I go missing
Now I'm on a stairway to heaven
Is His name unique or common like kevin
I'm on a stairway to heaven
I heard the steps are just seven
Yes I will leave my loved ones when I go
But I will look upon them that I do know
His blessing's the only thing I've asked him for
And when I get it I'll feel safe for sure
So I hope when I go I'm blessed
I don't care about the rest
So I'm On a stairway to heaven
Where I pray for the good of my sister Evelyn
I'm on a stairway to heaven
Only one left on the seven...
1.9k · Jan 2014
Back Stabber
Rahul Luthra Jan 2014
Backstabbers and the moon
are basically the same
they're pretty from the outside
but have flaws from within
You look from far away
so you don't know the truth
They lie and then walk right past you
without another look
What pleasure does it give you
To torture me like this
You play with my heart as if
it gives you eternal bliss
I thought you were my friend
You'd stick with me to the end
But you back stabbed me and ran away
You come in my life like an
angel of the lord
And you left me stabbed
and impaled by a sword
you lie right through
your teeth
I was too late
to see the monster beneath
But now it's all revealed
Never gonna trust
a soul again
All because I made
an enemy my friend
Never gonna trust again
what pleasure does it give you
to see me broken down
My heart shattered in countless pieces
now all over the ground
All that you can do is pretend
Never gonna trust again....
1.8k · Dec 2013
Rahul Luthra Dec 2013
Smiling and communicating is such a pain
But these things I must everyday feign
Because this is a world that lives in a lie
They avoid the truth even if it’s staring them in the eye
I must wear a mask to live in this place
They’d slaughter me if they saw my real face
I’m a rare breed though I’m not the only one alive
Eliminating them makes me the fittest to survive
The ones who make everyone happy are the ones most sad
Perhaps because they don’t want others to have a past so bad
Its true when they say don’t judge a book by its cover
I’m a serial killer; not a friend, nor your lover
Though what I do is for those whose justice is denied
A punishment I receive is I have no one to confide
It’s not the beauty outside but what’s beyond the façade
I have to measure my steps and always choose the right card
Though what I do is not legally right
I punish those who are demons of the night
I am Dexter, master of disguise
It’s not the truth that defines me; it’s my lies...
This poem is based on the popular TV show Dexter. For those of you who don't know, this is the link
1.7k · Dec 2013
An OUTstanding Student
Rahul Luthra Dec 2013
Got kicked out because I came later
Somehow I got a pen and a paper
Was feeling bored so thought I would write
The weather's so good; wish I could fly a kite
It's not quite often that I get kicked out
I'm always quiet in class, I seldom shout
Back in the days I loved to annoy my teachers
But that was years ago; now I've lost that feature
Getting kicked out of class is something students enjoy
Bunk class without detention. Oh Boy!
But if you're the only one it gets boring
You look enviously in  and find the students happily snoring
You have to stand, it's a punishment after all
And you've had it if the Principal walks down the hall
"Come in and don't be late again or you see what I do!"
I'm probably curious because this is one promise I won't adhere too
1.6k · Mar 2014
Happy Birthday Srinidhi
Rahul Luthra Mar 2014
Srinu, you demented little kid
To have you in my life i don't know what good things i did!
You can really take a bad song and make it better
We all know how crazy you are about Helter Skelter
You'd make a better actor than the guy who played Bane
I'm telling you, for the music industry, you're the next Kurt Cobain!
Man I'd love to see you perform 'House of the Holy'
I'm pretty sure you'll never leave the guitar, not even for the Cannoli
When you get hyper you remind us all of the Incredible Hulk
You're the happiest kid I've ever seen; you never sulk!
Your moods are unexpected and its types are various
Your crave for those "SUBSTANCES" is hilarious!
I know that Nirvana has made your Chemistry easier
You can now point out Lithium on the Periodic Table at your leisure
That face you make when you play the guitar is that of a Negative Creep
And when you blush you remind me of Meryl Streep
You lucky dog, you share your birthday will George Harrison!
If you were born during World War II, you'd provide awesome entertainment by playing guitar at the garrison
Over the Hills and Far Away is where you'll have your tryst
A Whole Lotta Love is definitely part of your Wishlist
You're way more electrifying than Angus Young
You set the stage on fire with your guitar skills and singing at the top of your lungs
Linkin Park is your childhood and In The End, it does matter
The Caste of Glass that you're building will never shatter
Your love for Jimi Hendrix is stronger than a dose of Purple Haze
Cuz your love for that musician is true and not just a phase
Santana invented the Spiritual ****** which makes us forget all our fears
Eric Clapton breaks me down into a River of Tears
There's something similar between you and Red Hot Chili Peppers
You're both unique - and i can't find anything else to rhyme so here's the closest - Def Leppard
Continue on your musical journey and people will be dying to give you a chance
One day, the music you create, will put us all in a Psychedelic Trance
I know that when you go
You'll either take the Stairway to Heaven or Highway to Hell
I heaven, you'll be Knockin' on their Door,
If Hell, you'll be ringin' Hell's Bells...
This is a poem I wrote for one of my best friends on his 16th birthday...i made a list off all the bands he loves because he's really into rock music and a crazy guitarist and correlated it to him and converted it into a poem :)
1.4k · Sep 2015
The Balloon Man
Rahul Luthra Sep 2015
There's this weird little man
who goes around town
Bringing smiles to children faces
though for some reason giving the elders a reason to frown
For they've always told their kids
to stay away from strange folk
So it's quite understandable to see their frowns
when all the kids run towards this strange bloke
He's short and round and has a smile plastered to his face
Elders all had their doubts, for yes
he's look like a serial killer if you handed him a mace
To see a strange man giving away happiness
was to them very strange
The elders could only puzzle over this
it was beyond their range
But they didn't want to be their child's villain
so they let me run to the balloon man
He'd look at the small things and smile
While he filled air in their balloons from his van
He'd collect his commission
though only from the elder
Told one of them that
the van was his only shelter
Soon they got used to him
and treated the balloon man as their own
They gave him food and a place to live
and even gave him a phone
But the balloon man was as humble as ever
and all he ever wanted was for the kids to smile
And everyday you could see several kids
waiting outside his van in a single file
A few days later something strange occurred
stranger than the town had ever seen
The little ones of Noxi Zeppelin behaved strange
they behaved kind of...mean
The little ones were the cute ones
and were the pride of the town
But now their loving smiles had vanished
and were replaced by a menacing frown
They created havoc in their houses
and like little rats tried to chew off ears
The frightened elders weren't prepared for this
they thought they'd have to deal with this in the teen years
The little town of Noxi Zeppelin
was now filled with squeals of mischief
The only one not surprised by this
was the balloon man, whose smile had grown stiff...
1.4k · Jul 2018
Failed Love
Rahul Luthra Jul 2018
I'm in love and suddenly everything seems rather good
I caught myself whistling while I walked down the neighborhood
Everything seems very beautiful and I've started noticing things
The flowers have just bloomed and the birds never stop to sing
Being in love has similar properties to that of a drug
It drives me mad at times, the only cure being her hug
Love is the best thing in the world, and now I ain't afraid of life
I can deal with anything, as long as she's by my side
I tend to forget the surroundings when she's in my sight
My heart fell a little when we had our first fight
I always though that honesty and loyalty is all that we needed
If the relationship felt empty, our love would keep it feeded
I've never been so wrong, and **** it! I was so sure
You cannot have it all when you're still so immature
To love and be with someone is actually an intricate process
But when you find someone right, you're able to share the stress
She may have been right for me, but who's to say I was right for her
The Universe has its plans; well, **** the Universe cuz it still hurts
I'm blaming external factors even though I'm entirely to blame
You know you've ****** up bad when you can't even hear the name
The colors have faded from my world, everything looks too raw
I cannot look at things of beauty without pointing out a flaw
How can I love again, when in me I have no trust
Kinda explains why I'm always running after lust
The pain generated from failed love is what hurts the most
I wish I could control my own thoughts, but I'm no longer the host
We're never warned about heartbreak, we're only told about love
Ever wonder about the rotting body of a beautiful dove?
This poem has no happy ending, I should've warned you before
But that's what life's about, you seldom know what's in store
There's no learning here either, just a little piece of advice
Always try to live in the moment, try to enjoy what's nice
My thoughts are flawed, as you can see, I'm still in a lot of pain
I haven't completely matured just yet, I'm still in a dark lane
My vision is blurred as I keep thinking, while trying to regain my stance
For I had just one life to love her, and I completely blew that chance
1.3k · Sep 2014
Rahul Luthra Sep 2014
The names castle and I write books for a living
This talent of mine is completely Gods giving
The genre of the books I write is mystery
I love to explore my characters history
All was going well and I was making a living off the books
Until I learnt my plots were being converted into reality by some crooks
Of course, the police first suspected me
I knew I was innocent so I didn't attempt to flee
And that was when I first met gorgeous miss Kate
My meeting her was a game played by fate
Don't judge a book by its cover; she was a ******* cop
And to catch a criminal at nothing would she stop
So I helped miss Beckett with all the information I had
I really liked her and to have her as a partner I was glad
Ok so I'm going to start watching Castle soon. I've never seen an episode of Castle and this is just based off what I've heard from the fans so please don't **** me if I have got something wrong
1.3k · May 2015
A Distant Memory
Rahul Luthra May 2015
It's a complicated thing, this memory
It stays with you forever, even though you think it's temporary
That first ice cream you had, those first lips you tasted
It's all somewhere within you, that memory is never wasted
The human brain is something that's way too tough to comprehend
It's your road to nirvana, not your friend
But enlightenment is another story
This poem isn't about your glory
What would you do if you could erase
A certain memory of a person or a phase
Would you forget your past mistakes
I wouldn't because it's always hail before beautiful snow flakes
What I meant was you mature when you do something the wrong way
That's why a higher power has given us tomorrow, a new day
To improve, to look back and to be a better you
To finally improve on that age old recipe of stew
Would you forget a person of love or hate
Block them out, close the gate
But the people you meet in your life all play a role
Whether big or small, they help improve your soul
A memory is not just of the past, it's a Page complete
Tear that out and your story will be incomplete
The only erasing that should be done is negativity from your head
So keep them memories intact, and keep room for the ones that you're gonna make on the road ahead...
Rahul Luthra Mar 2014
I am studying accounts, getting bored
I think I should concentrate, else I'll be on the road
Want to issue a cheque but no money in my pocket
Want to go to the moon but I have no rocket
Why am I even writing, what sense does this poem make?
And yes, I'd like a grilled sandwich with that chocolate milkshake!
Commerce is pretty easy; it's accountancy that gives me the creeps!
Couldn't sleep last night hence counted 394 sheep
Arsenal's manager is very keen sighted!
All Chelsea does is park its bus
Suarez's bite had created a huge fuss!
Now bite has reminded me of Twilight!
What nonsensical books do authors nowadays write
We were better off with Harry Potter
NORTH WEST! No, not geography, I'm talking about Kanye West's daughter!
Oh, **** I was supposed to study accounts!
Ah well, it's the thought that counts...
Rahul Luthra Feb 2015
It's a thunderstorm when the both of us are together
It'd probably be easier if we were birds of a feather
Sparks flew off the first time we met
It wasn't much of a story, it started off as a bet
We both know it's wrong but we can't stay apart
Pulling the trigger will only take us to the start
No lubricant in the world can ease the friction in between
If I'm the king babe you're the queen
It's suicidal, it's catastrophic; that's all that is in store
These frantic moments of kamikaze love is what I live for...
1.2k · Mar 2015
Rahul Luthra Mar 2015
There's a feeling you know
A feeling deep inside
One that cannot be rightly expressed
You may show it with anger, love or pain
Some may hide it with a smile
But the strongest remain completely silent
It's a feeling of being neglected
It's when you feel dejected
1.1k · Dec 2013
Rahul Luthra Dec 2013
My country says that same *** marriage is illegal
They have put a ban on it and 10 years imprisonment
They have the time to make such decisions
But not the time to put a protection on women
In a country where women feel animals are safer than them
In a country where 1.3 billions reside
The Supreme Court's decision on 11th December, 2013 has made me believe that elders aren't always right
Even if they think they are
That the government has some deep flaws
That the future of our generation are a bunch of blind sheep following the sherpa
1.1k · Feb 2015
A Smile
Rahul Luthra Feb 2015
My mission in life is not too complex
It isn't to cause hate, nor is it to impress
It's quite simple, but only if you see it the right way
I try achieving this goal every single day
It's right when they say this world's too small for hate
It saddens me when peace is disrupted among a country or a state
So I try to start small but make an impact big
To get a smile on that face; Oink Oink I'm a pig
A smile on that face is the prettiest thing in this world
It will handle any object your life has hurled
Happiness is contagious; it gives everyone a reason to smile
It speaks volumes about you; way more than your resume file
To make someone smile or get someone's heart burst with joy
Is something I'd do in a jiffy without being joy
So get ready for this ball of happiness, it's coming to you
Together lets change this world and give it something new
So put a smile on someone's face and just see the satisfaction you get
It's like freeing an animal from a cage or a net
It loosens your burdens and makes you feel lighter
How do you think some are cured of cancer? Medicines? No no...Their smiles are the real fighter
So get rid of this negativity cavity
And spread around the positivity
So heal the world and make it a better place
Life is a group activity, not an individual race...
Thanks saachi
1.0k · Feb 2015
Scentless Apprentice
Rahul Luthra Feb 2015
Born as a no one, destined to be a some one
Born ugly, but grew up to stun
Cut off from the rest from the very start
He paid no heed and said : "Here smell my ****"
No one wasted their time on him so he did the same
His controversial attitude didn't stop him from shooting to fame
"This ain't one to fight for"
said the doctor to the nurse
If he could then, oh
how he'd curse
The black sheep in the herd of white
Not losing any chance to fight
He had his own world, he had his own life
This is the story of a scentless apprentice....
1.0k · May 2014
Error 404
Rahul Luthra May 2014
I say Hi they say Hey
When I walk past them on the way
But that's just a way to be polite
'Cause someone taught me this one thing
Whether you're slave or whether you're king
You should always greet someone in sight
I go on with my day
With the work I have to do
Who am I?
Oh, I don't have a clue!
It's funny that we are being called by a name
And that same name becomes popular when the owner shoots to fame
People expect us to make a change the moment we arrive on this planet
To make another Taj Mahal or write something like Hamlet
So instead of enjoying life, we try to make impress others
Even if that means selling our sisters and our brothers
But what sense does it make if at the end of the day
You take off your happy mask to find your face full of hatred
But that hatred is for nobody else but you
Take an example from your feet and try to fit into your perfect shoe...
1000 · May 2014
Rahul Luthra May 2014
What is immortal, can you tell me?
The land that you stand on or the imperial sea?
However strong you are, you're subject to change
Everything will get destroyed, even the great Himalayan range
And for all this, the root cause is time
You can see the ill waiting fearfully on their beds as the clocks chime
Everything has an end, nothing lives forever
No not even the intelligent ; even Einstein died despite being so clever
Time is the little **** which has you in its paws, no matter how hard you strive
So live life to its fullest ; it's not like you're getting out alive...
997 · Mar 2014
The Boy Who Knew Too Much
Rahul Luthra Mar 2014
He was confined to his room and seldom left the house
His parents were scared of the attention he may arouse
At 3 months itself he had started to speak
Relatives never stayed in touch because they thought he was a freak
With an IQ level higher than Albert Einstein
If he was let go he would definitely be enshrined
At the age of 7 he had deciphered meta physics
The reason for this boy being so smart was apparently his brain being psychedelic
At the age of 9, his parents found a hand made robot under his bed
And a self made bike, like never seen before, in their shed
He never went to school and was tutored at home
Though he never needed either due to his extraordinary chromosone
His weakness was the ordinary; he couldn't calculate when to break or when to steer
On the other hand, his eidetic memory allowed him to recite all 154 sonnets of William Shakespeare
The only real fear for the parents was the world finding out
Nothing stays in; the suspicious neighbors broke in, saw his works and let out a shout
So the parents took the boy and made a run for it
The boy trailed behind clueless;  this wasn't his area of wit
But nothing can stay a secret in this world of nosy men
The government, in no time, located their den
His parents didn't want him to get into the wrong hands; but they couldn't even ask him to run
And that's why The Boy Who Knew Too Much would never again see the sun...
990 · Dec 2014
Let December Glow in Flames
Rahul Luthra Dec 2014
Tis' the last month of the year,
so it's bound to get cold
Time for the year to pass by,
it's gotten too old
It's the month of Christmas,
a month to remember
After 11 months of anticipation,
it's finally December
The year gone by,
is just another book
The story depends on,
the type of story you undertook
Memories are made,
and so is history
But no one looks back,
everyone wants to uncover tomorrows mystery
The dying year,
gleams unlike its age
A phoenix will rise from the ashes,
fresh with a new page
Do the right thing and,
wisely play the years last few games
For the phoenix will rise,
so at the end, let December glow in flames....
989 · Dec 2013
Questions Unanswered
Rahul Luthra Dec 2013
Why do we wait a whole year to make resolutions when we can work on then now?
Are we scared and thus want to procrastinate them somehow?
Why is it that when we're kids we're scared of monsters under the bed
And when we grow older we aren't scared because we realize the monsters are in our head
Why is it that we are scared of the dark whereas it holds the same things when it's light
Is it because we're scared we might do something wrong because we are out of sight?
Why is it that when we see a disheveled man wearing rags we're afraid he might steal
Whereas nowadays smart men behind a huge desk are way better at this deal
Why is it that we ask so many questions but have so many unanswered
Is it because we're scared of the truth that will come out if they're answered?
953 · Sep 2014
The Song Remains The Same
Rahul Luthra Sep 2014
I thought it would change by the time I grow old
But it only multiplied by about a ten - fold
There some things in life you can never get rid of
It sticks to you like a bad cough
The anger boils inside the same way it did before
And the beast gets stronger in proportion to how much I store
The bright side is that I have learnt to tame the beast
The dark side is that I have never denied it a feast
From a bad habit it has turned into a passion
Every time it changes its fashion
The satisfaction I get when I let the beast out
Is by far my most dangerous side without any doubt
As hard as I may try I can never change
This is my destiny however much I find it strange
I may be well civilised during day light
But I resort to my hunger as soon as it's night
No no don't worry I'm not a vampire
I can walk about during the day without glowing or catching fire
Not everything changes in this fast - changing world
In the last 30 years this truth has slowly unfurled
"Old habits die hard" is my new belief
After every hunt I give a sigh of relief
You may give a person money or a lot of fame
But, my friends, The Song Remains The Same...
913 · Jan 2014
A Wider Vision
Rahul Luthra Jan 2014
The world didn't get worse
your vision just got wider
Al the disruptions on our planet
aren't just because of Al Qaeda
When you were small
bursting crackers was just for fun
The older and more sensible You realizes it chokes our planet
You needn't press the trigger just because you possess the gun
The world was always the same
the corruption was always growing steady
It's up to you which side you want to choose
Let me know when you're ready
Not everything remains the same because
perspectives change as you grow older
You feel sad for the older generation who get cast out
whereas at home you give your parents the cold shoulder
Tale off your ignorant glasses and have a look around you
There is still humanity present
Though it does need a gentle push and
I only see it when things get unpleasant
The more you understand the world
the more you seem to give it hate
I shudder to imagine if there will be
any love left on this planet at this rate
The world didn't get worse
your vision just got wider
The room behind you is clean so that
what you see in front of you is tidier
911 · Mar 2015
Rahul Luthra Mar 2015
Oh look at us
We're the country with a huge population
And so are bound to have a huge population of idiots too
And here's what a few idiotic things we do:
Lets ban beef you know
Cuz it's holy
But at the same time eat other animals like pig and chicken
And even mistreat some animals
But yeah no beef guys
Otherwise five years of imprisonment
And it completely makes sense ok
Even though the jail time for man - slaughter
is 2 years
Lets ban videos which contain a few abusive words
Cuz they're totally a threat to the nation
And on the other hand lets put up videos
And make rapists famous
Lets listen to their views on why they *****
And let them go
I mean
Mistakes happen, right?

What's happening to my country...
898 · Dec 2013
Broken Fairy Tales
Rahul Luthra Dec 2013
See that unicorn dad
It's so pretty will i get to ride it some day?
Oh yes darling you will
Sit on it and you shall run through Rainbows and on a cloud you'll find a place to stay
Will the house be made of cotton candies and a marshmallow Window?
Oh yes darling and the the rain made of chocolate and the rainbow your personal metro
Years later I'm still waiting now impatient for my daddy's words to come true
They will come true won't they Peter?
And he laughs again hysterically without much ado
Broken promises and fairytales are one and the same
Both are lies and steal our happiness and leave us feeling ashamed
For we had waited year after year to see it finally come true
My daddy was lying, but I was so young that I didn't have a clue
When it rains i always go out and open my mouth
I expect chocolate but all I get is ***** water and hear my caretaker shout
I see a rainbow and pray my unicorn takes me away from this horrid place
A horrid place where If I blurt out my fantasies, I get a slap right across my face
But I do see my daddy up there its his imagination after all
He went ever so high after, from our flat, he took that massive fall....
886 · Nov 2016
Broken Pieces
Rahul Luthra Nov 2016
It feels like a tight slap to the face, they say, when you fall in love
But at the same time you feel blessed, just like when you see a beautiful dove
You can't really stop it from happening, it's sort of like fate
Sometimes it takes a lot of time, sometimes just one date
The rush it gives you is like something you've never felt
And your heart, oh boy, it has finally learnt how to melt
Because to love someone is the most intimate feeling
For your heart is attracted to something that it finds appealing
That's the only time you let your guard down
And that makes you vulnerable, as you're no longer the king of your own town
To break something so shaky is the easiest thing ever
I guess this was one of Satan's most successful endeavor
The world would have been a sadder but easier place if we all didn't have a heart
Because when you think with only your brain, there's no emotions and that makes you smart
When you fall in love, you kinda go blind
Which makes pain inevitable, striking you right up the hind
It's really really bad when you get your heart broken
It's kinda like Cupid's souvenir, like a little token
But that doesn't stop us, does it, from trying once more
And that makes us all stupid, because we know what's in store
864 · Nov 2014
Perfectly Flawed
Rahul Luthra Nov 2014
T'was long ago way before Christ
Sometime before Adam and Eve had rised
He looked upon his creation feeling quite proud
But something was missing; he could point it out in the crowd
'He' was Almighty, The Creator....God
His creation in front of him was anything but flawed
But it was too plain, like food without salt
Suddenly God realised what was his fault
It is said that the human body has the universe in them
From iron to water, from gold to magnesium
God had spent centuries designing this new creature
He had given it His all, designed every feature
Now as he stood admiring his work he felt a pang of guilt
Would the liquids leak out? Nah, the skin was smoother than a quilt
He'd forgotten something crucial which would make his creature unique
The body was a tad bit common; Apes had the same physique
All creatures had a brain, that's how they worked
The brain helped them survive, as they stealthily lurked
But what was that one thing that could build more than strength
Which could build emotions up to any length
It would build love, it would give pain
It would create demons that just wanted to gain'
It would latch onto the body like a parasitic insect
But most important of all it would never be perfect
He placed the beating red thing inside which would later be called a heart
He stood there admiring his last piece of Art
His work done, stood the Master of the Universe...God
His creation in front oh him was now perfectly flawed...
837 · Jan 2014
Life Hacks
Rahul Luthra Jan 2014
The depression sets in and the pain gets steady
You don't know if you will ever be ready
To face the world again

The cuts and bruises may be temporary
But the scars are etched permanently
On your heart

You see more darkness than the light
You know you're gonna lose this fight
But you stand up once again

Cuz you know it's darkest before dawn
The ant may fall a 100 times but never gives up
And believing in yourself is the only key
Be strong and get your foes down on their knees
If you fall and you stay you will never succeed
The winners in life are those who get back on their feet
The bigger you are the harder you fall
So put your ego aside and learn how to crawl
'Never Give Up' should be your only motto in life
For this you don't need strength, but wit that's sharper than the knife

So if you ever fall down, it's life on test mode
And to get back on your feet you've gotta remove that load
Put lesser things on your plate and make your life simple
Smile so bright that they all see your dimple
Be happy and everyone will be happy with you
Cuz no one likes a sad soul and that's a story which is true
I know it's easier said than done
But there's no harm in trying so please don't run
799 · Apr 2014
Highway to Hell
Rahul Luthra Apr 2014
Packing my luggage for this long journey
I know Satan's my only attorney
Committed more sins than I should have liked
Don't matter if it's a car or a bike
Don't matter what I'm gonna travel in
I'm more worried about the punishment for my sin
I hope there is a strong seat belt
To save me from those ***** of fire they're gonna pelt
Cuz I'm on a highway to hell
And I can definitely tell
That what I see at the end
Is more than a highway bend
I've seen a lot of movies that has shown us hell
Will they deep fry me or my soul will they sell
Will Lucifer have two horns and a long tail
And when he comes in do we have to bend on our knees and hail
If I've committed too many sins will they send me to purgatory
Cuz if they do that'll be a different story
But one thing's for sure I'm going straight down
I've created a big mess so I'm being sent to Satan's town
I'm on a highway to hell
I'm not getting purged by ringing the church's bell
It's gonna be a **** long road
They're gonna torture me, but that'll lift off my load...
799 · Jan 2014
Rahul Luthra Jan 2014
Every year on 26th January I turn on my TV at 8
To watch our soldiers marching, planes gliding and tanks rolling through India Gate
Watching these soldiers march in their handsome uniforms makes me extremely proud
And on this day we also mourn the losses of people who, for the Nation, wore the shroud
This day, unlike others, isn’t just a holiday for me
It symbolises the day when, from British rule, we finally broke free
The sacrifice and struggle that Indians went through then were huge
In their own country, they couldn’t be a refuge
Jawaharlal Nehru, Mahatma Gandhi, Subhash Chandra Bose were a few who fought for our country and shot to fame
But what about the thousand others who sacrificed their entire lives, but we still don’t know their name!
Do you know why 26th January 1950 was the chosen date?
Because exactly 20 years on the same date the INC proclaimed the Declaration of Independence after winning the debate!
This day celebrates the coming into force of India’s constitution
This is the world’s largest document and respects every institution
But after all these years is India still an independent republic
Or is it a monarch hiding in the skins of general public?
761 · Aug 2018
Euphoric Depression
Rahul Luthra Aug 2018
Clouds everywhere
Yet blinded by the sun
The rain pours
On my lifeless skin
Nothing is exciting
Everything is mainstream
Pain is romanticized
And thus
Makes it dull
And boring
Real pain
Isn't what they show you
In movies
To understand real pain
To get a real taste of depression
You've got to be broken
On the Inside
And when you've been broken
Again and again
Time and again
You start to crave that pain
You're too proud to admit it
You think
People will call you
Mentally unstable
Guess what
Guess who lives
In an unstable society
Perpetually in pain they don't even know
Ever existed
While always lamenting about
These minor pit-stops
Pain is forever
Pain never leaves
Don't expect it to
Deep inside
You don't want it to
You'll never understand
You'll never know why
Only a few
Have made peace
With this obsession
Is what fuels the fire
To your euphoric depression
760 · Jul 2014
A Purpose
Rahul Luthra Jul 2014
People say then can't do it no more
That they can't live with the strife
They gave up way too easily
And end up picking up the kitchen knife
But I do not agree
There's so much more to life
Whether it's hunting down a new burger joint
Or watching the Sunday game with the kids and the wife
Each one is born with a purpose
That purpose may be big or small
Curing cancer or bringing a smile to someone's face
How you see it is your call
Giving up is a phrase everyone should forget
It is merely an illusion
You were made to do something special
Don't let those 2 words be an intrusion
Yes, it is good to be important
But it is more important to be good
Getting hate in a few eyes to help the needy
That's an important lesson taught to us by Robin Hood
But don't get me wrong I'm not putting any pressure
You needn't cure cancer while you're here
The best thing one can do, in my opinion
Is bring out a smile from someone's tear...
743 · Jul 2018
Rahul Luthra Jul 2018
Everybody knows it
But no one cares
The world as we know it
Is ******
Maybe you can help out
But to be honest
How many can you help
Everyone's out for themselves
No one gives a ****
About the poor
Who knock on your window
The world is beyond ******
You don't want to believe it
But deep inside
You know it's true
So maybe
If you do want to help
If you do think
That you can make a difference
Just give someone a reason
To smile
700 · Jul 2014
Rahul Luthra Jul 2014
Sometimes it flows softly in your ears
Leaving you in tears
Because the impact it creates is deep
And this is a memory you'd want to keep
Music, whether it's soft or loud
Each has a mood, sad or proud
Each has a different tune, a different meaning
Each, to someone or the other, is appealing
The world of music is vast
A world where no one feels like an outcast
The genres in music greatly vary
The instruments that create music are legendary
Music with deep meaning is a trend
Though for some it may be hard to comprehend
Music without words is actually the latest trend
There are people who judge you on your music taste and only then agree to be your friend
The rock music that you love may, for others be scary
Next time you break a tooth, request a musical tooth from the tooth fairy...
700 · Aug 2018
Rahul Luthra Aug 2018
Are a *****
You do things
Not for yourself
But to please others
But why
Why live for others
When your life
Is clearly
Why bother about others
And their expectations
Whatever you do
Should be for yourself
I'm not advocating
Do live a little for others
But don't be afraid to
Live and laugh
For yourself
Your life
Is your own
Any expectation
That exists
Should be from you
To you
So that even when you
Pull off the unexpected
You only need to
Explain it
To yourself
675 · Apr 2014
Rahul Luthra Apr 2014
Living is a punishment for our past life sins
If you disagree you can throw your criticism in the dustbin
Waking up just to face that ******* all over again
I don't even care if my poems or whatever you call it rhyme anymore
I guess this is the one place I can vent out my anger
I'm sorry if I'm disturbing you by coming in your news feed you can block me you know
But i keep questioning myself
Why live life which is gonna go unnoticed; just gives me more stress
Meh I think I need therapy or maybe just food
Why am i in this lousy mood
Hahah it rhymed up there^
Writing is my only breakthrough
So i wish one day i can look back at this thing and have a hearty life
no relax im not suicidal just having a bad time
and believe it or not writing nonsense feels so good i can actually feel the pressure lifting
it's like a gift he's given all of us, write and feel your mood shifting
there i did it again :D
too a happier life
and the end of my strife
Meh I'm sad ignore this if you can
675 · Sep 2014
DaZed & ConfUSeD
Rahul Luthra Sep 2014
Hey;... I'm high again'
I forgot to say amen
Please pass me that purple haze
This is just another phase
I can hardly walk
I hear gibberish when I talk
My head is splitting open
But I like this...
Everything is so **** hazy
And I feel so lazy
And my vision; yeah it *****
But I don't give a f...
I'm dazed and confused
Although a little bit amused
I wish this feeling never stops
This feeling turns me on....
I sense my senses going
Used sense twice what am I doing
I need some space
I can only see her face
I'm dazed and confused
For those substances I abused
Forgive me Lord for I have sinned
I feel lighter than the wind
I don't ever wanna get outta this feeling
This caged freedom is my new life...
It's just an experiment (the new style of writing, i mean :P )
659 · Feb 2015
Bring More Knives
Rahul Luthra Feb 2015
It's a blood bath again
one that's taking place after a long time
Both sides have a strong army
and the clocks ticking like a powerful enzyme
Men, women and children;
all are going to have participated
This fight's not been influenced
no one has been forcefully stipulated
I guess that's the only beauty here
everyone's fighting for their blood
The very same blood which in two days
will have caused a huge flood
They're gonna fight to the end
no one's gonna back out
They're gonna let you leave once you're in
no matter how much you shout
It may go on for days, it may go one for months
depending how many are willing to stake their lives
So don't being bring guns, you'll run outta amo
just bring your guts...and yeah bring more knives....
653 · Mar 2014
India's Pride
Rahul Luthra Mar 2014
Proud as can be, majestically striding
As soon as they see him, animals go in hiding
Black stripes and yellow paint
His loud roar makes me feel faint
Tiger, tiger! You're so elegant
They're all scared of you, be it a squirrel or an elephant
So scary but you have such beautiful eyes
Tour preys go in a trance before they lose their lives
But only a few of you left; what have we humans done?
Killing the Nation's Pride because we think it's fun?
Stop this atrocity and use your mind!
Our tiger is truly one of a kind...
638 · Jul 2014
Rahul Luthra Jul 2014
Last thing I remember was falling through the dark
No longer was I troubled if whether I'd make a mark
No fear, no sadness, no emotions at all
In doubt whether I should stand, sit or crawl
This new world around me is so vague
Wondering what to do with nothing at stake
I feel a wild wind but I have no mood to fly a kite
Is there any use eating when I no longer have an appetite?
But the troubles and miseries have all gone away
Come to think of it, nothing actually did stay
My body's lying somewhere now completely rotten
The person who I was is now completely forgotten
There's an emptiness within, which I can't define
No God to pray to so who should I enshrine?
The emptiness I feel has replaced the stress
Everything I have ever learned is now rendered useless
No expectations to live up to, no hearts to win
All emotions and manners are as good as in the dustbin
For this feeling is something I've never felt before
It's something like content; I'm not sure
All the worries of life I have left behind
No more waking up to life's everyday grind
My mind may be locked but I don't wonder about the keys
For now, I can finally rest in peace...
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